Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563489-De-Ja-Vu
by Korie
Rated: E · Other · Dark · #1563489
Use your imagination.
Tonight is dark, dank, daring. I walk into the woods. Not even half way in, I hear leaves being squished behind me. I stop. They stop. I start moving but look behind. Nothing there. Five steps more, I can hear my name being called.
"Sadie..." a little louder, "Sadie..." I turn frantically only to find my father standing two centimeters away from my face. I can smell alcohol on his breath.
"What-are-you-doing-here?" he slurred.
"I-I-was just going for a walk. And what do you care anyway?!"
"You are my daughter. I don't want you in these woods!" he yells.
"Why not?!" I yelled back putting up a fight.
"Because I said so!"
"Leave me alone!" I pushed him so hard that he tripped on a tree stump, fell and hit his head on another stump, so hard that he died right then and there.
Frantically, I run home. Mother is in the kitchen.
"Sadie, have you seen your father?"
"No mom. Not since this morning."
"Okay, dear. I guess I will try his cell, yet again."
"Ok, mom, I'll go to bed now."
"Goodnight, Sadie."
"Goodnight, mom. And good luck getting in touch with dad."
So I walk up stairs, go to bed. Next thing I know, I awake mid-afternoon listening to someone stubling in the living room. The only one who stumbles is dad. But wait. He's dead. Maybe he wasn't dead after all. I run downstairs.
"Dad what are you doing?!" I yelled.
"Why are you just getting up?!" he slurs ignoring my question.
"That's not the point dad!" Somehow this all feels too familiar.
"I'm going for a walk."
"Don't stay out too late. And don't you go in them woods neither."
"Yeah, Yeah, dad. Whatever!"
What is going on? Why was dad in the living room, when I clearly saw him dead in the woods? Somehow I find myself walking into the woods.
"Didn't I do this already?" I think to myself.
Not even half way in, I hear leaves being squished behind me. I stop. They stop. I start moving but look behind. Nothing there. Five steps more, I can hear my name being called.
© Copyright 2009 Korie (korie_nicole at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563489-De-Ja-Vu