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by Laila
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1539213
A light hearted romance about a girl who tries to impress her first love.
                              One Chance to Impress

“This was a mistake!” Rajeev Nehru rarely made mistakes, but this definitely was one of them. Wearing pants which were a little too snug, a shirt one size too small standing under a high powered spotlight which highlighted his every muscle while sweat trickled down his back, Rajeev cursed Pushkar. All Rajeev wanted was to stride off the stage and get back to the comforts of his office, but all he could do was stand, pose and smile while all the socialites scurried to lay their bid, in an effort to own Rajeev Nehru for one day! With his boyish good looks, lethal brown eyes as warm as thick maple syrup with a delightfully mischievous twinkle and a smile that would melt your heart Rajeev Nehru was a man pursued. His status as one of India’s leading industrialist’s made him more desirable and just as elusive. Though a bachelor Rajeev Nehru was certainly no playboy; in fact he was every woman’s perfect man.

Diya walked against the crowd; she had to go receive her prize. Dressed in a Jean Paul Gaultier red empire waist mini dress with a delicate lace panel neckline, suspenders for straps and a skirt with a swirling hemline, Diya in her own opinion looked like the high fashion models Rajeev dated. She had spent a lot of money on her dress and the Balenciaga shoes which were now killing her feet. Then there was the spa treatment for the skin, hair and make up. She was sure dressing up as a bride would have been cheaper. But today she had dressed to impress India’s business tycoon, her brother’s best friend and the man who had been her first crush, now was her first love. She felt confident and ready to impress him in his world on her terms.

A lock of hair lay carelessly on his forehead along with a frown. The only question Rajeev wanted answered right now was who bought him? His mind juggling a hundred balls; the fiscal report lay untouched on his desk, notes for tomorrow’s merger had to be proof read, the land deal papers had to be submitted to the state government for approval. Every thing more important, everything needing his immediate attention, yet he could not leave. He had to meet the person who had bought him! Wondering what the next 24 hours held in store Rajeev did not see the woman who owned him standing, staring, grinning at him. Until he felt a tap and heard,
“Hi Rajeev, ready to leave this place?”
Startled to see Pushkar’s little sister, Rajeev said
“Diya! What are you doing here?”
“Let’s go Rajeev I am here for you!”
“Oh Good, now you can drive me to the office and then you can go and enjoy your Saturday night”
“Hell No! I own you for 24 hours and you mon cherie will be spending the evening my way!”
Stunned Rajeev stared at Diya, suddenly noting she looked different. Gone was the mousy girl he associated as Pushkar’s sister, before him stood a girl oozing sensuality and dressed to kill. Unsure if he wanted to spend the evening with this Diya he tried once again,
“Diya I have a lot of pending work. It’s because of Pushkar I am here wasting my time. A big check would have helped the same. But Pushkar thought otherwise. Take me to the office I have a mountain of work to tackle.”
But Diya was determined, this was her only chance to impress the mighty Rajeev Nehru and impress him she would,
“Sorry Rajeev, if you like I will assist you after the 24 hours to make the mountain of work into a mole hill, but now your mine!”
Diya then led Rajeev to the white stretch limousine waiting for them outside. Unable to wriggle out of this commitment Rajeev followed.
Rajeev climbed into the privately chartered Gulf Stream G550, settled into the dark brown calf leather couch, pulled out his cigarettes. Before he could light up Diya said;
“Oh no, you don’t. No cigarettes in enclosed spaces. I value my lungs even if you don’t!”
“Diya I need my cigarettes to survive, any way where are we going?”
“Destination is a surprise. Relax Rajeev you will have fun.” Smiling she sat next to him exposing a good amount her thigh.
Surprised Rajeev looked at her, pulled a traveling blanket from the rack next to the couch and covered her up,
“Does Pushkar know your wearing minis and traveling with his best friend to destinations unknown?’
“Pushkar is my brother not my guardian. The destination is not unknown I know where we are going and what we are going to do. You sit and relax, you’re in good hands.” Diya said with a smug smile.
Not wanting to get into an argument Rajeev pulled a business magazine and settled for the ride.

Disembarking Rajeev looked then smiled, they were in Dubai. A city he knew well had friends and business associates. He still did not know why Diya wanted to spend time with him but he was beginning to relax. On reaching the Burj Al Arabia Rajeev was surprised to see the pent house suite booked for them.
“You booked one room!” Rajeev almost yelled with surprise and shock.
“It’s a pent house suite with more than 2 bedrooms. Did you think we would share a bed? Is that your fantasy for tonight?”
“Diya, behave! You are Pushkar’s baby sister.”
“But still a woman, Rajeev. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice!”
Not wanting to tread into dangerous waters Rajeev changed the subject,
“Which room do you want; I’ll take the other room. I need to send out some emails so don’t disturb me.” Rajeev said his voice sounding bored.
“Rajeev I paid good money for you, the order was “no work”! Have you heard all work and no play made Rajeev a boring man? I for one have no intention of getting bored. Now be a good boy and get changed. There is a penguin suit in the closet of the blue and silver room for you.” Saying Diya turned and entered the green and gold room.

