Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1566336-The-Real-American-Terrorist
Rated: E · Thesis · Satire · #1566336
Who are the real american terrorists?
When the terrorists of 9/11 destroyed the twin towers, they were aiming to destroy the American economy and therefore the American way of life. Incidentally they failed, but only to be succeeded by far superior terrorists.  These super-terrorists are so devoted to their hedonistic causes that they have never stopped to realize what they actually are, and what they are doing; and as oddly as it seems, our economy has been collapsed because of the voracious pursuit of a few for money.  We have banks that were led by such corrupt people that they collapsed (How can a bank collapse? People GIVE them money!) and a president that supports them in bouncing them back. So much for Social Darwinism. Is this bad? It teaches that there are no repercussions for any action that we do, and if we manage our money incorrectly, the government will just bail us out. (I wish that were my case.) 

Due to corrupt banking systems, bail outs, and short-sighted ideas like letting people who are un-able to afford a house suddenly be able to buy one, we now find ourselves in the worst economy since...well since the Great Depression. Where the terrorists and fiends of 2001 failed, bankers, politicians, and accountants, as well as our president, have succeeded. 

So why doesn't Obama come bail me out of my economic difficulties? Is it because I'm not large like GM and don't warrant him overtaking me (in order to insure that I don't go bankrupt)? Or is it because I'm not a bank, spending 500 million dollars on a CEO? I laugh...Obama says he fights for the little guy.  He said that he was worried about people losing their jobs, and many agreed with him. But now in the face of lay offs, businesses going under, and over economic struggles, we are reaping the repercussions of those bankers and politicians, and presidential decisions.

And this economic stimulus package of his is going to fail. In order to stimulate an economy, we must create jobs and money, not spend it. Giving over 800 Billion dollars to programs is throwing money down the drain.  If Obama was truly concerned for the little guy, he would use that money for projects - builds/repair roads, bridges, houses, dams...there are hundreds of ideas out there, where the simple, hard workers of America could be able to find more employment.

So I ask you, how different are the people who tried to crash our economy in 2001, and the people who did so in 2009? After all, weren't they all just doing what they thought best? There is a problem in our society. There is too much power sitting with too few people. We need to spread out and lighten the amount of power that any said individual can have. If not, this will only happen again. and again. and again.
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