Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1601853-Prologue
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1601853
Writer's Academy grade 4.5
Writer's Academy Grade: 4.5 A


For three long horrific years Montula was at war, leaving death and destruction in it's wake. Andreas’s followers were defeated and peace slowly returned. Dark ominous clouds dispersed, revealing two magnificent suns that had been missed by all the different inhabitants of the land. Falines, women of magic, worked hard in an attempt to clean up remnants of the treacherous events. Watchers, vampires whom took an oath to protect all that was innocent, began to restore what evil had destroyed.

The forest of Gongstrone was a place of tranquility. Animals frolicked in the trees, birds flew through vast skies, and crainhorns sang their sweet melodies. Crainhorns are magical creatures whose songs sounded like thousands of bells all ringing in perfect harmony. They have short stubby snouts with a giant head; their bodies were made for quickness. If anyone ever needed to get somewhere fast crainhorns would be the first choice. There was only one thing they would not do, and that was work for someone with an evil heart.

The enormous stone towers on Catharine’s Castle stood above all the trees. Many people used those as a beacon tonight, for a meeting of all those who inhabited the land had been called. Watchers were put on full alert, in case of enemy attacks. Creatures of every shape and size waited in the grand ball room for Elizabeth. This woman was a seer; her skill had grown so strong that Catharine decided to keep her in the castle under protection at all times. A serious matter was the topic of discussion for the night, however there would be an exceptional party afterwards.

Catharine stood alone on a stage in the front of the ballroom. “I want to thank you all for coming on such short notice.” She pushed her long silken sleeve back over her wrist… “Elizabeth has foreseen a troubled time in our future. She will be here soon to explain everything. Please, feel free to mingle while we wait.”

All noise ceased when a beautiful blonde haired woman walked in. Her eyes were a soft blue; an exquisite baby-blue silk dress hugged her delicate figure. The slit in the back of her dress revealed long slender legs, a low v shape in front showed just the right amount of cleavage. Elizabeth knew she was a gorgeous woman. It was well known that she would use her looks to get what she wanted.

“Hello, as I’m sure you all know I am Elizabeth.” She smiled, knowing all too well every man in the room drooled over her. “You have all been called here tonight because of Andreas.” Gasps could be heard all around at the mention of the mans name.

“Excuse me, but I thought Andreas’s plans had been ruined,” a male voice spoke.

“For now yes, however I’ve had a vision of the future. I can’t say for sure when it will happen, but he will rise again with more force than before. The next time he’ll not be so easy to destroy. His forces will be strong, added followers make it difficult to get close to him.” Her voice came out soft and delicate.

“Then how do we defeat him?” A small old witch moved closer to the stage.

“A very powerful witch shall arise; she’ll have the power needed to annihilate Andreas. The Army of Destruction will be our responsibility.” Elizabeth took the seat next to Catharine on the small stage.

“What if we don’t find her?” A worried voice came from the crowd.

“I can only tell you what I've seen. As you all know our side has always found a way to make things work out for the good." Elizabeth gave her best smile. “I’m sure we will be able to do it once more. Andreas will be more difficult, however the time for war is far from now. I am not positive how long, but it will be after most of our life times.”

“What is the witch’s name? How will we know her?” Alex pushed his way out of the crowd his wife of twenty years close behind.

“That I cannot tell you, when the time is close one of the Watchers will have a dream of the woman. This vision shall reveal enough to find her. I’m telling you this not to frighten you, but to alert everyone as to what is coming. Please enjoy the festivities, you’ve all earned them.” As she finished the music began again.

A warning had been given, now it was a matter of time before they would have to worry. Elizabeth and Catharine sat watching the creatures of the celebration dance. Knowing peace and happiness were temporary, in time the war between their kinds would start up again.

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