Dressed in a tuxedo by Valentino with a traditional two button lapel jacket white shirt, a black satin bow tie, his hair gelled back a silver Gucci watch on his wrist Rajeev looked scrumptiously delicious. Stepping into the shared parlor he looked around, Diya was nowhere in sight! Hating to be kept waiting Rajeev stood at the balcony door tapped his feet, ran his hands through his hair, the mussed hair giving a sexy rakish look. Oblivious to view before him of the glittering Dubai skyline graced with miles of ocean, Rajeev turned to go knock on Diya’s door, as he turned his eyes docked on Diya. Dressed in an amethyst color Adrianna Papell gown with a wrapped and beaded bust, a single twisted shoulder strap with a long, fluid gown, her ears adorned with matching amethyst and diamond earrings with a matching necklace. Her hair styled with curls that framed her face. Make up done to perfection. She looked dazzling Rajeev never thought of Diya as stunning, today he was proved wrong. She looked like a model ready to walk the ramp as a showstopper. “Two mistakes in one day. Tsk tsk tsk Mr. Nehru.” He admonished himself as he heard Diya say,
“Shall we?”
Rajeev held her small hand in his palm, guided her out the room for a night of rollicking fun.

Stepping into the panoramic elevator that would transport them 200 meters above sea level Rajeev waked to the left corner. Diya hesitated for a second, her thought on her next move, feeling uncomfortable to stand too close but knowing his usual set of girlfriends would slither close to him she sucked in her breath, walked up close placed one hand on his chest while hooked the other around his neck,
“Beautiful view isn’t it? She purred.
Before Rajeev could answer the elevator doors slid open. Rajeev extracted himself from Diya, walked out into the restaurant. 360 degrees of breath taking views of the Dubai skyline greeted him. Dancing moonbeams, flickering candles provided the only light, creating an aura of romance. Shadows danced on the walls concealing a person’s true thought. Soft strains of Bach filtered through.
“If this is how the date begins, how does it end?” Rajeev wondered. “What does Diya have in mind? His mind questioned. Walking up to him Diya slid her arm in his,
“Do you like the choice of restaurant? Needing reassurance she had hit the bulls eye with her choice she asked, “Isn’t this a place you would bring your girlfriends to?”
“Yes. Did you reserve the entire restaurant?”
“Of course! I did not want intruders. Tonight is about you and me!”
Surprised Rajeev looked at Diya gave her a once over, “About you and me? Where is this night headed Diya? Maybe I should call it a night now.”
“Are you chicken? Saying Diya clucked like a chicken.
“You are Pushkar’s baby sister, Diya. Making you off limits!”
“If I was not Pushkar’s baby sister would I be within limits?”
The way Diya looked tonight Rajeev wished he could answer that question. But then which was the real Diya? The down to earth shy girl he had known all his life or this sexy saucy Diya who stood in front of him? Rajeev knew one thing though his girlfriends were beautiful he did not want marry any one of them. For him the perfect wife would be a combination of traditional and modern. His girlfriends were too modern to be the type of wife he wanted. Hence his bachelorhood, he believed it was better to be a bachelor than to be tied in a marriage and be miserable.

Having ordered dinner Diya asked Rajeev to dance, moving into his arms she pulled her self closer by linking her arms around his neck. The smell of lilies wafted up to his nose. Liking the smell, the closeness Rajeev held her by her waist. As dinner was served Diya steered the conversation to topics she thought Rajeev’s girlfriends would discuss with him. Sitting across from Diya Rajeev wondered if he had misread Diya. If this was the real Diya did Pushkar know, should he tell him, that his baby sister is wooing her brother’s best friend? Unable to answer the question Rajeev mechanically answered Diya’s questions with the same rehearsed responses he gave his girlfriends. After dinner the server brought the dessert cart filled with Rajeev and Diya’s favorite. Wanting to eat her own slice of cheesecake but not wanting to lose the opportunity to get closer to Rajeev, Diya said
“Rajeev why don’t we share?” Pausing before she continued, “I don’t think I want an entire slice!”
Rajeev knew Diya never gave up an opportunity to gorge on cheesecake, so why did she not order her own slice he wondered. Unable to stop himself Rajeev asked,
“You love cheesecake, so why didn’t you order your own slice?”
“You remember I love cheesecake?” She asked her voice held excitement as well as surprise.
“Since I was a kid I have eaten cheesecake in your house at every party and Pushkar always insisted it was your favorite.”
“Oh, it’s because I am trying to lose weight”
“Diya you look perfect!”
“You think I am perfect?”

Diya stretched on the luxurious ivory satin sheets. Before she came fully awake, her mind meandered to last night. In her own opinion she had passed, Rajeev had not asked for the night to end early, they had ended up sharing one slice of cheesecake and he had said she was perfect! Smiling Diya slid off the bed, she did have today to convince him she was indeed perfect for him.

