Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1609613-Forced-Pleasure
by Emily
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1609613
Falling for your kidnapper.
Water dripped from a leaky pipe some feet away from her. Seeing was impossible because a piece of cloth covered her eyes. The joints in the girl’s shoulder’s had lost their tingling a long time ago, now they were sore and immobile. Her arms were tied behind her, around the back of an unsteady wooden chair. Rope bruised the girls wrists and attempted to slice away at the skin if she dared to move.

Ten feet away sat a man, dressed in military clothes with a gun in his hands. He eyed her thin shorts, letting his mind wonder what he could do to her before giving her to the dealer. He’d never taken his way with one of the girls he sold but this one he couldn’t seem to pass up.

He’d stolen the innocent girl straight out of her own house. Mommy and daddy were gone for the weekend and the girl had planned to have a night with her boyfriend. But lover boy never showed.

A pleasant night of deflowering turned into terror as he took her from her bed, dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts and a tank top. The man wore a Michael Myers mask to hide his face. She gave him such a fight that his cheek was starting to swell. With the gun in hand, he placed a rag over her nose and threw her to the ground. Duct tape covered her mouth before she could scream. But no one would have heard her, it was for his own pleasure. One thing he loved about rich people: all those trees and privacy fences made his job easier.

A fair skinned, eighteen year old virgin would bring well over ten grand on the market. On Tuesday, she would go to market like a pig, be displayed for all the foreign diplomats, then bidden on and shipped overseas while drugged and used for sex.

He sat watching the girl wake from the chloroform nap and thought of what he could do to her. If he had sex with her once, and left her ass alone he might be able to get at least eight grand from her. All natural girls were rare and expensive. Should he really throw two grand out the window for a virgin? He did have three others on the way.

“Morgan, Spread your legs,” he said as he stood.

“Wh…What?” she stammered.

“Spread your damn legs,”

“No,” she rebelled.

Hearing the hammer of his gun click, Morgan did as she was told. He stared at the darken cloth between her legs.

“Stupid women,” he thought. “They get wet over everything.”

The man sat his gun down on his chair and was only equipped with a buck knife. He slipped it from its cover and held it to the side of her neck. “Do you want to die?” he asked in her ear.

“No,” she stammered again fearing another click from the gun.

“Then your going to do whatever I tell you to,” he leaned up to put his mask back on. “Do you understand me?”


“I’m going to untie you and take your blind fold off, if you run I will shoot you in the ankles. Then you wont be able to walk at all and I’ll let my crew have you all at once. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” she said nodding her head with too much force.

The man cut the rope, letting her hands fall on either side of her hips. The blindfold came off to reveal scared brown eyes. Tears had dried along her face and new ones were forming at the corners.

“I don’t have a heart, so don’t think that crying will affect me.”

Even with his threat, she ran. Her bare feet scrambled across the cold, rough ground, scraping her heels. He ran after her but his boots got better traction and reached her before she could get to a destructed pile of wood and nails. Pulled down by her clothes, she fell to the ground. His body landed on top of her forcing a breath from her lungs.

“I told you not to run Morgan.” he said as he grabbed one arm and twisted it behind her back.

She screamed at the pressure between her shoulder and arm socket. He wasn’t strong enough to break it but he could do some damage.

“Let me go, you son of a bitch.”

The man pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. She refused to walk so he lifted her over his shoulder. Morgan’s hands slammed away at his lower back protesting against being carried. He didn’t care, he was more worried about her kicking feet and how close they came to his manhood.

“I never knew my mother,” he said slamming her back into the chair. “But thanks for the observation.”

She got up from the chair again to try to run again but this time, he slapped her with all his strength.

“You’re not like the other ones, you fight me.” he told her, watching her rolling eyes. “I like a little challenge.”

“Fuck you,” she yelled, spitting in his face.

The man wiped the spit from his mask and transferred it to his pants. “All women like it a little rough.”

Morgan did nothing but look at him. She would have tried again but her legs felt like jelly.

“I’ll make you a deal, fuck me and I wont kill you.” He walked over to the floor and picked up his knife.

Morgan sniffled back more tears, “What do you want me to do?”

“Stand up and take your clothes off,” he looked her up and down as she undressed.
Girls like her weren’t the normal type he went for. He liked them taller, heavier, bigger breasts then the B cups she had and more in the back. He thought he could break her, but he liked the thought of that too. He liked them scared and begging for their lives.

Morgan stood there in a drafty, soiled warehouse by the river. Her nipples had hardened by the cold. she shivered, not from the breeze but from what might happen to her.

The knife tight in his grip, he walked closer to her. The man grabbed her hair and yanked her head back to look straight into his eyes. “I want you to suck my cock to save your life.” he told her, throwing her again to the ground in front of him.

Morgan’s knee’s exploded in pain when she hit the concrete. he unzipped his pants. Then he told her to go get it. She hesitated to put her hand inside, afraid something in there would bite her. But nothing did. she pulled his hard dick from his pants.

“If you bite me, I’ll slit your throat.”

