Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1579512-Forever-And-Always
Rated: E · Short Story · Tragedy · #1579512
Just a short story i wrote. Half-True, i do have a friend who has leukaemia.
Forever and Always

We just lay there in the grass, holding each other in a tight embrace. My arm wrapped around her shoulders and her head snuggled into my chest. I breathed in the sweet scent of her hair…smelled like strawberries and cream. She was the only person in my world at that moment, no one and nothing else mattered, only her.

I wished that moment could have lasted forever; I could have just lay there, for eternity, with her in my arms and forget about everything else. Well, I could’ve kept wishing and hoping that my ridiculous dream might actually come true. She snuggled closer into my chest. Why? Why did she have to leave, leave me…as well as the world and her life?

She had been diagnosed with a form of acute leukemia about three years ago. She had tried all the possible treatments, chemotherapy had failed to help her, and she couldn’t find a person who was willing to go through a bone marrow transplant to help save her. How could they not be willing to save a beautiful young girl like this? They could as well be considered as murderers in my opinion. About six months ago, it had become terminal. Those six months just flew by and before we both knew it, she was coming to the abrupt end of her illness and life. The doctors had all told her the same thing, the same words were spoken over and over again…”I’m very sorry, there’s nothing we can do for you now.”

We’ve arranged everything together. We’ve visited her family and close friends, gone on our dream getaway to Paris together and even organized her own cremation (she wanted her ashes to be released into the sea and back to the earth).  All we could do was wait for the inevitable.

She curled into a ball, snuggling even closer into me. I listened to her slow breathing, watched the steady rise and fall of her chest, and saw her closed eyes…she was sound asleep. I wrapped my arm around her more tightly and softly pushed her closer to me so that I could lean my head against her own. And only one thought entered my mind, not her death, not the past experiences we’ve done together, no…it was that I loved this girl so much and I know that I will see her again someday. With that, I kissed her gently on the forehead, and also drifted off to sleep.

Written by,

A lexxx [and] er 

June 3, 2009.
© Copyright 2009 Alexxx [and] er (alexxx23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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