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Rated: E · Essay · Educational · #1641719
The struggle of becoming "One Nation Under God " when races are still divided

As we begin this new era with the nations first African American President, there has been various issues with race. There seems to be a majority of people who question this President’s ability to be the Commander and Chief of our nation. As this Inauguration becomes the most costly and the most supported with the highest attendance record, I listened to the stories of those who were around during the civil rights movement. There was a time when having a black President was unimaginable. I thought about the fact that to hate some one because of the color of their skin is still in existence today.
I ask myself... “Why are the races divided?” Black people were a “profit” to the slave owners during some 300 years ago; we plowed their fields, we were their cotton pickers and their maids, we were the caregivers of their children and not to mention the fact that the black slave women were the white slave owners “play things”. The Slave women had no say at all about the manner as to how her body would be used and violated by the white slave owners. She had to give herself to him as much as he demanded her to do so. She bore her masters children only to have her children taken from her to be sold. Today as I look at the nation it appears we still have a long way to go at being “One nation under God”.
Black people were hated during the days of slavery because they were “black” when they were the white mans “Profit”. Today being “black” in America the hate still exist, is it because of the fact that we are no longer considered to be a profit for the “white man”? Sadly this is our reality. Though some of us are highly educated and CEO’s of our own companies, nothing seems to change, it simply means… that “We might have the cash but we cannot cash in our face”. As I continue to observe and try to wrap my psych around the notion of hating another because of the color of their skin, I begin to realize that relationships of all statues are based on “profit”. Money is power to some therefore; it is easy for the one with the money and power to have the handsomest man or the prettiest woman with other advantages.
These individuals are being pursued because those affiliating themselves with these individuals will “profit” from them in one way or another. It does not always have to be on a monetary basis sometimes friendships are formed with individuals “profiting” simply because they can trust one another and confide in one another once the trust is discovered a true bond of friendship forms. Whites refuse to live in “black” neighborhoods and they refuse to accept blacks in the “white” neighborhoods”. Sadly there are some areas in towns where black Americans rundown the neighborhoods with their behaviors and their inability to interact with one another in a civilized manner. These black Americans depreciate various neighborhoods and unfortunately this allows the “white man” to see all black Americans through the same lens. It appears that since we are no longer a “profit” for the “white man” we are hated more now then during slavery days. My opinion of this is because blacks are now considered equal to the white races. Blacks now have the opportunity to achieve and become successful even… Presidents imagine that.
If we could all come together as “One Nation under God” what a wonderful world this would be. There would be no limit as to what kind of achievements this nation could obtain. We could all “profit” from one another in a positive way without the dehumanizing tactics used long ago. The only need for fire truck water hoses would be to put out fires, the only time a dog would be used to attack would only be to protect it’s owner, the only time an officer would find it necessary to use his baton would be in self-defense to protect himself. Though none of these tactics are exhibited today (as often) the rate of black men losing their lives are at an all time high. Black men are becoming more extinct, they are looked upon as a threat as predators based on the stereotype. I find my own self clutching my purse or locking my car doors when I am in the vicinity of a back man.
I notice I never clutch my purse or lock my doors when I am in the presence of a white man. These killings of black men are no different than the days of long ago; instead of being whipped to death these killings are now being justified. Instead of the “white man” wearing sheets and being called “Masa” they are wearing police uniforms. The majority of these murders are unjustified and or of mistaken identity. This ultimately results in less black fathers in the home being unable to be in their son’s life to teach them how to be men, it also cheats little girls from gaining a relationship with her first love that being…..her daddy. All of this hate only because God decided to create each and every one of us unique in our own way. After all, it is not as if either of us had a choice as to what our race would be. What does it “Profit” a man to gain the world and to lose his soul? …Nothing

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