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Rated: GC · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1574719
An unusual couple faces some difficult decisions. What do they finally do ?
Chapter 1

“Wooah…Woaah…Wooaah” the baby wailed.

Her mother Jayati’s naked body which was entwined around and coupled with mine in an ecstatic union, detached itself suddenly in immediate response to her infant’s call. I groaned with frustration at this abrupt disruption of my joyous spasms and helplessly watched her lustrous, black hair on her bare back as she slid down the bed and rushed to the side of her baby’s pram, murmuring sweet sounds of endearment to placate her. She bent over the pram offering me a clear view of her plump calves and the back of her thighs. But most of all, my vision was transfixed on her large, round and white bottom whose juicy softness my fortunate fingers were digging into just minutes ago.

I guessed from the baby’s relentless cries that she wanted her mother’s undivided attention. Jayati scooped her up in her arms, and walked back to the bed. The baby shielded her mother’s glorious orbs from my lustful eyes, but I got a clear view of the shaved treasure between her legs. I saw the pink and plump outer lips of her velvety sheath which my hardness had joyfully occupied only moments ago.

She grimaced at me, apologizing for the interruption. I assured her with my eyes and hands that it was fine. She rewarded me with a wry smile. The sensory stimulation which the sight of her nude body provided to my eyes only served for my joystick to form a painful pole below the sheets. She giggled at it and I smiled ruefully.

Jayati settled cross-legged on the bed, facing me and offered a nipple to her child who started sucking greedily. It was a beautiful vision. There was a beatific and indulgent smile on her face as she stroked her baby’s head and murmured sweet nothings. She was engrossed totally in her child. I raised my head, and resting my right elbow on the bed supported my head on my palm, enthralled by the scene of my lover feeding her baby.

I did not mind that she was ignoring me as I had the privilege of watching her in all her naked glory. Almost as if reading my mind, she looked at me and bending forward, kissed my lips. I was touched by this impulsive act. I raised my free hand to caress her cheek, but she moved her face away and my hand ended up caressing her breast. We both laughed.

Alas, only if Providence had given my fingers the deft touches of the great masters! I would have captured that lovely pair on a canvas for posterity. My heart fluttered and I could feel Cupid’s arrow pierce deeper into my heart. As I observed them, I reminisced the events which had brought this lovely woman into my willing arms.

Chapter 2

Jayati Bose was my mother’s best friend. I called her Kakima, meaning aunt. She was my first crush. I used to look forward to the occasions when our families would meet, because those gave me opportunities to steal furtive glances at her alluring visage and ripe body.

While my friends used to drool over models, actresses, tennis players or just the girls at college, my heart and mind had only the face and form of Jayati etched upon them. She was a woman of medium height, with lustrous, waist length black hair. She had a peaches and cream complexion and her skin was smooth. Her exquisite face, doe-eyes, sensuous lips and buxom body held great allure for my young mind.

Jayati’s body had filled well with age, and I found her figure desirable. Plump and well endowed with ample breasts and large hips. She always dressed glamorously in silk or chiffon saris which showed the rounded contours of her tempting offerings. On a few lucky occasions I had managed a peek at her cleavage, and I knew that abundant goodies were concealed there.

I was also obsessed with her derriere. Sometimes a gush of wind would cause her sari to cling to them, revealing their perfect size and fine shape. I had no experience of women. But by my juvenile instinct I knew that a promising gold mine of enjoyments lay buried beneath the layers of chiffon and silk.

Jayati’s husband Shankar Bose was a successful executive in a private company. The couple had only one daughter who lived with her grandparents in Bombay. Jayati was 37 and their daughter was 17, when she conceived again.

I was twenty- two years old at that time and besides tending to my final year at engineering, also had another job. I was my mother’s man Friday. Shankar was not around when Jayati gave birth to their second daughter, Karen. I helped mom get Jayati and her baby discharged from the hospital and drove them home. I was told that her husband was travelling for work and could not come. I did not pay much attention to this, but did notice that Jayati was not her usual effervescent self.

It was a few days after Jayati had returned home with her baby. I was getting ready for college, when my mother called me.

“Samrat, your father and me have to go to Kolkata to attend your cousin’s wedding,” she informed me.

“When do you leave?” I asked.

“Tomorrow. You will stay with Jayati till we come back,” she explained.

I struggled to hide my happiness at this news.

My mother continued. “Her husband has still not come back. She does not have anybody, and I will also not be here. I will be relieved if you stay with her. You can have your meals there and if she needs anything you can help her.”

