Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641185-Reflection
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1641185
Twin girls go for a night of fun. At the end its not fun. How could of this happen?
      Violently Emma’s car spun around, a patch of black ice she never noticed. Darkness smothered her and the sound of smashing metal echoed in her head. She was stunned, surprised. What has happen. Before she could understand lights of a semi coming towards her in her blue Sunfire at a speed she couldn’t comprehend . Soon there was nothing.
         Hailey lay in the hospital bed looking white and lifeless. Opening her blue eyes, an iv cord from her left wrist to a bag hanging on a metal poll. It was a hospital room she was in. The bed she lay on was hard and uncomfortable. Memories of her twin sister pleading her to stay at the bar where the town New Years Party and not leave with someone who was drinking. Flashes of the sound of screeching tires, crushed metal and exploding glass throbbed in her head. Inside she felt a hallow emptiness that made her want to get sick. Finally her parents came in and a tall dark doctor.
         She had been  with a drunk drive and was hit at an intersection. It was a six car pile up. Her twin sister Emma had fallowed her and was in the crash but didn’t survive. Sad and disappointment dripped down her parents faces with fat tears.
         Few days have passed and the funeral for Emma was being held at their home. The house warm, quiet but not still. People mingled slowly. Every so often a sob from the back room where Mother sat and Father standing close. Black shadows hovered, glooming the house for that moment.
         Slowly proceeding down the stairs to the living room was Haily. Her once long brown hair is now blond the color of fresh snow. Eyes from a cold blue, to a warm chocolate brown with contacts. A tall frame she stood with, was once dressed in reveling cloths. Now she stood wearing a long church dress in pinks and purples. A loud shriek from an elder friend. People talking loudly and yelling at  Haliey. She smiles at her Mother who falls to the floor fainting. Her Father demands to know the meaning of this. Walking down the stairs, people staring in disbelief. Towards a mirror on the wall she sees her self. Not her self but the self of her sister. The reflection of a memory that will never fade. 
© Copyright 2010 Jewldust (katieam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641185-Reflection