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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1551028
Realty isn't nice to anyone, but when your secret desire is realized, what will happen?
Reality Sucks

I just can’t help but enjoy myself as I walk along the pathways of the park. For the first time in days, everything is quiet.

With no worries I enjoy the fragrance of the trees and the freshly cut grass as I stroll deeper into the woods. As the path narrows and winds between the trees, I watch the animals playing. Squirrels are running from tree to tree chittering at the interruption I am causing in their daily routine. I see a deer turn to look at me before she bounds off deeper into the woods.

What could ever be more peaceful that this? I ask myself. As I look at all the trees and animals I fail to notice the shadow that is following me. It moves from tree to tree expertly hiding in its shadows before moving on.

Reaching my favorite spot within the park, a clearing right at the edge of a small cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the park, I sit down and hang my feet over the edge as I take in the scene in front of me. The tops of the trees sway peacefully in the gentle evening breeze as the call of the birds can be heard floating back.

The peace of the forest slowly overtakes me and I lay back and close my eyes. How can it be that in such a war torn world, beauty like this still exists? I close my eyes and let the smell of the forest wash over me.

War! How can anyone fight over such a stupid incident? There are people on both sides that think the war is stupid, but there are more that want any reason to fight. Why can’t they just get along and give up this stupid war.

The shadow moved out cautiously from the cover of the trees and silently made its way over to the prone figure. Reaching into a fold of its clothes it silently draws forth a wicked looking dagger and advances.

Peace and calmness is what I feel when I’m here. Nothing could ever break the peace that I feel here. Well almost nothing…

I feel this weight on my chest pinning my arms to my side. The feel of cold hard steel pushing into my throat snaps me instantly back to reality as I realize that I was too lax in my senses.

“Don’t open your eyes.” I hear in a low voice as a cloth is placed across my eyes. When the blindfold is in place I am rolled over and my arms are tied together at the wrist and the elbows effectively cutting off any chance of slipping them free.

“Stand up.” I hear and I struggle to follow my assailant’s orders. Without my arms I find that standing is damn near impossible but felt a pair of hands grab me by the shoulders and help me to my feet.

“Now move.” A hand grabs my elbow and steers me away from the cliff and deeper into the woods. I’m steered around trees and anything that could trip me. My mind starts to work realizing the situation that I’m in and tries to come up with ways to get away from my captor. Sadly my mind comes up with more ways that I’m gonna die than ways for me to escape. Every one more painful than the last one.

The ground beneath my feet changes to become more like packed dirt. Did we begin to follow another path? Maybe someone will come and see us and rescue me. My hopes are killed as I sense walls around me. I cough experimentally and hear the echo off of walls. My heart sinks when I realize that if I’m killed, that possibly no one would ever find my body.

Led deeper into the cave I was forced to sit on the ground and wait for my captor’s next move. I try to calm down and figure out what my captor is doing but can only hear movement as they walk around the cave. By the range of their movements I guess the cave to be about thirty five to forty feet wide.

My thoughts are interrupted when a bright flickering light penetrates the edges of the blindfold. The yellow color and smell in the air tells me that my captor has lit a fire and is waiting for it to settle.

Grabbing my arm, I’m hauled to my feet and guided across the cave. I’m pushed down again onto what feels like a mattress to await my captor’s next move. I hear the slide of a pistol being pulled back then released before the cold steel of the barrel is placed to my temple.

“Now my little slave, It’s time to get down to the main course. The real reason I brought you here.”

“What do you want from me?” I asked a little frightened.

“Only what I’ve wanted for some time now.” My captor whispered into my ear. “You see, I’ve been watching you for a while now. You have exactly what I need and I’m gonna get it.”

“I won’t tell you anything.” I said.

“When I’m done with you, you’ll tell me whatever I want.” A hand came up and slowly began to remove my clothes. Instantly I began to struggle hoping to somehow escape what was to come. The barrel of the pistol was pressed into my temple harder.  “Don’t struggle, I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.”

My mind kept picturing all kinds of torture as my captor removed my pants. Then I felt the pistol being removed from my head and heard my captor moving. I was suddenly turned over and the pistol was placed against the back of my head.

“I’m going to release your arms. The only thing that you are gonna do is remove your shirt. If you attempt to remove the blindfold…” I felt the pistol slide along the side of my head. “I won’t be responsible for my actions. Got that?”

I nodded my head and soon felt my bindings being removed. I could hear my captor move back then say. “Now slowly remove your shirt.”

I don’t know if I was hearing things or did my captor actually gasp as I slid my shirt over my head. Once it was off I held it out to my side and dropped it, remembering where it was so if I got the chance I could at least grab it and run.

“Lie down on your back and no matter what happens, don’t move or else.”

I did as I was told and soon felt a hand slide up my right leg. It seemed to be caressing me as it traveled up to my groin. My mind instantly registered that my captor was an Anthro. I could feel the pads on the hands along with soft fur caressing my skin. When the hand reached my groin I couldn’t help but to let out a moan as the hand cupped and caressed my balls.

