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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1615669
first part of my mini series. enjoy.
The silence was deafening. Not a single soul was stirring while they waited for the arrival of their king. The palace doors opened suddenly and two skeletal structures stepped out. Their bones were millions of years old, but they were sturdy. The structures came alive and their empty eye sockets shined a deep blood red. their blank aura became as black as midnight. All of a sudden, one of the structures began to fall apart into sand. A cloaked figure jumped out from the palace and-
    "Light," a gentle voice said, "wake up, Light."
Light sat up in his bed, rubbed his eyes, and said, "What is it, mom?"
    "Oh good, you woke up," his mother said with a smile, "you slept ten minutes past your alarm."
Light jumped from his bed franticaly saying, "I overslept? Really? Please tell me your joking!"
    "I'm sorry, Light, but you did oversleep a little. Don't worry, though, you won't be late."
His mother left the room while he got ready. Racing through his room, he got his literature, chemistry, and calqulous books and put them in his school bag. He ran downstairs, got his breakfast, patted his little sister on the head, and told his mother goodbye befor heading out the door.
As he walked down the sidewalk, Light thought to himself, "Me, Light Takeda, oversleeping? I'm the top of all my classes. I can't oversleep, but I want to know more of my strange dream."
He stopped with a crowd of people at a crosswalk in the city. He looked up and saw a large television screen showing the news from all across Japan. He looked down and walked across the street in disgust as the news shoed the face of a dangerous murderer running wild in Tokyo. He hated all criminals. His soul burned in intense anger everytime he saw one's face. As he approached the high school, he took a deep breath to soothe himself. A few girls giggled nervously as he walked past.
"He is so cute!" one said.
"I want to be all his," sighed another. Light just smiled and kept walking. He reached his class and sat at his desk beside the window. The class bell rang and the teacher walked in the room.
"Good morning, students. Today we will be continuing our lesson on translating japanese into english." The class groaned and pleaded, "Can we do something else, Mr. Mikigawa?"
    "No, no, we have to do this." Mr. Mikigawa replied and started to write on the board. Light wasn't paying attention. He had already translated three books into english.
    "What was the dream about, exactly?" he thought to himself, "Who was that hooded figure" Whomever it was, the silouhette is unfamiliar to me."
    "Mr. Takeda, pat attention." Mr. Mikigawa said sternly.
    "I apologize, Mr. Mikigawa." LIght said smoothly.
He waited until Mikigawa resumed teaching before Light stared off into space again. Light was jolted from his deep thoughts when the school bell rang. He gathered his things and walked out the classroom. As he walked donw the steps from the high school, he was startled by a crow which flew infront of him. It landed on an arch ove the exit gates and stared at him. Light felt uneasy underthe crow's gaze.
After several minutes, he shook away the uneasiness and began to walk home. He walked in the door to be greeted by his mother. "Welcom home, Light," she said cheerfully.
    "Thanks," Light replied, "I'm going to study in my room, so please don't bother me."
    "Of course, Light."
Light locked his bedroom door behind him and sat on his bed. He stared out the window, deep in thought.
    "That bird, that crow, why was it gazing at me? And my dream? It's all so strange."
The sound of a bell broke his thoughts. The crow was sitting on his windo sill with a small gloden bell and a note tied to its leg. Light's curiosity got the best of him and he got the letter and the bell. He opened the letter and read it.
          Dear Light Takeda,
          You are probably thinking
          About all that is happening.
          Do not be afraid.
          It will all become clear to you in time.
          As for the bell, keep it.
          It's your symbol, as well as the crow.
          Name the crow anything you desire.
          That's all for now.
Light stared at the note for a while before looking up at the crow. As they stared at eachother, Light began to smile.
  "I shall name you Oujou, from the english word death."
The crow flew over and landed on Light's shoulder, as if it had always known him.
Light studied his school work and the mysterious not and bell until he had to get some sleep. As he took off his shirt, Ojou went to a corner of the room and fell asleep. Light got under his covers and rested his head on the pillow. While Light's eyes drooped down, he hoped to find out more of his dream that night. He drifted off to sleep.
When Light awoke, he saw that Oujou was gone. He got out of his bed and got ready for school. He fixed his hair as usual, over his right eye, and made his bed. He would be alone when he got home, so he grabbed the key to the house and locked the door before he went on his way. The morning seemed normal, and it frightened him.
