Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1639472-Heaven-Lake
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1639472
They had been friends for all their lives, but one afternoon changed everything. Underage.
Wyatt waited patiently in front of the convenience store, sitting in his blue Trans am. It was almost time for June to get out of work and he was supposed to give her a ride home.

They had been neighbors for most of their lives, grew up close but not really together. Wyatt Sawyer Wilcox had always been a tall football and basketball player. He was the cool guy everyone wanted to hang out with, the popular boy all the cheerleaders wanted to date. On the other hand she was plain June Summers, the girl who worked weekends to help out her family and nothing more. However, they were good friends. Ever since they were children they would sit on the porch swing at her house and talk about anything and everything. They kept it up after they grew older; every afternoon after he dropped her off he would stay and talk for hours, before going back to his house. Still, they would never hang out in public although they were not ashamed of each other. June couldn’t stand the crowd of phonies that always surrounded him, and Wyatt, seeing in her someone different, someone he could be true to, loved to keep her to himself.

“Hey June bug, ready to go home?” he asked as she got in the car. She looked intently at him, her lips slowly curling into a smile, “Why? What’d you have in mind?”

His gaze met her baby blue eyes for a second before looking forward and starting the car. “Well, shit, dad is in one of his drunken bad moods today. I thought maybe we could go somewhere. Heaven Lake or whatever, just not home until I’m sure he’s asleep.”

“The lake sounds good to me. It’s frigging hot today,” she answered while she absentmindedly applied Chap Stick to her full, pink lips.

They drove to the outskirts of the small town and then took the dirt road that lead to the lake, as the afternoon sun painted the country sky with shades of red, yellow and orange. Their destination was isolated, as usual. Wyatt parked the car right by the tree on the shore, turning off the ignition, but leaving the radio on. The reception wasn’t good, but they could still listen to the music regardless of the static.

For five years Wyatt’s father had been an alcoholic, and for almost the same amount of time he and June had been going to the lake, alone. He couldn’t remember exactly when he discovered it’s solitude, but even though he was young (about twelve years old, give or take), he recognized it as his salvation. It was the only place where he could be alone with her and save himself from a beating at the same time.

But dad wasn’t a bad person deep inside, he kept telling himself. Former star quarterback, the prom king who married his prom queen and head cheerleader girlfriend. He knocked her up before he could ever get to play college football, but he got a job as a construction worker and supported his family. In fact, looking back, Wyatt remembered he was an awesome dad, right until mom died. Then he started drinking and the beatings began soon after.

“Are you coming or what?” June asked him as she kicked off her pink and black checkered sneakers, and shook off her blue jeans. He nodded, sitting on the grass to take off his Jordan’s. She was already walking into the water clad only in her pink bra and panties, her clothes strewn carelessly on the ground, when he started undressing. He stripped down to his boxer briefs, neatly folded his clothes on the hood of the car, then ran and bomb dived beside her.

“I want to show you a place,” he had said to her one day after school. So they took their bicycles and pedaled for what seemed to be forever. Sweat dripped from their foreheads and dirt covered their faces, but when they got there she realized it was worth it. June dropped her bike as she stared in awe at the dark green grass, the surrounding mountains and the blue water shimmering under the autumn sun. It was all so beautiful that her young mind imagined it was paradise. “How did you discover this place?”

“I overheard some old folks talk about it. They said they like to come fishing here because it’s quiet,” Wyatt answered as he removed his clothing, “Devil’s Pond is way nearer so most people go there instead. I think it’s called Heaven Lake.”

He walked past her and she took a good look at the bloodied stripes across his back. Wyatt looked at her concerned expression and immediately knew what she was thinking. The same thing that crossed his mind a few days before, while his father whipped him with the telephone cord. The only thought that stayed in his head every night after that, when sleeping, resting, moving, provoked a burning sensation from every open gash on his skin. 'Dad really outdid himself this time.’

June stripped down too, and both of them stood wearing only their cartoon undergarments. Wyatt was looking down childishly, suddenly ashamed of his beaten and bruised body. She grabbed his hand and led him into the chilly lake. He shivered as she slowly poured water down his back, carefully washing away the dried blood on his wounds. Wyatt didn't say anything, and neither did she, but his feelings of shame and guilt slowly dissipated. Her gesture, although silent, was worth to him more than a thousand words of pity or compassion. And right then and there he knew he loved her beyond what he could ever express.

