Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540381-The-Day-My-World-Darkened
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1540381
Feeling blue from losing a loved one.
There is emptiness inside of me where you once dwelled. I suffer from emotional angst, and the wanting to be with you again. The rhythm of my heart is now missing a beat. I watched helplessly the day you were taken from my life, no longer here to lift me up. They say it was an accident, but that makes no difference. You still left your physical body behind, a heap of broken bones, and tattered skin. The driver of the car was drunk, having no idea the pain, and loss he inflicted. I feel sorry for him. He will have to live the rest of his days knowing that he delivered a soul to Heaven way before its time. He’ll probably drown himself with the same alcohol that reeked from his breath when he swerved and stole you from my life.

Many people have tried to console me. They claim to know how I feel. Only the broken-hearted can connect with the mental anguish, and loss of desire that has overpowered me. You don’t want to walk a mile in my shoes. It’s not a pleasant stroll.

The day of your funeral arrives, and it is fitting that there are black clouds overhead with no sun in sight. That’s how I’ve been feeling since the day my smile left as the horror unfolded before my eyes. The box that carries your empty shell is lowered to your place of rest. I cannot stop crying. You have moved on to a better place while I reside in my own personal hell, cursing at God for taking you from me. I know that sounds harsh, but it is how I feel right now. I’m all alone.

You gave my life meaning, and now you’re being eulogized by someone that didn’t even know you. He does not know the way your smile brightened my day more than any sun could. He does not know how with a single kiss you made all my problems irrelevant. Your touch filled my soul with warmth that no fire could ever match. He does not know you, and he never will.

The service ends, and the crowds filter out. Well wishers hug me, telling me everything will be fine. That’s easy to say when it’s not your loved one being buried. Everyone is gone, as I remain looking at your grave. I wish it was all just a bad nightmare, and I would wake in your arms with a feeling of relief. Reality sinks in, and I know that this nightmare will forever haunt my dreams. I may never sleep until next we meet. You’ll always have the key to my heart. Only you can fill its void. My remaining days will be spent waiting for the day when we can finally be together. Until then I shall roam this world alone, a piece of me already dead.

Word Count: 488

1st Place Winner in the "COLORING THE WORLD CONTEST", Round 82
© Copyright 2009 Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life (mike3l6 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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