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Rated: E · Other · Sports · #1603727
Sports make sense to me.
Sports. Logical. Clear. Precise rules and regulations. A definite winner and an obvious loser. Sports are being played this very miunte somewhere across our world. We find ourselves invested in certain sports over others, but nontheless, we are pulled to them. Now the question I have to ask is: are we drawn to them because the rules are familiar? They give us a stable ground in an uncertain world? Do they provide a much needed black and white answer in a grey-based society? OR is it the hidden emotion and intensity our robotic lives crave? The ability to have our hearts race when we see our team make a pivital basket in a heated game? OR once again are we drawn to the saftey and comfort of knowing where we stand with numerical rankings because we are completely unsure of where we stand on our own? What I truly love about sports is the balance of both. The structure, being able to hide beind that safety blanket of knowing that in a world that is desperate to change you, it provides that genuine safe haven. When you are lost in the day to day chaos and not even sure you have two of the same shoes on that morning, you recieve that calming ease fall over you with the stability of the rules and guidelines. You are bestowed with eager clarity in who wins each fight/game/match to either move up or down in that sports' ever so present ranking in a world where everyone is watching you. But here is why I find this sport dynamic to be absolutely brilliant. Not one of us would would watch or play any sport unless we felt an honest connection to it. Deep down it brings out emotions we never even recoginsed in ourselves. Because there are so many different walks of people, there are just as many sports to satisfy each individual and unique needs. A surfer has a calling from inside themselves to feel the water rush along their body, a golfer get the purest breath of air after rotating into the perfect drive, a batter feels the closest to utopia throughout every inch of his body when he connects the ball to the sweetest spot of his bat. It's those moments that we can see without even being the ones playing. We get connected to "our" sport, "our" team, "our" players. It's those magnetic pulls from inside the cores of our beings we followed through in believing since childhood. In fact, it may just as well be the only thing we believe in, after growing up having life's lesson beat us down and turn us into cynical, untrusting creatures. It's the ability to dream to be the best and rise above those setbacks, to be great, to be recognised for our accomplishments and supported during our failing games/seasons. Each day, each year, we still believe, we still watch, we still play, ancitcipating those winning moments that we know are soo worth it because we have tasted it before. It's the most amazing balance I have ever witnessed. Intensity and adreneline tied with teamwork and structure, passion tied to logic. It's incredible. Watching two teams with very different ways of playing the exact same game, play a brutal game with trash talk and low blows and then to see those two teams rise above their own egos and see outside themselves to say "good game" is beyond inspiring. Now imagine if we traslated this mentality into our everyday lives. To be supportive of yourself, your "teammates" (family, friends, partners, co-workers), and the life around you. To applaud their efforts, as well as your own, when they achieve greatness. To wish them better on the next game after one not so well played. To allow our innermost emotions connect with each other as we allow ourselves to do with players we never even met. To fall asleep at night and tell ourselves "good game" no matter the score or how we played and then continue to better prepare ourselves for the next day/game. This is the reality I find myself following. I don't want to live in a vicious dog eat dog world to be the best. I want to be the best through the support of my "teammates", my own hardwork and stradegy, following those black and white rules, all the while trusting my instincts, throw caution to the wind and fall in love with the game without feeing the need to protect myself of the risks, and allowing that gut-wrenhing intuition guide me play by play, game by game, season by season. In this game of life. I'm going to be the absolute best player I have the confidence I can be. I'm on team me.
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