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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Dark · #1571806
Random poems; mostly from my creative writing class from 3 years ago.

Passing it by
For months, even years.
No one is at the boat dock today.
Heavy flakes of snow
Fall lightly on the frozen lake.
Complete silence; complete solitude.

Should I just sit still?
Or should I floor it,
Equalizing the cold and hurt
I feel inside with the
Physical numbness the vast, beautiful lake
Will bring?

Something inside stops me.
I sit and enjoy the peace, calm
And nature before me.
There will be other days.
In the Present

In the present, she will wait,
For what she cannot have.
But still the girl is full of hate.

She has waited for so long,
Weary with patience
In the present, she will wait

For a tiny gift
Bestowed to someone else.
But still the girl is full of hate

For someone close to her.
Time passes slowly
In the present she will wait

For a time when
Happiness will be hers.
But still the girl is full of hate.

A day will come when the dawn
Rises on her endless dusk.
In the present, she will wait,
But still the girl is full of hate.

In the morning light
Lying naked on the ground
Hope has disappeared
Metaphor of Me (or simile, can't remember which!)

My life is like a cloudy day
The sun gone
Surrounding gloom
Hope lost.

There you are,
In my dreams again
Floating around like a small fish
In a vast sea of uncertainty.

Why do you reappear continuously,
Pestering me like a fly?
I love you so much,
Yet saddened by your presence
In my disturbed mind.

You are not real.
Not yet, at least.
I try to hold on to your fleeting reality,
But a twister seems to come and
Take you away each time.

I hate waking up.

I hate when you look at me like that,
Just staring into my eyes,
Catching my soul on fire
Looking right into me,
Reading me
Cashier's Perspective

I give you a friendly smile,
You give me a blank stare.
I politely say "hello",
You say nothing in return.
I do something out of my way for you,
You do not thank me.
Your simple inadequacies
That you give no second thought to
Bring me down each day.
Does it hurt to be kind?
Into the Void    (this one I wrote for a contest on here :)

Pain consuming me
Inch by inch,
Lying awake in bed,
Unwanted thoughts devouring my mind,
My sanity.

They come out at night,
Like bats fleeing their dark cave,
Pestering me.
I silently try to run away from them.

Unfulfilled wishes,
Personal inadequacies,
And hate for others
Cloud my mind.

And anger
Are more than I can take.

Sleep finally finds me
Amongst the turmoil
And willingly, searching for escape, I fall
Into the void.

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