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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1640057
What happens when engineered food goes a little too far?

Deren Frick sat in his office late one morning, contemplating his life's work.
What is Deren's life work, you ask?
Deren is the CEO, Chairman and founder of the world's largest geneticly engineered food company to date. Deren himself has no idea how to splice genes and whatnot, that was his partner, Jake. Jake disapeared early october three years ago, on a Friday. The company, SynGen Farms, went all to Deren.

Deren majored in buissness, and minored in honesty (so he tells the public). He stands just under six feet tall, keeps his body in top shape at 186 pounds, and has a full head of brown hair (curiosly baldness runs in Deren's family, striking at age 35, while Deren is nearing forty).

At first glance Deren seems to be a regular maneger of any old company. When the employees ask how he is, the answer is always: "Never better!" or "I'm great!"
This leads people to think he has little personality.

But when in the company of advisors and himself, Deren reveals himself to be a rather cold individual. Haveing once fired his top scientist for being shot during a 7/11 robbery, the man knows no limits.

Deren is still sitting in his office. He thinks of SynGen Farms' accomplishments:
SynGen Farms is the larest manufacturerer of geneticly altered cattle, pig and chickens. Second in fish and third in the fruits and veggies catagory. The HQ building is in downtown New York, a sleek and modern design always mirroring the other steel monoliths around it in it's impecibly clean windows.

Deren sips hi coffee slowly. It's gone cold by this time. Of course, Deren can't go get a new coffee. Why? Well, there happens to be a rather angry flock of chickens in the kitchen as of the moment. And some pigs run about the offices, clawing the walls. (Apperently taste coencides with claws in pigs, rather unusual thing, DNA is.)
and some grinning and laughing cattle are filling the lobby. (Hyena genes let the cows digest recycled cows, but makes them a bit comicle.) Imagine being torn limb from limb by a wild pack of cows, and while they devoure you bite by bite (They're slow eaters, so get comfortable should you be in this situation.) they grin, and the make a dry rasping laugh. Happy cows, no longer come from California.

Now Deren contemplates on how all of this happened, because he really would like a warm coffee by now. SynGen engineered a new gene, it gave animals a better and distinct flavour. In cattle, steaks would taste merinated, pork would sem to be pre-honey glazed and chickens a slight hot pepper taste. Well, the animals had a side effect, which didn'y come out till a few weeks after testing. This side effect: anger issues. Yes, the animals became very angry, and there was no defense for this, because, well, who ever heard of a man eating cow, someone disemboweled by pig talons and hunted by extra large chickens?

The building was on lock down, Deren alone was left inside (He had to have a top floor office) and the NYPD had really no idea how to handle this sort of thing, so they called the government, but there was so much paperwork on their desks already they ignored it and sent an intern to do something about it. Andrew the Intern, was quite baffled.

The exact ending of this story, is not quite clear. It would be nice to beleive that Andrew the Intern had a stroke of genuis, or Deren Frick repented for his culinary sins and allowed himself to be comicly eaten by cow, hunted by chickens and mauled by a pig or two. Farmers sometimes say they find a cow in their herds that grins at them, and there have been quite a few 'dinosaur sightings' at nearby chicken farms.

The best explination is that Deren was rescued, went to a third world country to avoid law suit and Andrew the Intern called his boss who sent marines and several fine chefs to dispatch the creatures. It is said though that in a tank in the basement labratory, there were several fish with rather strange tenticles.
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