Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1558246-High-school-crush
by Vava40
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1558246
a girl with a crush
What the heck? Am I drooling? Get yourself together girl, he's just a boy. Just a muscular hunky blue-eyed boy. No need to get all crazy now. Oh, but look at him, he's so....dreamy. Ugh, snap out of it! He's not worth it. Did he just look at me? I think he just looked at me. Yeah we definitely just had some eye to eye. Stop! I can't. I give up, I'm giving in. No! Yes. I just got myself a new crush, and what a piece of eye candy he is. Mmm, mmm, mmmm!

How you doin'? No, no that's stupid. Do you think I could get your number, I lost mine? No. Even worse. That's so middle school. A simple "hi" would be suffice, but no. I want to make a lasting impression on this popular football-playing senior. I don't want to be thought of as the little forgettable freshman. I'm hoping beautiful adventurous sophomore would be more right, maybe? How could this be accomplished though? I knew i would definitely have to do something that would stand out, make me a hero around the school. But what do my teenage peers see as heroic and courageous?

I wish i had some super power or something, you know? The ability to see the future. I could be the school fortune teller. I would certainly charge for that. Man, I would be making bank. I think. Or are some people scared of their future? The slackers maybe. Would I see my own future? Oh no. I'm one of those slackers. I hope I wouldn't see a hobo on the streets. The ability to see the future. Completely overrated. Having spidey powers would be kind of cool, but then again that's more of a guy thing. I could be the super-homework girl. You forgot you're homework, have no fear, Homework Girl is here! Wait, but what exactly would I do? I sure wouldn't enjoy doing everyone's homework, that would be so lame.

Having super powers, that's definitely not the answer to my dilemma. I was determined to make that boy notice me no matter what it took. I had to call in back up, it was time to discuss this with the girlfriends. Surely, they would know who I'm speaking of when I bring him up. He's simply, well, amazing and every girl was dying for his attention. That's why i had to do something that's going to make him wish he knew me, but what--was the question.

"Guys, I need your help." I booked an urgent meeting at lunchtime. All my friends gathtered around me big-eyed with curiosity. They knew I was a little overly dramatic at times, but still found my meetings to be interesting and somewhat amusing. I remember the day that I wanted to kill myself because someone told me that my shoes didn't match my outfit. And yes I literally wanted to kill myself. I called a meeting, and all was well after that.

"What is it now?" I detected a hint of annoyance in Maria's voice. How rude. I'm in the middle of a crisis here. I don't know how to get the attention of the boy of my dreams. Gosh.

I put my face in my hands to cover my shame. "I want Miguel to notice me."

"Who doesn't, Valerie, he's gorgeous." Everyone starts buzzing about how fine he is. I stare at them with disbelief. Hello. He's mine. Back off.

"Well, what can I do guys!" I was desperate for an answer.

"Uh, talk to him?" No. Not good enough.

"Try out for cheerleading, he's a football player." Um, me no have rythm, so me no dance for no cheerleading squad.

"You're pretty, Valerie, he's probably already noticed you." Who said that one? Oh, it was Maria. The annoyed one. "Chances are he's trying to get up the courage to put a move on you."

Impossible. Let's get serious here. But thanks, that made me feel good.

Oh no. There he is. Is he walking towards me?

"Guys, shut up, he's coming." Everyone averted their attention to where my eyes were helplessly staring.

He had a purple notebook in his right hand. My purple notebook. My purple notebook with his name written all over the cover surrounded by floating hearts. Just kill me now. I was frozen in place. Move, Valerie, move. This was embarrassing. Run! I couldn't. He was already right in front of me. My friends watched in amazement.

"Um, is this your notebook?" He asked with a crooked smile. I could melt. Even his voice was perfect.

"Uh..." How could I answer?

"Well, if you're embarrassed, I thought that maybe I should show you this." He pulled out a green notebook from his backpack. My name was written all over it. This was his notebook, right? I found it hard to believe. "Yeah it's mine, so yeah, um, I think you're really pretty." Wow.

Say something! Don't just stand there. What is wrong with you? "Oh, umm, thank you." I blushed. Gross. "I think you're really cute, too." Okay, good job.

And so my prince and I lived happily ever after.... for a couple of months at least. I mean, come on this is high school.

Did you see that guy that just walked by? Total hottie.
© Copyright 2009 Vava40 (vaorteg192 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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