Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1558113-The-Never-Ending-Phone-Calls
by Vava40
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1558113
Ever had a person who never stopped calling you? Try dealing with someone like this.
The constant phone calls from my nutty as fruitcake stalker are killing me. The phone rings and rings non-stop, I'm tempted to throw the stupid thing against the wall (but i got that cell phone for Christmas, so that wouldn't suit well with my mother *ahem* i mean Santa Claus). This teenage girl, with nothing else to do but call my darn phone all day, has me going bonkers. Although I absolutely love the song Shake It by Metro station, it begins to get a bit annoying when you hear it forty times a day. You may ask, well why don't you just answer it? I justify not answering by saying this: the girl is psycho!

I have answered her obnoxious phone calls before, I converse with her for a while, then tell her i got to go but is that enough for her? Of course not. She calls again a half hour later, inquiring if I'm still occupied. I say yes, got to go, sorry. Ten minutes later I hear, "Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake uh Shake it." The caller ID reads Jessica Roberts. I decide to answer and politely request her to cease her phone calls.


"Hey, Lindsay. What are you doing?" The question that she always starts out with, why be so nosy huh? Why do you have to know what I'm doing? It's none of your business, chick.

"Um, well I'm actually in the middle of something, do you think that you can stop calling me, please?" You see how benign I was about this?

It's quiet for a second. "Why, am I bugging you?"

YES! "No--no of course not, it's just I'm kind of busy and don't really have time to talk right now." Darn my niceness.

"Well, that's why I keep calling you, so I could catch you at a time when you're not busy." She sounds offended, like she's trying to hold back tears.

How do I meet these people? "Oh, um well, I'm still pretty busy, so i better go..."

"Oh, um okay..." I wish that she would put more effort into hiding the disappointment in her voice.

I hang up. Yet of course it rings again twenty minutes later. My phone was eventually put on silent, I couldn't stand that song anymore. I didn't answer her harrassing phone calls from that day on. I barely even knew this girl, it's not like we were the best of friends or anything. I met her in science class and thought she was cool enough, so we exchanged numbers. Oh how i regret that moment, punching my digits into her phone could very well have been the biggest mistake of my entire sixteen years on this planet.

I even had to start avoiding this girl at school, I ditched science class for a few days (which didn't bother me too much actually), until the counselor could get me into a new class. Every time I saw her coming towards me, I would walk away quickly, acting as though I didn't see her. I felt a little guilty, but come on don't you think she's kind of creepy.

I had to hand it to this girl though, she just did not give up. She still called me forty times a day. Does she not get it? No. Why do I even ask that? Of course she doesn't get it. She has some sort of problem. I wondered if I was the only person that she called constatly. If so, what the heck is so special about me? Well, uh, actually I am pretty awesome, so maybe I should cut this girl some slack, you know, she just can't help but be amazed by me.

I dealt with her never-ending phone calls simply by not answering them, but then one day I realized what an cruel person I was. I saw her at lunchtime, sitting in the school cafeteria at a table crying all alone. There were no friends set by her, trying to comfort her. Was this because she had no friends?

"Hey, that girl over there, why's she crying?" I asked my amigos.

They looked to where my eyes were staring, and started giggling, "She cries everyday, she has no friends." Wow. What friends I have. Laughing at a poor lonely girl. Again I wonder, where do I meet these people?

I didn't even realize that she was always desolate, was I that blind? I mean I didn't even see her cry at all before, and even my uncaring friends did. What should I do? I attempted to just ignore her sobbing, but as I tried chewing down my lunch, I decided that I couldn't take it anymore. It was time to do the right thing. I marched right over to Jessica Roberts that day and became a real friend to her. Her best friend.

She calls me everyday, still about forty times a day too, and I still don't answer a few of those calls, but I can get away with that, you know, because she's my best friend and all. My best friend who has nothing to do but call my darn phone all day. My best friend that I love with all of my heart.

© Copyright 2009 Vava40 (vaorteg192 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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