Intense preceded Rajeev as he walked out in a bathrobe, his hair wet from the shower with droplets of water gleaming on the chest hair peaking from the robe. Startled to see Diya on the bed, Rajeev gathered his robe closer before he said,
“I thought I would have privacy in the bedroom, either you leave this minute or this date is over. I will refund what you have paid for me!”
“Come on Rajeev, I am not the first one to see you in a robe. Plus your all covered up!” Diya said, quivering like jelly on the inside, but determined not to let Rajeev know she strode out laughing.

Dressed in lavender Capri’s with a white spaghetti strap shirt, hair banded in a ponytail, flip-flops on her feet Diya looked ready for the beach. Rajeev who had no idea what today held in store felt overdressed when he stepped out wearing khaki’s a white collared shirt with tan Salvatore Ferragamo sandals on his feet. David Yurman cable sunglasses perched on his head.
“Are we headed to the beach?”
“No, you and me in one room, no clothes under the sheet.” Diya said, winking while she waltzed out the door.
“What do you mean?” Asked Rajeev as his jaw dropped to the floor.
“Take a guess?”
“Diya! What do you mean by one room? No clothes? Under the sheets? I want an answer NOW before we leave this room” Rajeev said, his voice thunderously soft his temper waiting to explode.
“Relax Rajeev, we are headed to the spa for a day of relaxation.” Said Diya her face flushed, a cheeky grin on her face, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Rajeev looked at Diya more confused, which was the real Diya? But the bigger question on his mind was which Diya did he prefer? His mind skidded to halt, “prefer?” He questioned himself, “prefer for what” But his mind refused to answer, “Rajeev you need to stay away, she is the baby sister of your best friend!” Rajeev admonished himself. Keeping the thought of Diya being Pushkar’s baby sister firmly in the forefront he followed her. But the thought of preferring the Diya he always knew yet, enjoying the bolder, sassier Diya kept wafting through his mind.

Rajeev and Diya returned to their room ordered room service, selected a movie before they settled on the couch. Knowing her time was running out Diya gathered her courage, which was threatening to desert her, turning on the couch to face him, trembling on the inside, saying a prayer Diya asked,
“So Rajeev, you have spent the past 24 hours with me did you enjoy your self? What do you think did I impress you as much as your girlfriends?”
“Diya, which is the real you? Whom am I supposed to be impressed by? How should I be impressed by Diya when you yourself were not impressed by her, you felt the need to change. Now I don’t recognize Diya to be impressed by her. When you do find Diya again maybe we can go out and maybe I will be impressed by her.”
Saying Rajeev walked to his room, he at last knew why Diya wanted to spend time with him.

Diya had returned back from Dubai a woman on a mission. Her goal in life was to forget Rajeev Nehru, start her career eventually reaching her goal of running a school for children with special needs. She had achieved one goal; the second one was tougher than she thought. Rajeev stared at the card that lay propped on his desk; he was invited to the Merrywood School as chief guest for their annual day function. This was one event he never missed; he loved seeing the children overcome their special needs to perform on stage. Most of them were in wheelchairs, the words were never understood, yet it was one performance Rajeev looked forward to attending. Making sure his schedule was clear he headed out.

Rajeev as usual headed back stage first, to wish all the children good luck; it was a ritual he never missed. Entering the area he noted the usual chaos, parents, children, teachers all rushing to tuck a shirt, pin a blouse, encourage a child. Rajeev stood leaning against the door, his legs crossed taking it all in until his eyes landed on a familiar looking petite figure, hugging a child before she bent over to tie his shoe laces. Then rolled him to the stage only to come back, hug another child roll him to the stage this routine continued until all the children had taken their place on stage for the opening act. Surprised to see Diya at the school Rajeev strode towards her, gently tapped her shoulders,
“Hi Diya”
Startled at hearing the one voice Diya wished she never heard again, but knowing there was no escaping she sucked in her breath, turned around then said
“Hi Rajeev, how are you? How is work and everyone at home?”
Rajeev could not believe this was the same Diya who had whisked him off to Dubai, before him stood a woman dressed in a pale pink salwar kameez, her long straight hair open, no make up on her face except for the lip gloss she looked gorgeous. Gone was the mousy girl he knew as Pushkar’s sister gone was the stranger who took him to Dubai. Before him stood a woman he would like to know better, thinking about asking Diya out, he said
“We are all fine, how are you? How come you are here at this school?”
“I am teacher here, the best part of my day is spent here at school.” Diya answered her face down staring at his shoes.
Placing his finger under her chin he lifted her face until her eyes met his. All the times he had thought of Diya, wanted to know which was the true Diya came rushing back, with those thoughts on his mind Rajeev said,
“This Diya does impress me, she is someone I would love to know her better. Would you like to go for dinner with me tonight.”
Diya knew if she went out with Rajeev tonight they would be together forever, with that sole thought Diya nodded her head before she whispered,
“I would love to Rajeev Nehru.”

© Copyright 2009 Laila (laila_51 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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