My dick sprang to life as the hand worked its way up and around my shaft. Slowly my captor stroked my shaft as I just lay there whimpering in bliss. I was caught off guard when I felt a tongue lick at the tip of my shaft, removing all traces of pre that had formed.

“Are you sure you won’t give me what I want?” My captor asked me.

“I will give you nothing. You will nev… Ahhh… ver make me… Mmmmm… talk.” I replied as I felt this muzzle enclose my dick and slowly slide down its length. Once it reached the bottom it slowly started its journey back to the top.

“Mmmm… I’m gonna enjoy getting what I want from you. I can tell that you know how futile it is to resist me. One way or another, I will get what I want.” With that said the lips were again sliding down my hard cock. The pace sped up as the furry hand began to stroke in rhythm with the muzzle that was expertly bringing me so much pleasure in such a short time.

It seemed like hours that my captor sucked on my cock, bringing me to the edge and then stopping. By now all I wanted was for the muzzle to not stop. I was frustrated when I felt the muzzle being removed and the hand shifting its grip. I groaned out my frustration and heard a quiet chuckle.

Feeling movement on each side of my hips I began to wonder what would be next. “Such a stubborn fool. I have to respect that though. I now know why your captain chose you. I see stronger methods of persuasion will be necessary.”

I could feel the tip of my cock touch something wet and awaited round two. I hoped my captor would finish the job this time. All I wanted to do was to unload all I had into that warm wet muzzle that tortured me so much. I never got my wish. The muzzle never returned to finish its job. Instead I let out a gasp as I felt the sensation of a tight, smooth wetness envelope me.

‘Oh my god…’ my mind screamed. ‘my tormentor is a female!!!’

As if she could read my mind she bottomed out on me as she replied. “Yes I am a female. I am going to enjoy torturing you, as if I was made just for you. Mmmm. God you’re a perfect fit.” She moaned as she slowly rose up then plunged back down on me.

It felt like I was encased within a velvet glove… No that wasn’t right. A velvet glove would be like shoving my dick onto a grinding wheel compared to this. Heaven doesn’t even come close to describe the feeling.

As my mind tried to sort out what it was feeling, my captor was slowly sliding herself up and down my shaft grunting each time she bottomed out. I could feel her shift as she placed a paw on my chest to balance herself as she rode me faster.

I couldn’t help myself and started to grunt each time she would bounce. My hands just clenched and unclenched the sheets as she continued to bring me closer and closer to release. She removed her hand from my chest and I felt her grab my wrists, pulling them off the mattress. They were then pressed to a set of furry tits that bounced as she rode me. Taking the hint, I caressed her tits rubbing her nipples, which were already rock hard, making her moan.

I felt her hands again come to rest on my chest as she bounced more enthusiastically then before. We both were grunting in time to her thrusts and getting closer to release when my hand began to slide down her chest and belly to where we were joined.

Slowly I let my finger stroke her clit and heard her gasp then moan as she rode me like a cowboy would ride a wild stallion. I couldn’t take it for much longer so I increased the pressure and speed which I was rubbing her and smiled as she groaned louder than before.

It didn’t take her much longer to start grunting and groaning louder then I felt her whole body stiffen up as she began to climax. I could feel her pussy squeeze my member and started to shoot rope after rope of my seed into her. This set her off more and she had her second orgasm in as many seconds. I emptied what seemed like quarts of cum into her as her pussy milked me for all I was worth.

After what seemed like hours she slowly fell forward and lay limply across my chest as we both tried to recover our breath. I began to caress her back as I lay there, too exhausted to move, not even considering escape. My left hand caressed her back as my right hand made its way up to her head and lightly began to scratch behind her ears.

Slowly she recovered and sat up with my semi-erect shaft still buried within her. Taking a hold of my wrists she brought them up above my head and held them there.

“Now are you going to give me what I want… or do I have to torture you some more?” She asked in a soft but very seductive voice.

“What do you want from me?”

“I just need to know one thing.” She said as she released one hand. Slowly my blindfold was lifted from my eyes as she asked her question. “Do you really love me or are you just using me?”

Reaching up with my free hand I stroked the side of the vixen’s face, then leaned up and kissed her. Lying back down, I looked up into her eyes and smiled. “You know I love you, I just wish I knew how to express it.”

“It just takes time. Give yourself a chance and it will come naturally. You already know what you want to say, you also know how to say it. Now you just have to get the courage to say it.” With that she leaned down and kissed me again. “Just trust your heart and you will do fine. I might even surprise you with my response.”

I looked down as I softly whispered, “I just wish…”

Suddenly out of nowhere came a voice.

“Bridge to commander Tremaine.”

“Dammit!” I muttered, then in a louder voice I said, “Tremaine here.”

“Commander, you are to report to the captains ready room as soon as possible.”

“Understood, Tremaine out.” I looked down at the vixen in my arms and saw the sad look on her face.

