Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1566082-Sadie
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1566082
The darker side of Heather, a normally unassuming girl takes control

This is in a collection of pre-edit work, they might not be complete, they definitly will be full of inconsistancies, typos and rough edges.

Hopefully at some point they will make it out of this folder and become semi-finished (nothing I write ever seems to become "finished") but if you can't wait for that then I hope you enjoy what you find in here.


The handcuffs snapped tight round one wrist and then the other. She lifted her head their lips parted and he could see her eye alight as her one hand slid down his chest to his jeans. Her fingers undid the button and slid down the zip without taking her eyes from his. She then slowly moved down his body her hands gripped his jeans tight while she kissed his chest, then stomach until she reached his open jeans. She pulled down his jeans and boxers in one swift movement leaving his hard cock in front of her face.

She ran her tongue up the underside of it making him groan and pull on the handcuffs. As her tongue reached the tip she lifted herself off him, his groan showed he didn’t want her to stop. She stood at the of the bed then pulled his jeans and boxers off completely then looked down on him naked on the bed. His hands cuffed to either corner of the double bed, he raised his head to look at her. She raised one finger to her lips, kissed it, then pressed it on the top of his cock before whispering “I’ll be back” and turned round and left the room.

Almost instantly he realised struggling was pointless, the handcuffs with the cold steel holding him tight. He waited listening for any sound and paranoia set in, he wondered if she had left him alone in the house to be found later. Eventually he heard the click of the bathroom lock and her footsteps making their way towards the bedroom.

She threw the open letting it smash upon the wall, the sound echoing through the empty house as she walked to the base of the bed. He studied every inch of her body; only the top of her red knee high leather boots were visible over the edge of the bed, the deep red complemented by the golden shimmer of her skin in the late evening sun from the huge window above the bed. Her long slender legs seemed to shimmer as if her body was trembling with her delight. His eyes followed the line of her amazing thighs up to her red leather thong who’s rich inviting colour matched the boots. Her one hand on her hip had bright red nail varnish which stood out against the golden skin with the tip of her one finger slid inside the thong. He started to think what it would be like to slide the thong down her long legs to get at what it hid. His cock started to throb as he started to think about her sliding up and down him. Her slender waist slowly moving as she breathed heavily with her own excitement, her large breasts rising and falling. Her nipples were erect standing out rigid against the soft surrounding skin.

His mind races through all the time he had excited her nipples with the tip of his cock before sliding it between her breasts then gently squeezing it as it passed up to her mouth eager to accept it.

In her hand that hung by her side was the long black whip she had brought as a joke, the handle gripped tight in her hand and the fire in her eyes showed she planned to use it. He had never seen her eyes shine so bright but with him handcuffed to he parents’ bed the curtains wide open for the street to look in the whip in her hand he realised there was more to her than the submissive eager to please girl who had let him be the first to slide in her and lead her into a world of secretive sex while the house was empty.

She decided he had stared for long enough and cracked the whip high above him. His body instinctively flinched and her face lit up showing how much she enjoyed holding the power over him. She cracked it again inches from his face and then let the tip slide down his chest down to his balls before pulling it back ready to be used again. He started to worry about how much it could hurt if she used it properly on him.

Instead of cracking the whip she took hold of it firmly with both the handle and the long leather strip in her hand creating a small loop with the strap. She climbed onto the bed slowly moving up his body letting her nipples move along his skin gently. She begins to kiss his neck, her teeth lightly pressed against his skin grating slightly as she moved back and forth letting her tongue cover every bit of his neck. He could feel the leather of he thong rubbing against his cock. Her teeth started to press harder against his skin, the thong pressing harder on his cock, her breasts pressed against his chest.

She slid her one hand between their bodies to his chest, then using her nails she raked them down over his body leaving marks behind. She repeated it again the marks more definite this time making him gasp with the pain. Excited by the reaction she clawed harder this time drawing blood with her one nail, oblivious to his sharp cry of pain she moved down his body the blood seemed to drive her crazy as she started licking at it letting it smear over her lips. As she licked at the blood she slid one hand into her thong so she could play with herself as the blood excited her further. She licked every drop of blood from his chest and then slid her hand back out of her thong and placed one finger on the tip of his cock so he could know how wet she had become.

With no more blood she soon lost interest with the marks and moved to his nipples, at first just gently playing with one with her tongue. Soon she starting using her teeth to squeeze it until her cried out. She stopped, lifted her head and looked into his eyes before placing the handle of the whip tightly between his teeth and then went back to playing with his nipples knowing it was hurting him but ignoring his pain.

She started to play with the other nipple, again she started gently but soon caused him to wince and bite hard into the whips handle. She decided she had caused him enough pain for the moment and moved down his body kissing his stomach until she reached his cock, she slid her tongue up from its base to the tip slowly using her tip to play with it. She closed her lips round his cock taking as much of it in her mouth as she could. She started to suck on him hard using her tongue to excite him further by sliding it up and down in time with her powerful sucks.

She could feel he was close to climax and slid him out of her mouth and started to kiss his balls and ran her tongue across them while her hand worked him hard and fast. She began sucking while running her tongue back and forth rolling them in her mouth until she could feel he was about to cum. She gripped the base of his cock tight and plunged the rest of him into her mouth just before he filled it with his hot cum.

© Copyright 2009 MidnightStalker (midnightstalka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1566082-Sadie