Next evening, I went straight to Jayati’s house from college. I rang the bell. My heart skipped a beat when she opened the door. She was looking radiant in a cream colored silk sari with a red border and matching blouse. Her hair was loose, and she smelled good. I was tempted to take her in my arms and kiss her.

“Come on in, I was waiting,” she announced with a smile, showing her pearly teeth. She had a sweet voice.

“Kakima, how is Karen?” I enquired.

“She is fine but keeps me awake all night,” she smiled. I nodded my head in sympathy, noticing that she did look tired.

She showed me my room. I was feeling great. For the first time in my life I was this close to the woman of my dreams. I noted that our bodies touched several times, every touch inducing ripples of pleasure in my body. The sudden screams of her baby prevented any further exchange. She excused herself and I set about the task of arranging my books and clothes.

“Samrat, are you hearing?” I heard her voice.

I went to her bedroom. I had been to their house many times, and knew it well. Her bedroom door was ajar. I knocked.

“Come in dear,” she cajoled.

I walked in.

“Yes, Kakima?” I asked. She was feeding Karen. I could not see anything, as the baby’s head was well covered with the border of her sari.
“Please let me know if you need anything” she smiled. I could see that she was caressing her baby’s head below the sari. From her relaxed look I deduced that she was enjoying the suckling.

“Don’t worry Kakima. I am fine,” I assured her.

“Are you busy?” she asked.

“Well not really,” ignoring my long list of reading materials I had to study.

‘Then why don’t you seat here?” she motioned to a chair.

I was happy to comply.

We spoke for a long time, while she fed her Karen. In between she also moved Karen’s mouth to her other breast. The whole act was done with skill, beneath the border of her sari, while she was talking with me. But I could make out when she stuffed one breast back into her blouse and pulled out the other one and offered it to her infant.

The sight stirred my groins and I was relieved when she finally laid Karen to bed.

‘Kakima,” I started.

“Yes, dear,” she replied, her back to me.

“I have something for Karen,” I said.

“What is it?” she turned her head back, while still adjusting her child on the stroller.

I handed her a gift wrapped packet. She stood up. “What is it?”

“Open it and see,” I encouraged.

It was a dress for Karen.

“It is pretty,” Jayati’s eyes were glowing as she held up the dress to get a better look. “Thanks a lot Samrat!” I was not sure, but I thought I saw her eyes get moist. Later I would know that it was the first time somebody had bought a gift for little Karen.

After dinner, I was working in my room. I had a lot of study materials to finish before I attended next day’s classes. I heard a knock at the door. “Samrat, it is me, Kakima.”

“Please come in. The door is open.” I told.

She opened the door, and walked in carrying a glass of hot chocolate.

I realized that my mother had given Jayati a full list of my daily necessities. I always drank a glass of chocolate before sleeping.

She put the glass on the table and stood beside me. She had changed into an elegant white nightdress. Her hair was draped around her shoulders and she looked like an angel.

“Lots of work?” she asked, putting her hand on my shoulder and looking at the thick engineering textbook which was opened before me and the complex equations I was making on an exercise book. She looked impressed.

I just smiled, basking in her attentions. I wished she would stay for some more time.

“What’s this?” she picked up the copy of Eric Segal’s Acts of Faith which I had lined up on the table along with my other books.

“You read Erich Segal?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Did you read Love Story?” she enquired.

I paused before replying, “At least 10 times.”

“Only? My score is 50,” she chuckled.

She stroked my hair playfully. She started to walk away, when I said, “Kakima, I got something for you as well.”

“What is it?” she laughed, amusement in her eyes. I opened my knapsack and took out a bar of chocolate. I knew her choice well as our families were close.

She squealed like a girl when she saw it. She took the chocolate from my hands and thanked me by kissing my cheeks with affection, before bidding good night.

Chapter 3

It was 1 am when I completed my study material. I was feeling thirsty. I opened the door of my room. The house was drowned in darkness. I decided not to switch on the lights as I didn’t want to wake up either mother or child.

I tiptoed to the kitchen, when I heard the sounds of a woman sobbing. I strained my ears and realized that the sound was coming from Jayati’s bedroom. I was intrigued and walked to her room. The door was shut, but the light inside was on. The sobs were definitely coming from inside.

I was not sure whether I should knock. I stood there for some time. The weeping continued. I couldn’t hold myself any longer, and knocked on the door.

“Kakima, are you okay?” I asked softly.

The cries stopped. I heard some shuffling sounds inside, before she opened the door.

“You didn’t sleep? You miss your mother?” she joked. I observed her red eyes, and the dried tears on her cheeks.

“Why were you crying? I hope everything is fine,” I insisted.

She did not reply, but went back inside her room and sat on the bed. I sat down next to her.

