Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1640387-Bismarck-vs-Hood-Part-3
Rated: E · Documentary · History · #1640387
The battle between the HMS Hood and the German Bismarck
  Every sailor around the world knew of the Hood and respected her strength and

power. She sailed the world to show the might of the British Empire. Many thought

her invincible but with all great legends the reality was different from the image.

  The HMS Hood was in fact not a battleship, such as the Bismarck, but a battle

cruiser. She carried the same big guns but sacrificed armour for speed and her

original design had been modified making her much heavier then planned. To under

stand why, we must go back four months before the construction of the Hood began

to the waters off the coast of Denmark. A naval battle occurred here that would have

far reaching consequences for the Hood and her crew almost twenty years later,

the "Battle of Jutland".
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