Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1575540-How-could-I-Forget
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1575540
A poem about my favorite female video game character of all time.
Through the plains

In Artemis’ reign

I tread along the balloon flowers path,

Along Demeter’s land

Through the city—

The metropolis—

I stroll across the streets,

Past malls

Filled with many people

And many robots


Hold on!

I’ve never treaded along this place

These people I’ve never seen before,

Yet somehow,


Why are they familiar

To me,

To my soul?

“Come, I’ll show you,” a voice says

“I’ll make you remember.”

And I look

To see a girl,

Hair like a silky snake

And caps a beret on her head,

Tugging my arm,

Grasping me as if I was her date

She glares at me,

Or I glare at her,

And those emeralds,

Those eyes

Radiates and warms my heart

And her face,

One that surpasses Aphrodite,

Causes me to blush

She looks familiar

I’ve seen her before,

So how come I can’t remember her?

“C’mon,” she says

And I follow

Past the people

Down the street

And stop,


There lay before us

A pile of rubble,

Man’s erosion

“Why are we here?” I say,

And she says, “Ssssshhhh…”

She pats me on the shoulder,

Smiles like a kitten

“Don’t you remember?

Have you forgotten?

This is where you found me

After the robotic dragon attacked.”

Robotic dragon?

When did I fight that?

Must be playing head games with me

Or just a crazy girl.

“Sorry, I… I don’t remember.”

And her smile deflates

She shakes her head


And I walk with her,

Her hand

Gripping mine’s

Past the slums

And to the skyscrapers

Filled with giant construction

And animal-like robots

The door slides open

Or we push it, one of the two,

And we enter

This room,

This place

Seems somewhat familiar

With its chart of the earth

And pictures of animal robots

“This is where you took command

And saw to it the job gets done with me.”

Job getting done?


Memories rush through my head,

But little traces of this place pops through.

“I sorta remember.”

And she rubs my head,

Slides it through my hair.


Now we’re getting somewhere.”

And she pulls my arm once more

“Hey!” I say

“What are you doing?”

And she turns to face me,


A puppy’s face.

“C’mon. Just one more place.”

“All right,” I say,

So we scurried out the building

She points up

“A space station?” I say.


And I look closer

Is that a laser jutting out of a space station?

“What is it?”

“Final Weapon”

I look at her face,

The head of the rose



And I could see tears streaming down her cheeks

(Well, if she could cry I would.)

“That’s… That’s where you killed me even though hic—“

“Even though what?” I say.

She glares at me,

Her eyes,

Her jades

Half concealed

Yet glistening in the night.

“Even though… You’re wistful to protect me.”

I killing her?

And a memory pops in my mind—

The memory of a red robot



By his loss,

By her death

A deluge of tears,

A river of snot

Streams from my face,

And my head hangs low like a soldier




“I remember.”

And I embrace her,

My tears landing on her shoulders

Reflecting the moonlight

She pats my back,

Caresses my head as if I was silk

“I know.”

How could I forget

The year 21XX

Or X’s life?

How could I forget

The mavericks,

But most of all

(And my heart smiles when saying it),

How could I forget you,

Zero’s maiden—


© Copyright 2009 Deundrae (deundrae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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