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Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1540996
sex 18+ thats basically it ahha.
The events i want to happen in my life, and the events that actually happen in my life, are totally different things.

but sometimes they collide.

so here is my idea of everything that COULD happen, if it came down to it.

forget about problems.
this is just the fantasy script.

The hotel room is unlocked.

were inside, my black mini skirt swishing around my thighs as i walk.

im confident, hes in the palm of my hands and knows that i realize it.

i like it.
i love playing with my food (haha.)

i like teasing and tormenting until they cant stand it a second longer.

so ill turn my head slightly and flash him the glance that reads "come and get me."

and ill take a few more steps into the hotel room.

its faintly lit and smells like cleaness.

His black tight jeans turn me on so much.
i want to grab at him, to reach for him, but not yet.

but soon, yes.

im standing in front of the bed now.

he walks over, his fingertips rest on my bare shoulder.

i have a lowcut blak tanktop on.

my neon green bra straps poke out from underneath.

instantly, his touch sends my heart into a frenzy.

i want more, but all i do is give him a sly smile and pull myself close against him.

our bodies are touching, my stomache on his.

hes hard.
i hope.

i lower my hands and find one of his belt loops and hook my finger through it.

one of my favorite things to do.

his hands go around my waist, i lift my face up to his.

our tongues swirl around.
its a simple action, but complicated in my mind.

it stirs up any plans i had, blocking intelligent thoughts and only leaving me craving more.
i want to just rip his clothes off.
it will have to wait.

our kiss lingers, and then he pushes me backwards.


my cheeks are flushed and my heart pumping.

hes still leaned over me, standing, but my back is agaisnt the blankets.

hes definitely hard now.

i glance up into his eyes, butterflies fill my stomache.

this is too much.

i run my fingers through the back of his hair, my lips against his.
i pull him closer, almsot toppling him onto me but he holds his ground.

i push my hips forward slightly, jsut enough to rub against him faintly.

he leans me backwards and we makeout.

but thats when things get complicated.

i pull him and he falls forawrd, using one hand next to my ear to brace himself agaisnt the bed.

"Switch." i whipser, and i crawl backwards.

he lays down, i sit down on him (basically.)

a compromising position.

this way, any slight movement forward is like a gring.

a tormenting teasing grind against him, but so faint of one that it cant possible linger longer than a second.

yet it does, and our kissing is in a frenzied pattern now.

i cant take it.

i give him the sly smile again, my eyes wide and happy.

i tug the edge of my shirt.

"take it off me."

the fabric slides over my head, messing my hair up.

my top half is half naked.
i press against him, breathing in his warm scent.

its comforting.

i dont want this anymore, this style.

i want more.

its time to get risky.

i grab his hand and pull him into the bathroom, cracking the door to light it, but not turnign the light on.

i turn the shower on hot.

his eyes light up with curiosity and anxiety.

"what are you doing?"

"trying something." i reply.

i pull my skirt down and walk over to him.

i pull his shirt off, which he stays calm for.

then i hook my fingers in the waistband of his jeans and he squirms.


he looks at me blankly.

its the moment in which he must decide to go further or to stop.

to take the boring path or to give in to my desires.

in real life, we would stop.
it would end, wed makeout some more, wed put our articles of clothing back on.

but not in this story.

his mind is made up, and i smile.
he takes a breath as i pull his zipper down.

my fingers move easier than his on my bra clasp.

he figures it out, as do i.

we have the same amount of layers on now.

our shoes are lost somewhere else in the room.

our socks under the sink somewhere, not like we care.

i turn around and stand facing the shower.

he is facing me.

i slide the black thong down slowly.

it glides down the length of my legs and drops to the floor, and i turn my head slightly trying to judge his reaction.

he steps forward.

i step into the shower, the hot water instantly warms me.

i close my eyes adn run my figners through my hair, pushign it backwards.

pieces still hang around my face and in my eyes.

i feel his arms go around my waist.

i lean my head backwardsa nad it rests against his shoulder.