“I guess you have to go now.”

I sadly nodded my head as she slowly climbed off of me. “I want to stay but…”

As I stood up she caressed the side of my face. “Just promise me you’ll return.”

I got dressed and wrapped my arms around her. “Nothing could ever keep me away from you Arianna.”

She reached down and picked up her belt putting it back on. I reached down and picked up the pistol that lay beside the mattress. It was a gold Desert Eagle with black stripes. It was one of my favorites and hers too. Turning it around I handed it to her and watched her put it back into the holster.

She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head upon my chest. In a quiet but sad voice she again asked, “Do you really love me?”

I leaned down and kissed her between her ears. “Yes I do Arianna… with all my heart I do.”

She stepped back and looked at me sadly.

“Computer,” I said, “End program.”

I found myself standing in an empty room as I turned and made my way out the door. I watched the door close behind me and turned to the computer panel. Removing a chip I erased all record of that program from the ships log. With a sigh, I turned and made my way to the bridge.

Entering the turbo-lift I leaned heavily against the back wall and sighed, “Bridge.” The doors closed and carried me to my destination.

When the doors opened I had composed myself enough to cross the bridge to the Captain’s ready room. Hitting the panel to announce my arrival I almost instantly heard the Captain tell me to come in.

I entered and made my way over to the captain’s desk and calmly said, “You wanted to see me captain?”

“Yes Jay, have a seat.”

I sat down and watched her finish going over a data pad she held. Her tail which I could just see wagged behind her. Setting the data pad down she looked over to me.

“Jay, I need you to contact Starbase three six eight before we arrive and make arrangements to have a replacement waiting for Ensign Romero.”

“Replacement?” I asked as I recalled the grey fox she was talking about.

“Remember that incident that Donnovan talked about the other week? About someone tapping into the computer and altering settings in it?”

I nodded as I recalled our security chief, a large grey wolf, bringing it up in the command staff meeting.”

“Well, he did some research and found that it was Ensign Romero who was messing with the Holo-Deck. It seems she was changing the safety protocol to get revenge on her boyfriend who dumped her. She was hoping that he would get into a fight and… well you can imagine.”

“Where is she now?”

“She’s in the brig awaiting transport for trial and court martial for attempted murder.”

I just shook my head. “What does Chief Raines think of that? She was one of his best workers, highly skilled and knowledgeable.”

“Come on Jay, You know him. Being human yourself you know how his mind works. He’s trying to find a way to get her off the hook. What she did can not be excused though. That’s why I want you to contact the Starbase and make arrangements for her replacement. I really don’t want to do it but I have to.”

“It’s a shame too, everyone really likes her. She’s so friendly no matter what’s happening. Nothing really upset her.”

“I really don’t want to get rid of her either, but my hands are tied being it was brought up as a formal investigation. If the chief could find some loophole to get her out of it, it would put everyone’s mind at ease. But I really don’t think he’s having any luck. I just wish that someone would help him. If someone were to help him find said loophole, I would be relieved of the responsibility of hurting an intelligent aspiring engineer.”

“Understood Captain, maybe a little elf could pay the chief a visit.” I said with a smile.

“Yea, an elf.” She replied smiling.

“Anything else Captain?”

“Actually, yes there is. The Holo records showed some very interesting things on them. Especially about one certain member of our crew.”

My heart beat a bit faster until I calmed it down again. I erased everything I did on the holo deck so nothing would show. “Captain?”

“Well you see. It seems that one other crew member has been tampering with the Holo records too. It’s nothing that would endanger anyone else but I found it fascinating.” She leaned down and picked something up laying it on her legs and then picked up a data pad and looked at it carefully. “Tell me how someone could enter the Holo deck and an hour and a half to two hours later leave while not having it show up on the logs?”

My eyes went wide as I stared at her. She looked down at her pad and continued. “I mean the logs were completely erased showing nothing, but they forgot that ship sensors logged their entrance and exit.”

I hung my head because I knew I had been caught. At least she didn’t know what I was doing there. I thought to myself.

“When I first noticed that, I did some investigating of my own. Can you tell me what ‘Reality Sucks’ is?”

When I heard her name my Holo program I knew I was in trouble. She had to know what it was about. I just buried my face in my hands and waited.

“I had the Holo records set to duplicate records so I could find out more. I found out more than I bargained for. I just need to know one thing.”

The unmistakable sound of an automatic pistol being cocked rang in the room causing me to quickly look up. I sat there staring down the barrel of a gold Desert Eagle with black stripes being held by the captain. Looking down the barrel of the pistol I could see a set of blue eyes. Eyes I knew so well and saw many times in the past. The Vixen stood behind the desk and smiled.
“Do you really love me?”

My body froze but my sub conscious mind kicked in. “Yes I do Arianna…” I watched the pistol slide from her limp fingers and fall to the ground. “With all my heart I do.”

© Copyright 2009 Duvalio Profaneth (d_profaneth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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