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by Maya
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1626535
This is chapter 2 of the story. You know the deal.
The countryside passed by in a blur of green and brown. Kyanna looked as she left her home behind to go to the mysterious school: Althea Academy.
How did they know about her? Better yet, how did they now about the so-called gift that she didn't even know about? Questions like that plagued her mind until she mentally slapped herself. I'll ask the headmistress when I arrive there, she thought. The inevitable silence was soon broken by her mother who called her name. She looked up and faced her mother. "Ma'am?" she asked.
"Kyanna, I want you to have something," she said rustling through her jacket pocket. She pulled out a necklace with a diamond in the middle of the silver charm. The charm was twisted to form a rose. Kya took the necklace, examining it carefully.
"Thank you," she mumbled after her examination. Her mother was always the one for playing weird tricks or pranks, hopefully this one doesn't kill her or something. She looked back out the car window, they had now entered town and were driving to the pier. They drove on the long strip of road in town that passed over the pier and wound down to the docks. She looked at the sparkling clear, blue water infested by the millions of ships that left their peaceful little island to go to the mainland. She thought about it for a second and started to regret her decision, if anybody could call letting her father force her to go.
Very slowly the car came to a stop, shutting off a minute later. Kyanna stepped out of the car along with her mother as her father got her suitcases out of the trunk. She sighed and breathed in the salt air of the docks. She sighed and followed her father to the pier that jutted out about three yards from the land to the sea.
The pier was used for loading and unloading passengers, stands where the fishermen could clean what they caught without offending their families and neighbors. Instead it offended the visitors who arrived by ferry to the island. She looked around until she spotted the long waiting line near the end of the dock. She sighed and walked with her parents until they made it to the line.
The ferry arrived giving its usual blare alerting the people that it was arriving. They made way for the people coming off of the ferry before getting on the ferry herself. She took her bags away from her father after getting a hug from her mother. Strange because her mother said something unitelligible in her ear before she walked on the ferry and handed her ticket to the man when she boarded.

The ferry ride was enjoyable. The gentle breeze that carried the smell of the water and the cawing of the passing seagulls lulled her to a state of tranquility. It was such a shame that the state would soon be interrupted by the noise of the mainland. She sighed and looked ahead at the horizon. The mainland would be coming into view shortly. She kept watching until the faint outline of the mainland came into view. She sighed and turned back to the blue sky. A small glint in the sky caused her to look at it some more to see if it would happen again. A minute passed and it happened again, this time shining even brighter than before.
A sensation passed over her. The same thing that happened before in the shaman's old shop. This time it didn't hurt as much but it still stung just as bad as getting stung by a hornet. The purple hue that came from her arm was covered by her hand. It wouldn't be nice to let people see the strange thing that was going on with her. Maybe the people at Althea would help her with it.
The horn blared interrupting her thoughts. Kyanna got her things ready for the docking. It sounded again, giving all of the passengers another warning. Kyanna sighed and looked over the edge of the ferry and towards the mainland. It was the first time that she would be on the mainland without her family, but, hopefully, she wouldn't need to do so.
The ferry stopped at the dock and the passengers exited the ferry and went to their friends and family. Kyanna sighed and looked around the docks until she found the person that was supposed to pick her up. They were holding a sign with a group of students that were probably the welcoming committee.
"Welcome Kyanna," one of them said. He was tall and had an olive complexion and brown hair that was messy. He smiled and reached out a hand to take her bags. Kyanna wondered how they knew who she was, but then she thought about the possiblity of the headmaster telling people who she was.
"Come on, let's get you to your orientation," a girl with unusual pink curled pigtails said. They walked to the two cars that were sent. Kyanna, the pink haired girl, and the boy got into one car while the others got into the second one.
© Copyright 2009 Maya (jbaby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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