Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1574657-Being-Accused
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1574657
Being falsely accused
  This poem was written because of an incident that happened to me....I was doing some custom staining work in a home of a divorced woman who left for work. Her husband was an ex State Trooper and well connected in the community.  While waiting for some stain to dry I wrote a poem out in my truck about being divorced and life in general, since it was something that I went through myself. I left a copy for the homeowner and finished the job.

  Three months later I find out the State Police are looking for me and go to the closest barracks to find out why. I got no answer and the desk sargeant only asked...."You're the guy who left the poem?"  When I asked what the problem was , I got no response and left.

  A week later and 2 am in the morning the State Police came to my door to both search the house and talk with me. Seem odd yet? They said the owner accused me of stealing  (get this) their wedding picture. They wanted to search my van alone but I refused , smelling something up. When I accompanied them they found nothing, contacted the man, yes the ex husband and asked if he wanted to press charges.I asked the trooper if his ex wife minded the poem and was told no. So I told them I would take a polygraph test and they told me not to leave town and that they would contact me.

    In the mean time I decided after some research that polygraphs were inaccurate and the results could be tampered with by well.....you get the picture. When they called to schedule the test I did not answer but instead contacted the ACLU and went on record about the incident. I haven't heard anything since.

  Pretty bizzare huh? Welll that is why I wrote this piece, and if you are ever in the wonderful state of Delaware, do not....leave poetry for a customer or anyone else!

  One final comment....screw Delaware and their Gestopo police techniques. They should have been sued.

      Being Accused

What is truth? so they say.
What if accused on a certain day?
Everyone but you,
because a poem left to be viewed.

So early morning, questions asked,
to innocent people, from dutiful tasks.
and doubts raised  in front of friends.
When will it all end?

Angry lovers fabricate lies,
to cover their tracks,and ruin your life.
But I trust in God, who is Truth,
He never fails when it comes to proof.

So on this night, I took pause and prayed,
I spoke the truth, and followed His ways.
And what will follow, is yet to see,
for God and I know, it sure was not me.

sagibbins 8/5/06
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