  "This is too much for a fifteen-year-old hight school student," he thought, "it doesn't matter how hight my IQ may be. It's just too much."
He stopped at the usual crosswalk and looked up at the large television. He was astonished that fifty criminals had been found dead the night before.
  "Fifty was the number found," the anchorman said, "many more may be dead without the Japanese Polece knowing."
Light walked across the street, shocked. He recognized all the faces of the dead criminals as the same people he saw on the news a week before the note and the crow. He thought about it all through school and on his way back to his home.
Light went up to his room after he got home and saw a different not lying on his bed. He hurridly opened the not and read it voraciously.
          Dear Light Takeda,
          Do you believe now?
          That crow is a deamon that was sent from hell to be a god of death
          Its spirit is now in you.
          You are now a god of death.
          Whomever you wish will die.
          Use it wisely.
Light began to shake. an ice cold chill ran through his bones. He couldn't move, for he was frozen in fear, shock, and disbelief.
"It's impossible," he said aloud, "I can't be- I won't be- Why must this happen to me? All of this happened when i had that dream."
After several minutes, he was able to walk over to his desk and grab a lighter. He lit the note in a red inferno and tossed it out the window. He watched it land on the side of the road and turn into ash.
"Noone should know this," he said quietly, "Not a soul."
He walked back to his bed.
"This seems riciculous," he continued, " but noone will know a single thing. My privae life is now sealed from everyone."
He was furious, though he was unsure why. He paced around his room to cool off. He sat at his desk to study after a few minutes.
Light got up to stretch thirty minutes before it was time for him to go to bed. He turned on the news and saw the face of a criminal holding a gun to a woman's head.
  "The man holding the gun," the reporter said, "is identified as-"
  "Kei Nagano," Light thought, "age thirty-five. Die!"
He watched as Kei's eyes got larger. He dropped the gun and stumbled backwards. He fell as blood ran out of his mouth.
There was complete silence. Light was dumbfounded at what just happened.
  "I- I-," he stammered, "I killed him. He's lying there, dead, and I caused it."
His mouth went into a corrupted smile and let out an insane laughter.
  "I've killed him!" he said, " I am a god! All evil things will suffer and die!" He laughed again.
After he calmed down, he turned off the television and got in his bed. His eyes closed, and he drifted off to sleep.
  "This is impossible. It makes no sense in any way."
  "I don't know either, Chief Yoshima."
Yoshima sighed and said, "I've never heard of this. Looks like your going to help me with a big case sooner than we expected, Mikime. Get us some coffee. We have a late night tonight."
  "Yes, sir," Mikime replied, "right away." He left
Light, unusualy, woke up early on saturday. He got out of bed and yawned. He got on some clothes and went out on a walk. The cool morning air filled his lungs.
  "This is the calmest it's ever been," Light thought, "since I became a god of death."
He saw a fruit stand and decided to get fruit for breakfast. He bought a plum from the stand and continued his walk. As he walked, eating the plum, he thought about who he should kill next and how.
  "should it be and ex-convict," he thought "a criminal in jail, or someone on the run from the plice?"
He finished the fruit and threw it away before going into the park. He walked around the park, taking in all the intoxicating smells of the lavender, roses, sunflowers, and other beautiful flowers.
Light was just about to leave when he ran into a girl from school.
  "Oh, hello, Yuki. I didn't expect you to be here so early," he said.
  "Hey there, Light," she said, "I'm usualy here this early on saturday. It helps me clear my head."
  "That's intresting. I never noticed it, but you're right. I can think better now."
  "Have you smelled the cala lillies? They are my favorite type of flower."
  "I have smelled them. They are also very beautiful. Just like you."
She smiled and blushed, "Thank yoy, Light. You're pretty handsome yourself."
  "Thank you," he smiled, "hey, um, do you want to go out sometime?"
  "A- a- a date?" she blushed bright red, "I'd love to."
  "Excellent, I'll call you or text you."
  "Ok. Bye Light," she walked into the park.
Light was overjoyed. He had a date. This was going to be the best autumn ever. As well as intresting.
© Copyright 2009 Black Valentine (blackroselove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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