“What is it Kakima?” I asked again and this time put my hand on her shoulders.

Suddenly, she started sobbing uncontrollably, and tears flowed down her eyes in torrents. I had no idea how to react. I put my arms around her, and drew her closer to me. She did not protest. She turned and rested her pretty head on my chest and cried for a long time. I think she didn’t even realize that she had thrown her arms around my neck as I caressed her lustrous hair. In the midst of her sobs she recounted her tragic tale.

Her husband Shankar was having an affair. Jayati had tried her best to wean him away, but had failed. In sheer desperation she had tricked Shankar to impregnate her, hoping that the newborn would bring her husband back. But it only upset him more. He refused to even see the baby, and wanted a separation.

I was immediately filled with loathing for her husband. True, I desired his wife, and providence had presented me with a wonderful opportunity to endear myself to her. But at that moment, I only felt tenderness and sympathy for this lovely woman in my arms.

We remained like there for a long time, unconscious of the passage of time. Finally, I found my voice.

“Kakima, is your husband blind?” I asked.

“Why ?” she questioned in a choked voice, making no attempt to release herself from me, as my right hand rubbed her right arm and my left hand stroked her hair.

“You are the loveliest woman on earth, and he wants another woman,” I said. I was surprised by my own boldness, and could not stop myself from lowering my face and kissing her head. No sooner did I do it than I realized that I had gone a bit too far. It was the first time I had held a woman so close and my mind was inebriated with her touches.

She raised her head, released her hands from my neck and looked at me. I knew it was coming. “I am sorry Kakima,” I apologized, released her and closed my eyes, waiting for the slap on my face.

It never landed. Instead, I felt her arms around my neck again, this time pulling my head with force, and I couldn’t believe it when I felt soft lips on my mouth and a slippery tongue on my lips, trying to open them and dart inside. The sensations these produced were highly gratifying. I opened my eyes and our gazes met, driving a surge of overwhelming emotions through our bodies, and with it casting aside all inhibitions and concerns. I pulled her delicate body into my willing arms.

We kissed for a long time. Her mouth tasted like a sweet fruit as I partook liberally of her delicious saliva which tasted like a mixture of milk and honey. I inhaled deeply her fragrant breath. She proceeded to remove my shirt and pants. My shaft had formed a rigid pole in my underpants. I also helped her out of her night dress, and watched in bewilderment as she revealed her crown jewels. It was the first time I was seeing a nude woman and I was enthralled by what I saw.

Jayati’s body was indeed lovely. I had ejaculated countless times fantasizing about it. But her voluptuous form far excelled my wildest dreams and I feasted on her with my eyes. She resembled a statue of Venus, sculpted out of the finest marble. I pulled her to me, and said, “Kakima.”

She put her fingers on my lips. “Call me Jayati,” she cooed. She removed my underpants, unraveling my package. She whistled with joy when she saw it and took it in her hands.

“Jayati, you are beautiful,” I whispered into her ears.

“You are huge,” she groaned and kissed me.

I touched her breasts, gingerly at first, like a child handling a delicate toy. They were soft and smooth. I cupped them next, fondling them gently, before applying more pressure. I tweaked the cherry red nipples between my fingers. My hands got wet as she was lactating. I lowered my mouth and kissed them.

“Suck them,” she pleaded, her silky fingers producing pleasing sensations on my tensed pole.

I held one breast with both hands, squeezed it, inserted the nipple into my mouth and sucked gently. She moaned and flooded my mouth with a spray of milk. It tasted like vanilla shake and I sucked it all, before moving my attentions to the other one.

“Please leave that for Karen, if she wakes up” she entreated, afraid to upset me. I kissed her in response which relaxed her
It was now her turn to return the favor. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my legs on the floor. Jayati knelt down between them, kissed my hardness with ardor before sliding her tongue over it. She looked me in the eyes, and I was delighted when she opened her mouth and my swollen organ disappeared inside. She sucked me, never losing contact with my eyes.

The happy spasms that her tongue induced in my rigid shaft soon raged like wildfire through my whole body, driving me to the precipice of sensuous delight. I closed my eyes, clutched her hair and thrust her face into my groins as her tongue continued to tease my joystick and her deft fingers tickled my sacs. I couldn’t hold myself any longer. To be fair to me it was only my first experience with a woman, and I soon emptied my hot seed into her eager mouth.

The abundance and velocity of my secretions seized her by surprise. In spite of her brave attempt to gulp every drop, streams of my white lava still leaked out of her mouth and dripped from the corner of her lips, forming cute cream- colored patterns and a frothy foam on her mouth and chin. She wiped her face with her fingers and licked it. She was still on her knees.

