Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1573009-Devil-Child-Be-Gone
Rated: E · Poetry · Technology · #1573009
I don't like T.V.!!!!

The city likes to take my imagination away
Leaves me with nothing original to say...
I dont like living that way.
"YOU'RE not Supose to Say..." 'I'LL SAY IT ANYWAY....!"
HOO-RAY! For Freedom of Speech...

Complacent Minds...make for...boring times
And I...like adventures...full of....
fun and laughter
created from real human in-ter-action.
NOT..passive stares
at our worlds television---
That dEmOn child of modern technology.
YOU dont SEE....that I SEE
the glassy vacant stares created by your....broadcasted realities.
But Not Me....

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1573009-Devil-Child-Be-Gone