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In celebration of Dads
Once upon a time there was a young man who was awaiting the birth of his child. He said to his father, “I don’t think I’m ready for this.”

His father said, “You’re going to do fine.”

And then the day came, and he held his baby in his arms. He kissed his child’s brow and his room for love grew by ten.

The child grew into a toddler, who had more ideas in his head than words to speak them. The child pulled and pointed, babbled and cried, desperate to communicate. And the man’s ability to understand grew by ten.

The child grew some more, and he was full of words. What had happened, what was wanted, what was seen. And the man’s listening grew by ten.

The child grew more, and went to school. There was homework, lunches, schedules and demands. And the man’s patience grew by ten.

The child grew still more, and wanted to know everything. Why were there wars, and hunger, and people without homes? And the man’s compassion grew by ten.

Just yesterday this man laid his precious child into bed. As he kissed the brow that had grown so much, he marveled at how much time had passed. He hadn’t become a rock star or saw his name in lights. His lazy days and youthful dreams were gone, and he felt a small pang at saying goodbye to them.

Then his child’s eyes opened, just a little bit. As they closed again the little voice whispered, “I love you, daddy.”
And the man’s gratitude grew to infinity.
© Copyright 2010 Penelope George (pkaz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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