Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617022-LIFE-AHEAD
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1617022
This story is about a girl who was a victim of child abuse...
My name is Angel. People call me Angie. I am an ordinary girl, who lives with her family... nothing unusual about it. My parents love me so much that even if i try to free myself from the debt of their love.... I won't succeed.. words are not enough to describe what i actually feel for them.... but only regret i have , is i realized it too late.... their love was like a blessing.... it was always with me.... but i couldn't realize. But it isn't completely my fault. My life was sailing through troubled waters.... even i couldn't understand it. How could i have made them to understand it.... They are still unaware of dark day of my life which changed me into a ungrateful creature......

I still remember that dark day of my life which snatched my childhood from me. Childhood is the best phase of life but mine turned into the worst phase....... My heart still shivers to think about that summer afternoon... but even if i try i won't ne able to forget it.

That noon as i came from my school i found my house locked. I was waiting for my mother outside the house. I was busy staring at blooming flowers and wondered how could they be so beautiful..... suddenly I heard something. Someone called my name. I looked up, it was my uncle. He called me and asked me to wait at his house since it was very hot outside. I was just 10. I couldn't sense anything wrong in it. I went with him. He then went to the kitchen.... and i was playing with the paper weight... suddenly he appeared with some snacks and cold drinks. I drank that drink. But suddenly, I started feeling terrible... I couldn't move... I wanted to shout.... but words didn't come out of my mouth..... before fainting I saw his devilish face smiling at me.

When I opened my eyes, I was at my home. My dad and mom were beside me. For a moment i thought it was a nightmare but suddenly my eyes fall upon the door...... I shivered with the sight..... He was standing there... still smiling at me.... It doesn't took me long to understand. But I couldn't understand.... I was a child but that devil snatched my childhood... My playful nature... carefree smile... everything.... everything changed from that day. I was helpless. I couldn't tell anyone.... I was afraid.... I hated him... i hated everyone..... I wanted to destroy this world.... but i was helpless... this thought made me even more miserable...I lost interest in everything. At last i made a decision..... If i couldn't kill him... why not kill myself and free myself from the pains and sufferings. Many times I tried it.... but every time i tried i failed.... I cursed God to be so cruel to me. I was living just for the namesake. Deep inside me i knew i was dead. i had no feelings..... i forgot how to laugh.... how to cry.... there was no difference between sadness and happiness..... Days were passing...... years gone.... Everthing changed but i was still the same.....with every passing day... i grew more aggressive.............there was no rescue.......................

But as they after sufferings... happiness follows.... There came a new girl in our class. On the very first day, she chose to sit with me. She wasn't afraid of me , like others. I too found something unusual about her. there was a kind of unseen bond between us... I didn't know her but she seemed to be so known...She came to me and asked me my name. For the first time someone spoke to me without any fear.... even i answered politely.

Her name was Ancy. Little did i know at that time, that ,this would change my life. She was sent to me by god... to take lessen my pains and sufferings.. soon we became best friends. She was successful in bringing out that sweet, little Angel in me... which i lost... She was the only one who understood me... she could even understand my silence.... with her i learned to laugh... i began to enjoy life the way it's meant to be....My life was back on the track.... I was very happy.... she made me realize that throughout that bad phase i neglected my most valuable gift given by god "PARENTS". She changed my life.... it was my life's best phase...... But all good things must to an end. Soon our school days would end and we were to take admission on different colleges. As if it was not enough, She was going away form the city for higher studies. The thought of separation made me miserable. She was my only friend. I didn't want to loose her. But destiny has some other plans for me.

I still remember the day when she came to me to bid goodbye. She was going away. I couldn't bear this thought. I lost control on myself. That day for the first time I shouted at her. My reaction brought tears in her eyes. For sometime we both stood in silence. Then with trembling voice she said," Angie! Life Ahead is very beautiful... keep enjoying.... spread happiness.. Goodbye".

The word "goodbye" made me half dead. I wanted to stop her. I wanted to say sorry for my rudeness... but my ego didn't let me do so......

Few days passed. I had no news of Ancy. Then one day i decided to call her and say sorry. I called her. Her mom picked up the phone. I asked her if i could talk to Ancy. On the very mention of this name, there was a great silence. After a while she said in a trembling voice that Ancy is dead. I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't figure out, how all of a sudden, she was dead. I told her that we met at school. She narrated the whole incident to me. While coming back to home from school She met with an accident. She died on the spot. I couldn't hear more. I put down the receiver. slowly and slowly tears rolled down my cheeks.Her last words were still echoing in my ears. She is dead but i won't let her die in me. I won't forget, what she taught me. I'll keep her alive in me. I'll never forget her last words


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