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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1599164
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Chapter 3

Damien sat up in bed not knowing what had woke him. The little clock on the nightstand showed three in the morning. “What the hell,” he said aloud. “I’ve never had this much trouble sleeping.” Frustrated by the lack of sleep, he decided to take a shower. He realized what had aroused him from his slumber while rinsing the soap from his hair.

“Saphire.” He jumped out of the shower and threw on a light blue sleeveless shirt with loose fitting black jeans. “Something’s not right. I need to get her out of town now.” He slammed the door behind him.

Speeding down the streets, Damien didn’t notice the two pairs of orange eyes following close behind him through the woods. He arrived at Saphire’s home determined to leave right away. He took the final step onto her porch, reached for the golden crainhorn head doorknocker, only to have his mind changed for him. The door flew open revealing a shaken Saphire.

“Damien, I’m glad you’re here.” She leaned against the solid noak door to stop herself from running to his arms.

“Saphire, are you okay? What happened?” Damien had to restrain himself from rushing to her side.

“Everything’s… f… fine, I had another dream that’s all,” She stuttered, caught off guard by the look of concern in his eyes.

“Would you like to talk about it?” He couldn’t stop himself as his hand cupped her delicate face. “I wanted to leave right away, but you can’t go anywhere in your condition.” He brushed his fingertips over her cheek.

“It couldn’t hurt.” She turned away. “The kitchen is this way.” Wanting to put distance between them, she busied herself making coffee.

The kitchen resembled the lake outside. The tile floor was crystal-blue, an island made of maple sat in the middle. The cabinets were made strong brant wood cut from the forest around them. Sliding glass doors opened to reveal the inspiration for this magnificent room. A vase of multi-colored roses sat on the solid noak table, their scent mingled with the brewing coffee.

“I don’t want to upset you, but what was your dream about?” Damien sat on the bar stool next to the island.

“We were driving on a deserted road; suddenly there was a black mist in front of us. Something attacked us while we looked for a way around the haze. I’m not sure what it was, because I woke up as it came running towards us.” She shook her head. “It was just a dream. Right?”

“How many times have you had a dream that came true?” Damien looked at her, and lost his train of thought. Her long red hair was still a mess from her rough night of sleep. The robe she wore was a thick cotton material, a few rips on the seams. He couldn’t tell what she had on under the pink housecoat, but without warning images started to pop into his mind. ‘Even rumpled and unprepared for the day she was a stunning woman,’ he thought.

“Before yesterday it had never happened. Why do you think it’s all happening now? I know you said something about a prophecy, but what could that have to do with my powers. ” Saphire slammed the cups on the counter with a loud thump. She winced at the immediate pain in her left hand. “I’m sorry, give me a minute.” She grabbed a dishtowel to wrap her injured hand.

“Let me help you.” Damien caught her arm before she could walk away. “I really don’t know. My grandmother might be able to tell you why, I know falines are different from other magical creatures in a lot of ways.” Damien examined the wound. “For instance a faline’s blood is poison to a vampire. If I were to bite you I would burst into flames.”

“My blood will kill you.” Saphire trembled from the chill that went down her spine. The thought of being able to eliminate this man with nothing but her blood terrified her. She tried to remove her hand from his, but he held on tight. “How is it you can stand here with the smell of blood?”

“It’s a long story, I’d be happy to tell it another time, but for now we need to be going.” He put on the final bandage, but kept her hand in his. “Are you packed, or do you need help?”

“My bags are sitting by the door if you want to put them in the truck. Just let me shower and I’ll be right out.” Saphire needed a few minutes to calm her thoughts.

Damien grabbed the suitcases, and put them in his Voltrus. He decided to take some time and walk around the property. The house was located about 200 feet off the beach. It looked as if Saphire put a lot of consideration into the layout of her location. It was a relaxing environment, the smell of the lake blending with flowers and trees, completely natural, no smog or days old trash disturbing the nostrils. He could get used to a place like this.

“Damien, are you ready?” Saphire came up behind him.

“Yeah.” The smell of her made his mind go blank. “I just got… distracted I guess. Have you ever thought about turning your home into an Inn? You have an absolutely perfect set up,” He said, his thoughts drifting back.

“I considered it for a little while, but I settled on peace and quiet. I’m considering building a B&B across the lake. When my Grandma Emma was alive she owned everything on and around this lake, and now it's all mine.” Saphire pointed to the southern shore. “If I put the Inn over there then I can still have my privacy, but share the beauty at the same time.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” Damien opened the truck door for her.