Wyatt suddenly surfaced, after his bomb dive, and hugged his unsuspecting friend from behind, dragging her underwater with him. She kicked him away and they rose to their feet. “Are you tying to kill me?” she asked, taking off her hair band and tossing it to the shore, “or just trying to ruin my hair?”

“Neither,” he answered laughing, while watching her comb her fingers through her long brown hair. He was staring at her almost in a surreal trance, but she never noticed.

“How's Miss Bitch?” June asked, as Wyatt helped her float with his hands under her back, as her body lay still on the surface of the lake.

“She puts out real quick...”

June snapped back to her feet, staring at him expectantly, “So?”

“So I didn't, June Bug,” he answered truthfully.

“Okay, you do realize that you're taking this girl to the prom, right? It's like against the rules not to do her. You have to explore the territory before you get all wild and frisky at the hotel. Otherwise it's gonna be awkward as hell,” she argued, gazing at him with an unapologetic smile on her face.

“Oh yeah? And who's taking you to the prom?” After her little speech he was genuinely intrigued.

“I'm going stag. Which reveals a lot more of what I wanted you to know about the rest of my night,” June said mischievously, rising an eyebrow.

The image of her on the hotel bed, hiking her prom dress, invaded his mind. He could clearly see her running her hands over her fair breasts, her knees far apart and her fingers caressing her silky thighs before finally meeting between her legs. Soon enough he felt his dick growing hard against his boxer briefs, fully erect, and had the urgency to stroke it. However, he did his best to ignore the thought and his erection was quickly gone. So they swam and teased each other a bit more, until a rock song blasted through his car's sound system.

He recognized the lyrics through the slight murmur of the static and immediately knew he was in trouble. Just as he expected, June started dancing to the beat of one of her favorite songs. She was swaying her hips, running a hand through her hair, then grinding her ass against him in a manner of seconds. Wyatt stood still, trying to ignore her, as he always did, but this time his mind betrayed him.

She faced him surprised and pleased, “Oh my God, you’re hard!” He tried to deny it, but realized it was a ridiculous attempt at keeping his dignity. “So what? You've seen me hard before,” he blurted out in a victorious tone of voice, as if he just had an epiphany.

June giggled, “Seen? Yeah. Felt? I don't think so.”

Wyatt threw his arms up and let them fall over the water with exasperation, splashing her face in the process. He looked around nervously, a squall of feelings confusing him. He didn't know what to do; he couldn't think about how to make right his mishap.

“Well what the fuck do you expect from me?” he asked her. She was silent, her gaze fixed on his green eyes, her lips still forming a half smirk while she absently stroked the back of her neck. Suddenly it was all clear to him, so he pushed his doubts aside and decided his course of action. He didn’t have to say anything. All he had to do was kiss her.

Wyatt grabbed her arms and before she could speak, his lips locked with hers. Her mind went blank and her body tensed as he pressed his mouth hard against hers, his tongue probing her closed lips. Then she let go of her boundaries, opening her mouth, tasting him. Her tongue gliding against his, tickling the roof of his mouth as they were lost into the moment. Their lips crushed together, their mouths bit and suck. Her hands were on his broad back, running down his scars, squeezing and scratching at whatever flesh she touched. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist, lifted her, and carried her to the shore.

He ran his tongue along her neck as he tugged at the clasp of her bra. The pink garment fell to the ground, while they lay down on the grass, right beside the tree. He grabbed a breast, squeezed it, then drove the nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. She moaned, bit her lip. “Wait, Wyatt,” he heard her say, but chose to take no notice of her. “Wyatt. Sawyer!”

“What?” He cried out, knowing he better answer when he heard his middle name coming out of her mouth. “Do you have a condom?” June asked coyly. He jumped up and bolted towards the hood of the car, fumbling with the pockets of his jeans as fast as he could, as if afraid she would suddenly change her mind. He found one and ran back to her, his stiff cock bouncing inside his underwear. She giggled at the sight, sat up as he straddled her and tried to push her back down.

