Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1521128-A-Dream
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1521128
A Poem I wrote for "My Someone Special"
"A DREAM"©2008


One night I had a dream
I was lost and alone in the middle of a forest
As I walked along searching desperately for an escape
I started to hear something!!

“What was that”, I thought as my head raced.
I had to listen very hard
And then it came to me
It was voices, tiny whispers, and then at times seemed to gentle sobs
And then; painful cries.

I could only hear bits and pieces from time to time
But when I could, or thought I could hear something
It; for some reason made thoughts and memories
Come flooding into my already clouded mind

As I tried to shake it off
All I could feel was pity for whomever the voices were coming
Because I knew how they must be feeling
Yet still walking
The shadows started to look like fleeting figures

Some were most startling
And yet others for some reason
Brought me some peace
I can remember thinking
“Please god, please someone help me”

The path was narrow
I had a feeling that if I stepped off
I would be lost forever
Never to be seen again

It was very stony
At times it just felt
As if I was merely walking in circles

I walked for not what seemed like days
Nor even weeks
It seemed more like years
All the while thinking
“How could someone be lost for years walking in circles?”

The wind that embraced me was like a gentle hand
But then; all at once,
As if there were a scream that would grip your very soul
It turned bitterly cold and chilling
It was almost as if the voices
Were in control of the elements

Then all at once for whatever reason
That I still do not understand
I looked up and saw a small glint of light

It seemed very far away
But then in just a few steps
It seemed to grow larger
Then another voice caught my ear

It was calling my name
Who could this be?
Who would know me here?

My heart leapt
I felt the overwhelming urge to run towards the voice
But there was no need
For I was already there
Right at the edge of the forest

I stepped out into the most beautiful meadow
Filled with flowers, butterflies, and sunlight
I then saw from whence the voice was calling
I saw the one that was saying my name

It was you

Standing there with your arms open wide
Ready to pull me into you
Ready to take away all of my heart aches
Ready to take away all my fears

I fell into the security of your arms

A great peace came over me
I was no longer afraid

With my new found courage
I turned once more to look at the dark and awful place
From which I had emerged
To my surprise
It all became clear to me

The dark forest was my life
The voices were my memories

As I turned back to you
I realized that it was you
Who saved me
You were the one calling my name

When I was lost
You brought me to the light
You brought me out of my steppe
You brought me right into your loving arms

Where at last
I felt safe
I felt loved
And for the first time
I felt happiness

Thank you for saving me
© Copyright 2009 Kimberly (kimmi_dawn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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