Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1569509-A-Weekend-in-San-Antonio
Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #1569509
A woman's weekend turns steamy when she meets a sexy Texas Ranger.
Micah Kelley sat on the patio of Maria's Cantina, sipping her margarita and thinking about the path that had led her here.  It had been five years since the death of her husband, and while their marriage had been on it's way down the tubes, guilt had kept her from moving on.  Her counselor had been the one to suggest the weekend.
“Go somewhere you don't usually go.  Somewhere far enough away that there will be no chance encounters, and get busy with some hot guy, Micah.  You are young and attractive and you should enjoy that,” he'd told her.  Of course he'd told her that many times over the last two years, but this last time she had actually been ready to listen. 

And so here she was, sitting alone and feeling self-conscious about it as she watched all the couples along the walkway in front of her.  She knew that she was being silly.  After all, she had to eat, didn't she?  She turned to look for her waiter and nearly jumped out of her skin when she found him standing right beside her.

“Sorry, senorita,” he said, setting another margarita down on the table. 

“I didn't order another one,” she told him in fluent Spanish.

“Yes, I know.  It is from the gentleman over there,” he told her pointing to a spot across the River.  “Los Ranger.” 

She glanced up at the spot where her waiter was pointing, and saw him leaning against the railing, watching her.  Dressed in a starched, white shirt, faded jeans, black boots and cowboy hat, there was a distinctive badge on his chest that most people, Texans or not, recognized.  He was, in a word, incredible.  She nodded her thanks with a smile and he touched the brim of his hat before pointing to his watch, holding up eight fingers, and then pointing to the spot where he was standing.  She bit her lower lip thoughtfully.  She'd some all the way down here from Fort Worth with the sole purpose of getting laid.  She couldn't very well do that if she was turning down guys that hit on her.  She nodded and he gave her a wink and a grin before disappearing into the crowd behind him.  She ordered her dinner, then sat back to enjoy her drinks, anticipating meeting the handsome Ranger in a little less than an hour.

Miguel Ordonez had been patrolling the Riverwalk when he'd spotted her sitting by herself on the patio of Maria's.  The restaurant was owned by one of his aunts, and her waiter was one of his cousins.  He'd given the boy a large tip to take another margarita to her, then showed him where he'd be standing.  The boy had thought it corny, Miguel was sure, but something about her had spoken to him.  He made his way out onto the balcony across the River, signaling to his cousin once he was in place.  He watched her as he waited for his cousin to deliver the drink.  Her fiery red curls danced in the light breeze, and her eyes were the brightest shade of green he'd ever seen a person have.  When she chewed her full, lower lip while contemplating his invitation, his stomach actually clenched.  She had perfect teeth and a sexy smile, and he wondered, as he faded out of sight to watch her, just how newly single she was, since the line from her wedding band was very obvious.  He watched her while she ate, smiling as she enjoyed her food, then he headed out of the bar to arrive back after her.

Micah stopped by the bathroom to freshen up her lipstick before heading to the other side of the River for her rendezvous with the sexy Ranger.  The lower portion of the bar was fairly crowded as she made her way through to the back to climb the stairs.  Upstairs it was less crowded, with a large, empty dance floor and no lighting to speak of.  She moved to the balcony and looked at the River below, wondering if she could actually go through with this.  Her counselor had told her that the first time would be the hardest, but that once she made up her mind, she should stick with it.
“Hey, beautiful, why don't you come join my friends and me over there?” asked a voice from beside her.  She turned to find a beefy, blond standing beside her.  He was already well on his way to being too drunk to do more than pass out, but she just shook her head.

“No, thank you.  I'm waiting for someone.”

“You sure?  I bet we're more fun,” he said in a coaxing voice.

“Perhaps,” said a rich baritone voice from behind her, as a firm hand slid around her waist, brushing the underside of her breasts, “but I assure you I am more dangerous.” 
There was a cold edge to the voice, and Micah struggled not to laugh at the look of shock and fear on the blond's face.  He mumbled an apology and stumbled back to his friends.

“You are all right, yes?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Tell me your name, querida,” he said softly in her ear, his warm breath making her shiver.

“Micah Kelley.”

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Micah.  I am Miguel Ordonez.  May I buy you another drink?”

