Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1637143-The-Wolf-Way
Rated: 13+ · Outline · Romance/Love · #1637143
Should i try and keep going with this?
Ok...i lied. I can't finish it.
To many memories


I'm not 100% sure how to start.... Skylar Bardolf Calista is the main character. I have the whole thing planned out in my head....i just need help getting it down on...computer and paper.

Skylar Caslista is an average 19 year old boy/man with a possibly deadly future ahead of him.

Ari Dove is a vamp who has been chosen for the alpha wolf's mate. she is 18 years old.

Nick (unknown last name) is the alpha of a very young pack, full of College age kids.

Skeeter (unknownlast name) is the alpha of Nick's rival pack. Skeeter's pack is full of College kids as well.

most of the characters, minus the elder wolves, go to SOU (southern Oregon University) cuz that's the college i know best.

Ari doesn't want to be Nicks mate, but is given no choice when her Vamp family kicks her out of their coven (for reasons yet known). Nick, being alpha, has given her no choice but to be his mate or forever live in a life of...heck?

A curious reader might be wondering where Skylar, or "Sky" as he is commonly reffered by, is during this whole thing.
Skylar is sitting in the back of class thinking about how beautiful Ari looks today.
{Yes, i know. another boy meets girl and they fall in love story, but i'm not sure how else to start as a writer.}
Skylar has all but three of his classes with miss Dove. in all but one of these classes he sits far enough away to not be noticed if he stares at her but close enough that if she catches him he can pass it off as looking over her shoulder or something at someone or something else. in their history class she sits right in front of Sky. sometimes, when he's lucky, they'll get paired up or she'll turn around and say hi.

Ari likes Sky, he just doesn't know it. and Ari knows that Sky likes her. and she plans to play off that by making him know that she likes her.

Slowly, but surly, they both start talking and hanging out outside of class more. They have a special spot on campus, even. where Nick can't find them. Nick knows that something is going on with Ari and Sky. (Ari and Nick haven't "officially" mated, Ari won't even let Nick near her anymore). Skylar soon finds out that being shy isn't that fun. After Skylar kisses Ari for the first time (i knida have this scene planned out) Ari tells him about Vampires and Werewolves. how she is being forced to be with Nick and stay loyal to the pack. here. this is the bases of the scene:

"Hey, Ari!" Sky calls out to Ari, who sits out by Nick and his "gang".
Ari tells something to Nick then runs to meet Sky, all smiles, like usual.
A few feet away from Skylar, she slows down and says, "hola, Stranger, i've missed you," she steps into Skylars warm embrance and inhales his spicy, burning wood, pure male scent. "You wanna go to our spot?"
Skylar nods then mutters in her ear, "but we'd better take a detour. Nick looks (mad). i don't want him barging in on us."
Ari nods, then unwillingly pulls away from his arms and starts to walk away. Sky walks in a different direction. they meet a few minutes away, unoticed by anyone in Nicks group that they were going to be together for awhile, even though it was againsts Nicks rules. Nick told Ari that she wasn't aloud to be near Skylar. but she couldn't do it.
Skylar beats Ari to their meeting place and leans against a wall, trying to pull off cool, just looking like a dork. Ari rounds the corner and stops, trying to hold back laughter at the look of Skylar standing like that. Sky looks over at her then pushes off the wall with his shoulder awkwardly. "It was suposed to look cooler........" he says, shyly, to her. Ari laughs.
"oh, yes. you look sooo cool!" she says sarcasticaly. she drops her gaze to the ground when Skylar starts to walk towards her. "what are you going to do?" she starts to ask when he's standing right infront of her.
he looks at her, slightly taller then her 5'8''. "give you a massive hug," he says, pulling her into his arm and nestling his head in her hair and smelling her sweet peachy, vannilay scent.
"oh, ok. i can live with this." she relaxes into his warm embrace, loving the way she can lose herself in him. she wraps her arms around his waist and grudgingly looksup at him and says, "shall we go to our spot?"
Skylar nods and removes his arms from around her slowly, reaching for her bag. "May i carry that?" not waiting for an answer, he grabs it and starts to walk to thier secret spot.
Ari rolls her eyes and stands for a second, watching him walk away. would she miss him if he ever really walked away? if he knew what she was and the world that was going to come bite him in the (butt)?
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