The scene excited me no end. I raised her, took her in my arms and kissed her, savoring the mix of her sweet saliva and my own juices. “What next darling?” I implored.

In response, she lay on her back and spread her legs. Her feet rested on the bed and her knees were folded in the air.

“Worship my womanhood,” she guided, rubbing her finger on her slit.

It was my first vision of an adult woman's vagina. I looked in fascination at the bald, cream-colored and fat nether lips guarding the entrance to her depths. In the center, two flaps with dark brown rims had spread out like a butterfly. I had no idea that a woman hid such wonders between her legs. There was a creamy film on her vagina which I guessed to be the essence of her arousal. The heady aroma wafting from there made me ecstatic.

I touched the lips gently, before plunging a finger inside. She was damp, and her secretions stuck to my fingers. I licked my fingers, and relished the ‘sour-cream’ taste. I was hungry for more. I brought my face nearer to that pleasurable object, kissed it and darted my tongue inside. She led me to her pleasure bud and told me how to stimulate it. I flicked my tongue over it.

She rewarded my efforts by her erotic moans and by the overpowering fragrance of her precious releases. I devoured her like a starving dog lapping milk, wanting more and more of her tasty love cream. She thrust her pelvis against my face with urgency. Even with my inexperience, I know she was in heat. My chest swelled with pride when I made her come and she drenched my face with her sweet smelling and copious emissions. Their heady aromas made me dizzy. I licked her dry, not leaving behind a single drop.

“You are a good lover,” she praised.

“What next teacher?” I said, kissing her eyes.

She turned and lay on her belly, and I got the cue. The sight of those awesome buttocks was a treat to my eyes. I moved to them in a trance and touched them. They were soft and smooth. I kissed both the cheeks, leaving behind generous love bites with both my nails and teeth. Next, I slid my tongue into the crevice between, making her moan.

My flaccid member had by now, regained its vigor. She turned and observed it with a naughty look.

“What next, love?” I asked.

“Time to claim your ultimate prize,” she explained. She laid me on my back, and gave my rod a few erotic licks, enhancing its length and girth. When it met her standards, she straddled me. She positioned my engorged hardness at her entrance, and with a deft arch of her pelvis, her velvety sheath gobbled my throbbing manhood. She rode me first at a steady pace, which finally reached a crescendo. I also thrashed my hips in tandem to her every thrust.

Indescribable pulses of delicious pleasures emanated from my hard phallus, embedded deep inside Jayati, before spreading across my body and mind, drowning me in an ocean of delirious joy. My hands kneaded her breasts and hips without respite, making her scream as my pelvis thrashed against her groin, plunging my love tool deeper into her tunnel of passion. The climax when it came was mutual and explosive and I emptied my love juices deep inside my darling’s love tube. She collapsed on me, and we hugged and kissed each other.

That was my initiation into the world of pleasure. My first crush guided me through my first time.

Chapter 4

Let us now return to the beginning of this story. Jayati had finished feeding her baby. She laid her in the stroller, before returning to bed.
It was time to resume our love making. She lay on her back. I mounted her and penetrated with ease. I was not surprised at her arousal. Suckling always excited her. Our orgasm was soothing and relaxing. We lay holding each other for a long time, before she got on top of me.

“I have something to tell you,” she kissed me, her naked body on top of mine, as she guided my now erect rod into her slippery folds.

I braced for another round of our nightly games.

“Our eldest daughter is coming next week to meet Carol and so are your parents,” she explained happily.

“That is great news!” I exclaimed, as we continued our passionate embrace.

“I love you,” she said and kissed me as we both climaxed. I kissed my beautiful wife back.

Well if all this sounds a bit muddled, let me explain.

In the afterglow of my first lovemaking with Jayati, I told her that I loved her and wanted to marry her. I wooed her relentlessly till she finally gave in and professed her love for me. That was two years ago.

Jayati divorced Shankar and made me extremely happy by becoming my lawfully wedded wife. She shifted to her parents’ house in Pune. It was a part of her substantial ancestral inheritance. I completed my engineering degree and moved to Pune, where I found a job. I settled down to a happy life with my wife and our daughter Karen. Carol was born nine months later, completing our family. It was little Carol who was wailing in the first line of the first chapter of this tale.

Needless to say, my parents had been shocked at the alliance. They could not accept the fact that their daughter-in-law was fifteen years senior to their son. But I had already made up my mind.

I knew that sooner or later they would realize that there could not have been a better wife to love and care for their son, than Jayati. No woman would ever make me as happy. Ours was an ageless alliance, made in heaven. I was happy when my lovely wife announced that my prediction would be true after all.

Word Count:3985
© Copyright 2009 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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