“Yes, thank you.”  Miguel signaled to the waitress, and ordered two margaritas before returning his attention to Micah. 

“So, Micah, I have never seen you here before.  I would have remembered this hair,” he told her, running his fingers through the wild curls.

“No.  I live about six hours north of here.  I'm just here for the weekend,” she told him, and he didn't miss the fact that she didn't tell him where she lived.  So, he thought, she didn't want any strings attached to this weekend.  Interesting.

“You came by yourself?” he asked as the waitress returned with their drinks.

“Yeah.”  He handed her one of the margaritas and she took a long drink.  “Thank you.”

“You are nervous.  Do I frighten you?” he asked, concerned, and she shook her head.

“No, you don't frighten me.  I – it's just -” she stopped and let eyes close as he lifted the hair off the back of her neck and nuzzled the skin there.

“Relax, querida.”

“Easy for you to say.  This is very new to me.  I don't usually do this.”  He lifted her hand and held it out where they could both see it.  The line on her finger seemed to almost glow in the waning sunlight.

“What happened?”

“He was killed by a truck driver five years ago.”

“Five years.  It was good marriage, then?”

“At first.”

“But not later?”

“No,” she said, sadly.  “Not later.”

“Then why punish yourself for five long years?”

“Guilt I suppose. That's what my counselor says, anyway.  We'd had a huge fight, and I refused to go with him.  So he went alone.”

“That is nothing for you to feel guilty about, Micah.  He made the choice to walk away from you with anger in his heart.  My parents?  They have been married for over forty years.  My father has always told all of us kids that the reason marriages fall apart so easily is because the couples involved allow their anger to separate them.  You did not make the choice to walk away from him, querida, so do not blame yourself.”

“Normally I would say that your dad is right, but it doesn't work out quite so well if one of the people involved is always looking for reasons to be angry with the other person,” she told him, and the sadness in her voice that she tried to hide by being matter-of-fact, wasn't lost on him.

“Let's dance,” he whispered in her ear, but she shook her head.

“There's no one else out there.”

“That is because no one has a partner as sexy as you to dance with.  Come,” he said, leading her onto the dance floor.  “Dancing is like foreplay, querida.  If it is done with care, it can be almost as good as the real thing.”  The music had changed to something slow and sexy, and he pulled her close against him.  He held one of her hands against his chest, and grasped the back of her neck with his other hand, tilting her head back so she was looking at him.  She'd never in her life seen eyes like his.  A light caramel brown, with darker brown flecks floating around, and fringed by thick, black lashes.

“You have the most incredible eyes,” she whispered, and he smiled.

“I'm going to kiss you, now, Micah.”

“Why?” she asked, and he shrugged.

“Because I need to.”  He dropped his head to claim her lips with his own.  She tasted like salt, and tequila and desire, and he teased her lips apart with his tongue.  He deepened the kiss, and she relaxed into him with a sigh, as he moved them around the dance floor.  He let go of her hand and slid that hand down to the small of her back, pressing her against him so that she could feel what she was doing to him, and he felt her tense back up.

“Relax, querida.”

“I can't.  I – it feels like I'm going to explode,” she told him, honestly.  She didn't understand why she felt like this.  It was like nothing she'd ever experienced before and she didn't know what to make of it.  “It's like my skin is too tight for my body.”

He lifted one of her legs to his waist, leaning her back until her hair brushed the floor, before pressing himself between her legs, and he felt her tremble.  Her eyes drifted shut as he moved against her and he smiled at her response.  He lifted her back up and was pleased to see her eyes had darkened with her desire.  He slid one of his muscular thighs between her legs, moving her against him, as the music swelled, and this time when he leaned her back, he pressed a kiss to the exposed skin between her breasts.

He led her down the stairs, away from the River and to a parking lot a block away where his truck was parked.  He opened her door and lifted her onto the seat where he kissed her while unfastened one of the buttons on her shirt, his fingers grazing the swell of her breast above her red lace bra.  He kissed the spot where his fingers had been and her fingers tangled in his hair pulling him closer.  Encouraged by her response and enticed by the smell of coconuts and sandalwood that was her scent, he sank his teeth into that tender skin and she cried out softly as her head fell back.  Her cry brought him back to himself and he tucked her into her seat.

