Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618336-The-Life-and-Times-of-to-Many-Children
by kwud
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1618336
a brief story pertaining to the life of a family including 20 children.
Today, like any other is a strange day in the Rowan household. Although, the strangeness this day, might be

attributed to the reporters that had shown up at their door. The reporters had heard they had twenty children and

wanted to know all about it, so they agreed to meet on this day.

The children had been informed of this and were ready. They were varying in ages from about four to seventeen.

The house they lived in was two storeys high with 5 rooms. Three upstairs, and two in the basement. There were

about two bathrooms on each floor and three in the basement. Sometimes it was hard, having almost half the

children girls.

As the knock came at the door everyone quickly drops what they are doing and tries to appear normal. The

mother goes to the door, looking out the window the father notes the camera in the mans hand and a woman with

a microphone beside him.

as everyone introduced themselves they started giving the reporters a tour of the house, showing them the three

tiered pantry, full of canned food, Kraft dinner and buns for the children’s lunches. They also went into the

backyard, showing off their 30 foot long 10 foot wide pool.

The reporters are mostly interested in the troubles of having so many kids and state so. The parents look at each

other and decide it would be best to show them the rest of the house and explain along the way. They explain

that even though they have great jobs sometimes its hard to support all twenty children. About 5 of them played

sports and two of the girls wished to have dancing lessons. The rest were worried about their studies and playing

outside. At one point, they explain, it was hard to keep track of the children’s names. At this they all shared a

laugh. The rowans explained that they controlled the bathroom problem by having seven bathrooms and having

half the girls shower in the morning, and the other half at night.

Next the rowans showed off the bedrooms, showing them the master bedroom, which had a large bedroom suite

and walk in closet. Then, moving on they showed them the oldest children’s rooms, two of the oldest shared a

room. It was split in half with a large black line. The boys side was what you would expect, a dark green wall with

a few posters of girls. The girl’s side of the room was also what you would expect, bright pink walls and pictures

of boy bands and a large mirror.

As they crossed the hall into the next room it was big enough to fit four children, this was also divided by black

lines, though the walls were all the same colour the bedding was of cartoon characters, different for each child.

Moving on to the last room on the second floor this one is occupied by 8 children, mostly the younger ones, they

had four bunk beds and two large closets, this helped to keep an eye on them and allow them to wear each

others clothes when they wanted to.

As the walk down the stairs the rowans offer their guests a drink. They kindly agree, knowing that the rowans

needed it more than them. Sitting around the table they chat idly about their occupations.

Finally they move on to the basement floor, this had 3 TVs, hooked up like a drive in so the children could watch

what they wanted even if someone else wanted to watch something else. This floor had two bedrooms, 3 kids in

each; these were the kids of Middle Ages. Somewhat trustworthy not to watch television all night, their rooms

were all slightly small but only used for sleeping.

And that is the end of our tour, we hope you have enjoyed it; we look forward to watching it whenever you post it.

The reporters thank them for their time and leave, getting back into their van, they laugh at how crazy those

people were.

The rowans too, were laughing at how they had fooled the reporters into thinking they were crazy and weird.

696 words

57 lines

© Copyright 2009 kwud (kwud at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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