June resisted, shoved Wyatt to a kneeling position and told him to close his eyes. He took a deep breath and did as she told. His head was spinning with a dizzying sense of anticipation. He had been longing for that moment and it was finally going to happen.

Slowly, she pulled down his underwear, her baby blue eyes scanning his physique. Then she ran her hands against his skin, appreciating his strong chest, toned abs and big dick. June hadn’t seen him naked since before they hit puberty, even though she had seen his semi hard penis through his clothes more than once. Yet, she never thought she would actually see him undressed again. And now that his bare body was in front of her, at her mercy, she couldn’t help but wonder how he would feel on her.

Wyatt moaned, trembled when he felt her lips grip his cock, suck on the tip and slide the condom down. Her mouth came back up to his shaft, her tongue licking it while she pumped him with one hand. He whimpered as she sucked him, her warm mouth moving up to the tip and almost all the way down his length. His fingers tangled in her dark hair and, unconsciously, he thrust into her mouth. To his desire, she sucked him faster, harder, and their eyes met for a single second before he whimpered once again, then quickly pulled back and planted his mouth on hers.

Pushing her to the ground, he flung her legs up and got rid of her pink panties. Her legs parted before him, his face told her all about his desire and desperation. June anxiously watched as he sucked on his finger and introduced it into her pussy. She took a deep breath, moaned, as he moved in and out her tight opening, an expression of pure debauchery on her face.

The orange glow of the sunset flickered in her half closed eyes and kissed her pale skin. He looked down at her body, admired her full breasts and loved the way her curves looked against the dark green color of the grass. He watched his own hand amazed at the reactions it provoked on her.

Then, he lay on top of her with his underwear still around his thighs, and started pushing his cock inside her, slowly, afraid to hurt her. She felt so tight, so warm, so good. Probably like any other girl her age, but he couldn’t really know the difference because he had never cared to notice before. But with her he felt the need to be careful, almost methodical, as if she was a virgin, although he knew better.

He made love to her with a youthful fervor that caused rivulets of sweat to run down his back and chest. Her mouth on his neck, her hot breath caressing his face as she tugged the short, black hairs at the nape of his neck. His weight supported on his arms while he thrust. And June was there with him, not compliant or absentminded like other girls, but feeling the action and passion of his body.

Wyatt made love to her with a ferocity that surprised him, and she reciprocated with an eagerness only seen on those who live in the now, not worrying about what tomorrow might bring, not caring about being consumed by the fire of one instant. He forgot about his mute sorrow, his pain and gave to her what was left of him. His heart, his thoughts were not of his property ever since that first afternoon at the lake, but now he surrendered his body as well and he felt free. He contemplated her beautiful face, her body, the drops of sweat that slid down her belly and pooled in her navel, until her skin and their longing were the only things that mattered to him.

They moaned and panted, as the grasp of the moment escalated beyond what could be described by words. They became, in the end, the epitome of complete desire, juvenile passion; pure love expressed through the movement of their bodies and the heat of their flesh. His hand on the soft curve of her thigh, his mouth on hers as he moved on top of her, thrusting so fast and so deeply, that she cried with pleasure as she dug her nails on his scarred back. Her legs were enclosing him, her hands pulling him close to her breasts as he brought himself to coming, letting out a whimper, a sigh. His body fell down into her embrace and he rested his head on her bosom, listening to her fast heartbeat and feeling his own heart thumping inside his chest like never before.

June ran her fingers through Wyatt’s black hair as he lay between her legs enjoying the rapture, the tenderness, after the savagery of their first time together. For once in his life he felt truly happy, with no worries, no pain. Nothing but bliss and his skin against hers, her hand caressing his hair, making him feel like he was melting into her body with every breath. His face rose up to meet her eyes in a dreamlike state, feeling like a boy, innocent, hopeful, and she lay kisses on his forehead. It was real, he realized. It was really her, not the illusion of her that he had sought in other girls. He wanted to ask her many questions. ‘What now? Are you mine, as I’m yours? Are you still my friend or something more?’ all popped in his head. But her blue eyes, her hips against his and her erect nipples pressing against his chest we’re too distracting. All of it felt too good to mess it up asking too much, too soon. So he softly kissed her lips and decided to silently enjoy the time they had together before heading back into town.

© Copyright 2010 Kathryn Ann Summers (supersymmetry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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