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Rated: E · Article · Teen · #1580233
An article I wrote about friends and what they mean to me.

Friends…what are they? Well my definition of a friend is someone who will stick with you all the way until the end. It doesn’t matter what, but they’ll always be by your side to help you through the bad times and be there to enjoy the good times with you as well.

Someone once told me, that the group of friends you choose to have around you defines what kind of person you are. I believe that is true to a certain extent. If you have many friends constantly hovering around you but you don’t really know them or talk to them, it could imply that you’re either the popular person or that they aren’t really true friends. If you have only a couple of friends that are with you, it could imply that they are really close friends or that you don’t have many friends except for those close few. The way you view it also depends on who you are. However, sometimes all of us have that feeling that all you need is space and time to yourself. This does not mean that you are rejecting your friends or lonely, it just means that sometimes you just need to be by yourself for a while. Your friends should respect what you want and what you need.

We all have heard of and use the term “best friend or bestie” before. If you regard someone as your best friend it means that you trust them, are loyal to that person and usually will not have many fights. Yes, maybe you might have a small argument and disagreements once in a while, but if you really are best friends you’ll get over it and carry on. I believe that best friends come in few, but when you find them, you just know that they’re always going to be there for you. Altogether, I have three best friends who fit my description. One of them, I am not sure if she still views or thinks of me as her best friend but I still do towards her.

Honestly, what are we without our friends? How many times have you felt as though no one cared about you but your friends are right next to you, trying to comfort you and help you? True friends would always be there when you’re feeling alone and in need of companionship. Now, it is easy to accept help from your friends but when they are the ones who need help, you should be there for them. If you’re not, then you don’t deserve them as a friend. You should be there for one another.

We all have our little fights with friends now and again but it is nothing to lose your head over or let your whole friendship collapse just because of something tiny. You have to sort the problem out together and more importantly, you must discuss it calmly, not screaming your lungs out at cursing at the person. Just remember that this person is your friend and you are the same to him/her. Build a bridge and get over it is a saying that fits this.
Now, I’m sure most of us have had “false friends” in the past. In my personal opinion, these are people who pretend to be your friend. There can be several reasons why they would do this. If you’re a popular person, it could be so that they too hope to become popular. If you’re rich, it could be that they hope to be able to get easy money from you now and then. The reasons vary from person to person. These people are just users who I take pity on because they are absolutely pathetic. Don’t pay any attention to them.

There are no “How To” steps in finding friends. I can’t tell you how to find a friend or what kind of friend you should have. It all depends on what kind of person you are, and who you feel is a true friend. Best friends are even harder to find, so when you do find that person, be happy.

Friends…these are the people you can count on for anything. Cherish them and don’t think of them as tools you can discard when you get “bored” of

Written by,

A lexxx [and] er                                                               
June 22, 2009
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