She had never seen a penis in person before. The only thing she thought was if it would fit in her mouth. Porn was something she had seen a few times so she tried to reenact what they did.

Licking the tip, she could do but it wouldn’t satisfy him. So she got her mouth wet, licked her lips and stuffed it in the best she could. But Morgan hadn’t expected a gag reflex. As soon as her mouth was on it, she was coughing, gathering air.

“Oh please, you don’t know how to suck a dick either?” he asked in a scolding voice.
“No, I don’t.” she coughed again.

“I don’t want to hear excuses, all I want to hear is, you sucking my dick,” he yelled grabbing her hair again and jamming her face onto his cock.

It felt like sandpaper in her mouth, his rod pushing inside and down her throat. She beat away at his legs to let her go. Her gag’s started again and she felt she was going to vomit. But he pulled her mouth off his dick, fallowed by trails of saliva.

“You better not puke on me.”

“I’m sorry,” she cried, tears falling down her face.

With one hand he pulled her to her feet, with the other he grabbed her breast. He rubbed his thumb over her nipple, feeling the soft peak tighten. Her sudden moan told him her body liked it against what she said. he pinched it then until she screamed in pain. His hand left her breast for a second to lift his mask up a little, replacing his hand with his mouth.

She couldn’t help but love the feeling of his mouth around her breast and the pain of his hand pulling her hair. But the moment wasn’t long lived, he yanked her to him. He turned around and sat in the chair. His hand still in her hair, hunched her over, meeting his masked face.

“your going to sit on my cock and finish what you couldn’t with your mouth.”

Through his camouflage pants, his dick stood long and thick, waiting to be engulfed by her virgin pussy. Morgan didn’t know what to do, if she sat on it, it would hurt and she had no experience in this. What if she didn’t do the job well enough would he shoot her?
Before Morgan could think of anything, the man pulled her down to his lap. She hesitated. If though it was considered a weapon in his situation, her body still craved the feeling of this stranger inside her. Her body pushed against his, his dick pulsing inside her.

The man caught the hesitation and became fed up, he grabbed her hips. He forced her all the way down, ignoring her sudden scream from pain and tears streaking her face.
“Please, stop, it hurts so bad.” she cried.

“Shut up,” he grunted.

The man forced her body up and down his shaft as she cried. Everytime she rose up, more blood appeared about his dick. He loved the sight of contrast between crimson blood and pale flesh.

Morgan felt humiliated, ashamed but the pain started to fade away and then it felt good. He felt better inside her then she thought and all she wanted was more. Soon she was moaning and wrapped her arms around the mans neck. The mask didn’t scare her anymore or the knife he kept attached to his hand. All she wanted was to ride his dick as long as she could.

He let go of Morgan’s hips and let her take over the process. The whole time he refused to close his eyes as Morgan did. Her breasts heaved and bounced in front of his face. Her brown hair flew behind her, sometimes hitting her in her face but she never faulted. She was enjoying it, he couldn’t believe it. At one point she leaned back, balancing herself with her hands on his knee’s and gave a frontal view of her body.
His orgasm built in his body as she grinded his cock into her wet pussy. He grabbed her breasts and pinched her nipples, her moans only got louder, her eyes closing and her face contorting with pleasure. Morgan’s orgasm quivered around his cock, forcing his to explode inside her.

She collapsed on top of him, laying her head on his shoulder. He was shocked. Her breasts pressed against his chest as she caught her breath.
The man was supposed to push her away, refuse to let her enjoy the afterglow of a good orgasm as he was doing at the moment. He remained hard inside Morgan, pushing out any other semen that remained.

“Um…Boss?” one of the man’s guards stood in a dirty hockey mask, taking in the sight. His boss was sweating, a naked girl in his lap with her head resting on his shoulder.
“What?” the man said placing his hands on Morgan’s hips.

“We got the other girls ready to go,”

“Good,” he looked at Morgan’s terrified face. “Take this one with you,”

The other man walked over to them and pulled Morgan from the boss. “What do you want me to do with her? Put her with the others?”

“No, take her to get a shower and some clothes,”

The man took his wondering eyes off of Morgan to his leader, “Sir?”

“I want to keep her, if her pussy was that good, I want to see what her ass tastes like,” he told the man gripping Morgan by the arm.

“You are keeping her?” he asked completely stunned, the boss never took a liking to a female before or anyone for that matter.

The man zipped up his pants and grabbed a cigarette from his pocket. “I haven’t had a slave in years, I want to keep her.”

The other man started pulling Morgan away when she yelled for him to stop, “I’m not being traded?”

“No, you’re mine,” he said lighting his cigarette. “Now go shower, you smell like a slut.”
The next night, Morgan got to see his face, he was beautiful. But no matter how much she loved the sex, she refused to stay with him. As he slept she ran, not to the police but home. She didn’t tell anyone about him but only that a man had taken her and she got away. Two years later his name and face showed on the news channel, convicted of kidnapping and sent to prison. Ignoring the voice inside her head, she went to see him. He was still beautiful and he wrote her every week.
© Copyright 2009 Emily (xxxcyanide at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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