Saphire kept quiet through the first half of the trip, every now and again, stealing a glance in Damien’s direction. She was nervous about everything, taking a journey with someone she didn’t know; to a place, she had never heard of, to learn how to defend herself against creatures she’d only dreamed about.

“Damien I’m not certain, but this road looks like the one from my dream,” Saphire said.

“Think about it, is there anything you can remember from your vision that can help you make a positive identification.” He slowed down to allow her a better look at their surroundings.

Saphire looked around anxious. “See that field over there.” She pointed out her window, “In about three more miles there will be another field, the road will be blocked by the black mist I told you about. The field will be covered with logs, boulders, and old farming debris.” Saphire turned to see Damien watching her every move. “Is there another road to take?”

“Let’s see if you’re right first.” Damien wanted to trust her, but he also wanted to get her to his grandparents as fast as possible, and this was the quickest way.

“I know I’m right. Damien,” Saphire began to panic. “Please listen to me. We need to find a different way around. I don’t know how to fight off whatever it was that attacked us.”

Damien pulled to the side of the road. “I’m going to call my grandfather. I need to let him know where we are. Maybe one of them can help.” He dialed the number.

"Alex here,” his grandfather answered.

“It’s me,” Damien said. “I’ve found Saphire, we’re on County Road twelve about six miles from Elmgate.”

“That’s wonderful. How long before you get here?” You could hear the excitement in Alex’s voice.

“I’m not sure, that’s why I’m calling. Saphire had a dream last night we were ambushed by something hiding in a black mist that covered the road we’re on now.” Damien explained.

“Damien listen, if you see this mist do not go through it. Find another way around, but get here quickly,” Alex demanded.

“Why are the others after her Grandfather? I thought they didn’t know of the prophecy.” He looked at Saphire.

“Unfortunately we have discovered that not all of the watchers are truly on our side. We have a spy in our ranks.” His brow furrowed as he spoke of the treachery.

“All right, keep an eye out. We’ll be there soon.” Damien hung up. “We need to get out of here now. It looks like you were right, but there’s no choice we have to go this way. We don’t have time to turn around. Just hold on tight, and make sure you’re buckled up.” He got back on the road.

“How are we going to get by the mist though,” Saphire asked frantic.

“If you’re exact about the field next to the road, then I suppose we’ll have to go off through it. This truck is made to do more than look good.” Damien gave her a wicked grin.

“Oh no, that field is covered with debris. There is no way we can make it through safely.” She pulled her seat belt tighter.

“Try to give me a few minutes warning before we get to the spot please.” Damien concentrated on the road.

“Here is your warning then. The spot is around the next curve.” Saphire’s entire being had begun to glow. “Whatever’s out there must be strong. I can feel a powerful source of evil.”

“I thought… Never mind we’ll discuss this later.” Damien saw the enormous black mist covering the road. He stopped a hundred feet from the fog. “Hold on tight, I’m switching to four wheel drive.” He pushed the 4x4 button on the dash of his truck, and floored the gas.

The field was exactly as Saphire had described. Huge boulders, rotten logs, and old farm equipment littered the entire area. It resembled a long uncared for cornfield. Someone must have decided it was no longer worth farming. To make sure they were not being followed Damien glanced in his rearview mirror.

“Damien look out,” Saphire braced for impact.

As he turned his attention to the windshield, he saw the massive anatour that stood directly in their path. There was no way to avoid hitting the creature, they were going too fast and it was too big. He decided to run right into it, hoping to injure it bad enough to give them time to get away.

“Saphire as soon as I tell you, I want you to jump out of the truck and run. Do you understand?” Damien unbuckled himself.

“What,” Saphire screamed.

“Now!” Damien jumped hitting the ground with a loud thud.

Saphire ripped her seatbelt off and jumped. They both rolled away from the truck. Damien got up first and ran to her side. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” They turned in time to see the truck slam into the anatours’ right hip; an earsplitting howl rang out across the field.

“Follow me.” Damien started for the wooded area.

“Right behind you.” Saphire ran as fast as she could, but something grabbed her from behind. “Damien, help me.” She turned to see the nine-foot tall creature still howling and limping away. Whatever had her was invisible. “How can I fight something I can’t see,” she thought to herself.

Damien saw Saphire struggling with an unknown source. “Let your subconscious take over, maybe that will help.” He raced back scared of what could happen to her.

Saphire closed her eyes; suddenly she felt a strong electric jolt course through her body. The pressure around her waist disappeared; she turned around to see a man standing six and a half feet tall behind her.

“You are a strong faline, but I am stronger.” The man tried to grab her again.