our backwards twist is short and simple, i turn and face him.

i pull him into the water, he seems cold anyways.

im wet now, in more ways than one.

im pressed against him, my arms around him.

our heigth difference is perfect.

its all so perfect.

i breathe in the steamed up air and clsoe my eyes, kissing him again.

time passes, my back ends up against the wall.

time will skip for a few seconds, to me placing a bottle in his hands and smiling my sly smile.

and the oil will be on his hands, on me, making the droplets glide over me and not on me.

his hands are in a million places, im wet and hot.

my cheeks will be flushed, we will have hurried actions that seem slow to us performing them,

my hands will wrap around him.

i bite my lip and look at him with large eyes.

i take one hand and run it through his wet hair.

hes perfect for me, i pray im perfect for him.

i want him and need him, and i express it in actions.

fuck the rules, fuck my life.

fuck me.

i whisper his name, attempting to torment him further.

"i need this." i smile at him, one hand wrapped around him.

i enjoy being with him too much, i enjoy his innocent torment as we go one step further.

i take his hand and place it gently underneath me, guiding him slowly.

he knows what to do, but has never tried it.

hes fine, i accept everything and anything and i kiss him deeply.

i take a deep breath one his figner is inside of me, my lungs reaching out for solid air.

minuets pass, my breathing stays contiously ragged.

our lips dont seperate.

my body is soaked, water drops run over my face and stick in my eyeslashes, my hair is soaking and hanging in my eyes.

now comes the part i enjoy.
i pull away from him, i bet he wonders my next move.

i kneel on the soaking wet floor of the shower.

im level with his dick.

i bet hes embarassed, but i dont want him to be.

i want him to relax.

i put my hand into his.

i lean forward and close my eyes.

i dont see, but he closes his eyes too.

his dick is warm against my tongue.

i try to open my mouth wider, im not really a pro at this, and id hate to bite.

(hehe. *wink*)

i vow to myself not to gag, and i push myself further.

the stopping point arrives, id rather not gag with it in my mouth anyway.

i pull backwards and twirl my tongue against the head.

he feels awkward, i feel confident.

im hoping hes at least enjoying it.

which i know he is beneath his embarassment.

i cant stand it.

i need the force, i need the pressure.

i need this.

i stand up and put on my best grr face.

then i demand my intentions.

"put it in me."

i say it so matter of factly, i almost want to laugh at the sudden demand that came out of my own mouth.

he looks startled, almost.

i press against him and lower my voice to a whisper.

"please, i want you so much."

is that enough to change his mind?

we are risky, we are horny, we are wet.

its enough.

a position needs to be agreed upon.

so i decide for us.

i lay down on the large floor of the shower, the water running beneath me.

chills go up my spine.

this is actually happening.


i dont know how to finish this story.

in my mind, about seven different scenarious happen.

there is pain, there is pressure and embarassment and awkwardness.

then theres the easier solutions, him grinding agaisnt me and me gasping for air and him breathing in the ragged sexy way that drives me absolutely insane.

either way, something ends up feeling good after a while.

so just use your imagination.


i want to taste him.

i want to feel it against my tongue.

i lean backward and take the tip of his dick against the front of my tongue, licking the underside.

and i swallow this foreign substance that my body does not recognize nor want, but i know this is how its going and theres no changing it.

i lick my lips and delicately smile at him.

"what do you think" i say in his ear, after we stand.

he feels awkward, his vocie is shot and his throat dry.

he gets out a raspy "wow."

and thats all i need.

he doesnt want me to kiss him, but i do.

closed-mouth, delicately.

sensitive and gentle.

i look up at him, my eyelashes heavy with water.

there will be an awkward pause, and a laugh from me.

and i will tell him the flat truth.

"i love you."

and whether he feels this too or does not, i wont care.

my decisions were made and my life was changed.

and we will resume our lives on wherever they were before we enetered the hotel room.

and its as simple and as complicated as that.

-Yunichi. *Heart*

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