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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1517344
a winter break in the city

The Lights

I had had just been told I landed in JFK airport by the pilot. When I looked outside my window and saw the snow on the ground and the lights of the Veriazono Bridge. It was beautiful; it just past seven-o-clock and the sky was dark but not too dark. I could still see the clouds of color in the sky. Florescent but still like a glass of milk being poured into the atmosphere.

I got off the plane and head towards baggage. I was real excited, after all this was my first time in the big city by myself. Samantha, Amy and I start towards the hotel. After meeting up a baggage It was a big deal for the three of us to be on this trip. It was our first semester of college and we were on winter break. We had planed this trip since before high school ended. Samantha, Amy and I opened a joint account and put money in it every week to save up. Now I can’t even believe it, WERE HERE!

As we pasted Rockefeller Center I brought up the topic of food, me being I little on the cubby side, I’m always hungry. So I looked at the girl and asked them their opinions. “What should we eat?” I said. We weren’t really aware of how many places there was to chose from, so we just looked for the nearest Mickey D’s and called it a night.

When we got to the Sheraton we check in and went up to our room, room 164. The second floor, third door to your right. I remember like it was yesterday. We walked in with our eye closed and our head’s full of excitement. It was amazing two big queen size bed and the room was made up as if we were a celebrity there was movie posters and recorder albums on the walls and the bedding twas colorful and made us think we were in Hollywood

After that we were all exhausted we all went to bed. In the morning we when to Macy to see Santa. I got to tell you that Macy Santa Village is one of a kind. We spent the rest of the day window shop, what else is more exciting than looking at things you can’t have.

We stop on the way back to the Sheraton at Dave and Busters man I’ll tell you it was the coolest place I’ve ever been. We were out until two-o-clock in the morning it was so much fun we get a meal and a free card with 10,000 points on it, then after we’ve spend all your point you cash in you tickets and bought more points. It was so much fun feeling like a little kid again. And the food was good too. Wow when we got back to the hotel we were wiped.

The three of us agreed we wanted to go to the spa. So the next day being that we had been saving for a really long time. When we got back to the hotel we all agreed to order a limo service for the day. It was cool because we felt like total celebrities

When we got in the limo the next morning Samantha’s first question was.” Where’s the TV?” now I thought I was the couch potato but obviously not today. When we were all settled we were off for a day of relaxation. When we walk in the spa there was a fountain big as a house and it was full of pennies people had made wishes on. The spa itself was a clam atmosphere it was painted and a baby blue color and the people were really nice.

When it was all over and we got back in the limo from our massages we felt very relaxed and very tired too so we deicide to skip dinner out, and just go back to the hotel. Samantha, Amy and I all cashed in a little earlier than planed. It was a long day though and we had another one coming. “Good night” I said “good night” the girl echoed. As we all slowly drifted off.

The next day was the best of them all we had front row seat and back stage passes to TRL (Total Request Live.) It was going to be great. I mean what could go wrong when you right there in front of one of the hottest guy on TV, Carson Daily. And the guest was the reason the three of us where even friends Madonna.

We walked to the MTV station because it was only about a half- block from our Sheraton. We got there showed the man outside our tickets, and went upstairs. We were there just in time, they were just announcing the number-ten video, when we got upstairs. Out came Carson Daily “wow” I said “he is hotter in real life” I whispered to Sam. Then the number ten video came on all the screens and everyone screened because it was Backstreet Boys doing backstreet back.

Later on in the show Madonna’s security guard came over to us and told us we could see her. We told Madonna all about how we met and that she was the reason we where even friends.

When we got out of TRL we went downstairs to the gift-shop and bought tones of silver- nears. I bought a t-shirt and a new tote for school. Sam and Amy were just copycats. After-warred we walked back to the hotel and pick-up some brochure of what was hot to eat in city, we decided on Jaclyn Hided it was cool too. It was like diner show. There was a Feinstein hanging from the ceiling THAT WAS AWSOME! Then when we where done we went back to the hotel and snuggled in the bed. It was late.

The last day was sad but great too. Each day had it own perks. We went to a Broadway to see show. A Christmas Carol it was amazing the sing and dance was nothing like I had ever experienced. It even made me cry, when tiny Tim died I felt the whole time like I was in the show. That what was special about Broadway you’re always so intent and like you’re in the show. In the finally it snowed and everyone cheered for the cast.

Like I was saying the last day was really emotional and was sad, I didn’t want to go home. I wanted to live the life of a New Yorker forever. Then it was time to leave and the car took us to the airport. As the obvious three musketeers said their final goodbyes and hugged, I cried. Did you ever notice how hard it is to say goodbye to someone you dearly close to and just spent tones of time with? I learned that. This week IT HARD!!

When I cried it was not a lot but one single tear a tear of happiness and sadness to leave my friend my good times in the city that never sleep’s. I got on plane and blow a kiss to my buddies cried one last tear as we took off and I once again watched the skyline and the light of the Veriazono Bridge covered in snow, this time saying it’s goodbyes.

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