“Don’t touch her again!” Damien was at her side. “Marcus how could you do this to us. We trusted you.” Marcus had been a Watcher with Alex. “At least we know who our traitor is.”

“Damien, so you’re the one Alex trusted enough to send. Andreas promised me more than I could have imagined, and all I have to do is bring this precious woman to him. Maybe I will take her to him unharmed or maybe not.” Marcus began to laugh.

“You are not going anywhere with her. Saphire run for the woods.” Damien took up a defensive stance. “I will protect her with my life. You’ll not touch her again.”

“My dear friend, you do not want to fight me. I can get you in the good graces of Andreas. He will make all your wishes come true.”

“I stopped being your friend when you started your treacherous acts. In addition, I will never bow to Andreas. He is an evil warlord who cares nothing for the innocent. Actually he will probably destroy you when he realizes you have failed.” Damien leaped at him.

“I am too strong for you Damien, give up while you still have the chance.” Marcus stepped out of the way with the grace of a dancer.

“He might not be strong enough to defeat you, but I am,” said the strong voice of Alex.

“Grandfather, what are you doing here,” Damien asked as Alex stepped between them.

“Damien, get Saphire to your Grandmother I will take care of Marcus.” He glared at Marcus. “She is waiting for you in the forest, find her and go.”

“I can’t leave you,” Damien said.

“I’ll be fine. Saphire does not need to see this. Take her where she will be safe, I will be there shortly. Go now!”

“Alex don’t you want your grandson to see your demise?” Marcus was no longer laughing. He knew his fight would be a lot more challenging now.

“It would not be my demise he would witness.” Knees bent, a growl escaping his lips, Alex primed himself for the battle.

Damien could hear the scuffle commencing as he went in search of Saphire. He reached the tree line and saw her watching the conflict behind him.

“Your Grandfather is a sweet man. He told me to stay here and wait for you.” Saphire wiped the tears that ran down her cheek. “Will he be okay?”

“He is a strong man, he’ll be fine. Come we have to get you to Elmgate, only there will you be safe.” Damien put an arm around her shoulder as they began the long walk to town.
Behind them the fight continued, Alex sidestepped a kick from Marcus, and came back with a fist to the traitors face. A whirlwind of punches and kicks created the look of a tornado in the field. Marcus landed a foot in Alex’s chest sending him flying into an old rusty tractor.

“Give up, you will never defeat me.” Marcus sneered.

Alex stood realizing he had an advantage. His opponent was no longer taking the Blood Draught; therefore, he would be sensitive to the smell of fresh blood. He grabbed a slender glass vial out of his pocket, and threw it where the anatour was standing. The glass shattered releasing the sweet aroma of human blood into the air.

Marcus caught the scent; losing control of himself, he went straight for the enormous creature. Alex seized him from behind, and threw him into the ground causing everything around them to shake. He straddled Marcus pinning him to the land, and began beating his face with fists of steel. He picked the treacherous creature up, and threw him against a gigantic noak tree.

“You have not won. The war has only begun.” Be sure and keep your new pet protected at all times.” Marcus’s voice was rough with pain. “We will return with a stronger force, we will not be defeated. This faline can not undo what Andreas has worked so hard to achieve.” He grabbed his chest as he collapsed.

“You my friend shall not return to anyone.” Alex ripped the deceitful man’s head off. “You shall not succeed in taking me down either,” he said to the anatour watching him.

“I do not wish to harm you. I would like to join your side. I have never liked my life style; I don’t like being a monster.” This individual sounded feminine. The injury she sustained from the truck had healed. “I tried to stop those two earlier to warn them, but they thought the same as you. I cannot blame them; my kind has always been bad. I do not think any in history have turned to the good. Please can you help me?”

“What is your name young one,” Alex asked.

“I am known as Yori San Tiano, and you are?” She sat extending a paw.

“Alex Duates, now how do I know you are not lying to me? If I take you home to my family how do I know you will not hurt them?” Alex took her paw, watching for any sign of lies.

“Andreas has never been nice to me. He has beaten me numerous times, forced himself upon me, and degraded me in front of every creature in his army. I do not deserve such treatment, when I demanded better of him he tried to kill me. I will not return to him under any circumstance.” Tears welled up in her big brown eyes.

“I don‘t sense any danger in you, however I will let Anita have the final say.”

“I swear I will do no harm to anyone. Thank you greatly for aiding me. I will someday return the favor.” She bared her teeth, but it looked more like a smile than a threat.

© Copyright 2009 Numb Hands (mysticsierra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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