“Soon, querida, but not here.”

He parked his truck in the drive of a small, neat frame house, located in an old, but well kept neighborhood.

“Where are we?” she asked as he turned off the truck.  He got out and went around to
open her door.

“This is my home here in San Antonio.  I bought it back when I was in college.”  He lifted her out of the truck, and slid her down the length of his body.  He was painfully aroused, and as he led her to the front door, he tried to calm himself enough so that he wouldn't frighten her.  He showed her around the house, then led her out onto the deck in the back, turning on some music as they went through the living room.  He moved around behind her, loving the way their bodies fit together, as though they were made for one another, and he nuzzled her neck.  She leaned back into him, feeling his arousal nestled between her cheeks.  He turned her to face him and kissed her deeply, moving against her, encouraging her to respond.  And respond she did.  She kissed him hungrily and he backed her into the railing, grinding his thick bulge into her through their clothes.  Wrapping one of her legs around his waist, he moved against her and she moaned into his kiss.  He reached down between them to unfasten his belt and jeans, before digging a condom out of his pocket.  Once he was covered, he pulled up her skirt to find that she wasn't wearing any underwear.

“I love it when women go without underwear,” he said with a smile.  “I am going to enjoy burying my cock inside of you, Micah.  I am going to fuck you until you scream my name, and then I am going to fuck you some more,” he whispered to her in Spanish.  She moaned and moved against him as she answered him.

“Please, Miguel.”  He wondered briefly if she had understood what he'd just said, or if her need was as great as his own, before entering her with one, quick thrust.  She sighed as he filled her completely.  He moved slowly at first, but forcefully as her head fell back, exposing the long, graceful line of her throat to him, but he ignored that tender flesh, instead lowering his mouth to her full breast.  He sank his teeth into that creamy flesh and she cried out his name as she came undone around him.  He wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her back into the house, pausing to lock the door.

“More, Miguel.  Harder,” she whispered and he pinned her roughly to wall, making her cry out.

“You like that, querida?”

“Yes, oh god, Miguel.  Please.  Don't stop.”

“I am just getting started, mi corazon,” he told her.  He grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the wall over her head before driving into her with such force the pictures on the wall moved.  She screamed his name as she came again, and this time he could feel her juices on his balls.

“That's it, Micah.  Scream for me again, baby.”  He continued pounding into her and her cries of pleasure were driving him wild.  He changed his angle some, and slowed the pace of his long, hard thrusts, making her gasp as he touched things deep inside her.  He moved with an intense purpose, grinding and teasing, all the while keeping her hands pinned over her head.

He began whispering to her in Spanish again, telling her how sexy she was, and how he loved the way she responded to him.  How he was going to fuck her over and over.  Her cries of pleasure intensified as she moved against him without hesitation and he carried her down the hall to the bedroom where he laid her gently on the bed.  He stood up and began removing his clothes while she watched him through heavy lidded eyes, a small smile on her lips.  He knelt down on the bed by her head and began undoing the buttons of her shirt, teasing her with kisses as he exposed more and more of her golden flesh, while she had taken him into her mouth, teasing him with her tongue and teeth, until he was ready to explode inside her.  He unfastened her bra, then moved to take one of her nipples into his mouth, where he sucked and nibbled until she was writhing beneath him.  He grabbed one of her hands with his, and guided it between her legs, rubbing her and dipping into her with both their fingers, while he moved to the other nipple.  She cried out as their fingers filled and stretched her, then watched as he brought her fingers up to his mouth, gently sucking her juices from them.  He slid back into her and she moved with him, helping him fuck her until he reached back and hooked her legs, spreading her wide, and he began driving into her.  He raised up on his toes, slamming into her until his name came tumbling from her lips over and over.  She shattered beneath him with a scream that pulled him over the edge to erupt inside her.

“God, that was amazing,” she panted, when she could finally speak again.  He rolled them to their sides, pulling her close against him, and she snuggled into his warm embrace.

For a chance meeting with a sexy Texas Ranger, her first solo adventure had turned out quite nicely, she thought with a satisfied smile.
© Copyright 2009 M D Elzy (soonersfan1968 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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