Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1570550-Peace-at-Last
by Kackie
Rated: E · Poetry · Supernatural · #1570550
A poem about a strange visitor in the night.

In the dead of night when all was calm
I was surprised by a sound.
I arose from my bed to find the source,
commencing to looking around.

The bewitching hour was upon us
When all is quite serene
Hearing a noise at this hour
Could it really have come from a dream?

Then once again the sound came
A heartbreaking sobbing, like none I’ve  heard
Who could it be, a woman, a child?
Why in my house? How absurd.

Standing in the doorway to my library
What I saw inside,  was a dream
A beauty of all beauties,
With a face the color of cream.

In her hand she held a book of mine
I had written  many years ago.
Alarmed, from this sight, what is this?
Turning, she said very slow..

“These words are mine, I gave them to you
One night when your mind couldn’t  think."
“I gently held and guided your hand
Together, our minds formed a link."

“The sadness written in this book
From my life spent of misery and pain;
In truth this is my story,
And for you just a writing gain."

“I wanted to tell my story
Of how a life can go through hell."
“Teach those, who read these words;
Let them learn this lesson well."

“I was a girl, who lived on promise
Of a  life to be totally free,
By a love, with whom I trusted."
“I gave to him entirely, what there was of me."

“The life  in which he promised me,
I soon found was an absolute lie."
Through her tears, she went on to say,
“The fact is, nothing was truthful about this guy."

“I poured my heart out, with your words
Maybe to help me better understand
To see the reasoning of his guilt,
Of my death by his own hand“.

“I suppose you wonder why I chose you,
To be the author of my strife."
I didn’t pick a stranger, my dear,
It was your grandfather who snuffed out my life."

“No one in your life ever knew of me,
He was that good with his deeds,
Quite a remarkable sort, was he
Planting and nurturing, his deceitful seeds."

“Now you know, why you wrote this book,
The truth has finally been said."
“I now can go free into the hereafter,
And be at peace with the honorable dead."


© Copyright 2009 Kackie (kackie3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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