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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1647854
The cycles of one man's relationship. {Adult Content}
Word count: 3,031

Early Spring
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao-tzu

A day like today – blue skies, sunshine with a light warm breeze and the promise of spring in the air. It is a time of the year for renewal and awakening of spirits – a rebirth of hope. A meeting "just for lunch"... a picnic planned for the park where we can be both public and alone. The opportunity to talk and listen and share... the playful awkwardness of meeting someone new and at the same time familiar... a natural progression of our previous talks and emails. We find a spot that affords privacy from the casual observer and there is a sense of anticipation – something that we both feel but haven't put into words – a movement of emotions just below the surface – an embracing to the newness around us.

The sun is warm so we find a spot under a tree – new leaves providing a spotted canopy that shelters without hiding the beauty around us. We spread a blanket and lay out the food. We sit near each other but not to close. We eat and talk and a casual comfort comes over us belying the tensions we feel. Talk is of home and family and, inevitably, teasing comments creep into the conversation. By rule, the hour passes - much to quickly - and we begin to clean up. As we reach, we inadvertently touch - the touch of our hands is electric and exciting and as our eyes meet, I notice the play of sun and shadow across your face. The dancing sun highlights the blonde tones of your hair and the smoothness of your skin. I lean forward and I can see the indecision in your eyes but then you lean inward too. It is a gentle brush and then touch of lips – tentative, feather light, soft – the feel is warm and the slight taste of lipstick and a faint fragrance of perfume lend a magic to the moment. My hand rises to caress the back of your neck – not confining but simply a gesture of caring – and our lips come apart – but we don't pull back. Once more our lips meet and now our mouths melt together amidst the feel of warm breath... tongues lightly touching the soft roundness of another's lips first at the corner of the mouth and then seeking along the warm contours of lips ... feeling the welcoming parting and descending into the warmth... tongues playfully, tentatively touching and then feeling the rush of need and wanting and desire as we explore the intimate taste and feel of each other...

Moments pass and we finally pull apart – perhaps startled by the feelings that overcame us for the moment – perhaps sensing a crossroads and wondering about the correct choice of direction – perhaps not - and the sun continues to add brilliance to the day and the gentle breeze whispers in the new leaves and time begins to move forward again....

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." -Anais Nin,

The heavens don't open up and the world does not end. Whatever guilt was felt fades or at least is suppressed by the lingering feelings of excitement and expectancy. What had previously been the flat days of the mundane take on a new vibrancy under the memory of gentle moments on a sunny day. We continue to talk – sharing details that we have carried in our hearts and hidden from the rest of the world. A bond of trust brings a level of intimacy that is unique in our lives and the playfulness of our words and banter heighten our comfort with each other – as friends, as confidants, as... what? It is a question that lingers in our minds but neither of us asks it. To question is to invite introspection which is to face change and to change is to risk.

We meet again and the talk is light and we laugh without the usual self consciousness or restraints belying the memories that we share but don't acknowledge. We discover a different happiness – a shared happiness that is separate from the other moments in our lives. As we leave, I walk with you. The expectancy returns and we talk and the casual touch of our hands is again electric and exciting and there are words we need to speak but only in private.

We agree to drive to the park – the source of our dilemma and hidden joy. I've park away from the other cars and I lead you there. As we sit in my car, the sunlight softly illuminates your hair - soft colors caress your face and your lips seem to invite me forward. I move forward and you lean in to meet me. The softness and promise of a kiss, your lips touching mine - my tongue lightly touching your lips as they part to let me explore the warmth of your mouth. The awkwardness and tentativeness of the first kiss is replaced with a tenderness that evolves into a passion that reflects the urgency we feel. The intimate taste of you and feel of your lips – the searching and exploring of tongues emboldens me. The first tentative touch of my hand to your breast - feeling the nipples being aroused under your blouse as I lightly explore the roundness – I can feel the warmth of your body and I feel you move toward me. My hand slowly slides down your side – reveling in the feel of you - as I reach to pull you tighter against me... I can feel your hand moving to my lap to touch the straining at my pants... My hand slides under your shirt and under your bra - the warmth of your skin - the softness of your breast – the taste of your skin – the smell of your perfume. In the semi-privacy of our location, I know no one is looking so I open your blouse. I begin to descend, kiss by kiss, down your neck and find one aroused nipple with my mouth... you feel the warmth of my breath, the softness of lips, the excitement of anticipation - then the slight pulling sensation as I take you into my mouth and begin to lightly suck, taking more and more of you with each insistent pull of my mouth... my tongue finds the now sensitive nipple and slowly twirls around the aureole as I withdraw and my teeth lightly close over the nipple and lightly begin to bite and tease... you feel the sensation not just in your breast but as a wave of pleasure moving lower and warming you, releasing a wave of passion between your legs and you pull my face tight against your breast... and I move to the other breast and now your passion is fully aroused... and you feel yourself moving to a place where the mounting tension will be released... and as it peaks, there is a sure knowledge that we want, need more but we cannot... this is not the time or place and knowingly, we stop - guiltily looking around in the silence broken only by the sounds of our labored breathing. The world continues around us, oblivious to two people wrestling with their desires but a line has been crossed... and a decision lies ahead that can no longer be postponed...

"There is a rule in sailing where the more maneuverable ship should give way to the less maneuverable craft. I think this is sometimes a good rule to follow in human relationships as well." -Joyce Brothers

Our relationship has deepened... time has past... the comfort of friendship overlies the attraction that we have. Sunday in front of the TV... relaxing on the floor - against the couch - with the newspaper spread around attesting to the lazy day that is upon us. Sports – passingly interesting but NOT where your thoughts are... Looking at my profile intently watching something, you feel a mixture of attraction and devilishness... What to do? Bored, you daydream of lying close to me, your head on my shoulder, our arms around each other. You begin to playfully trail your hands over my chest, sliding your hand under my shirt... playing with my chest hair, curling it around your fingers... finding my nipple and playfully squeezing it. I reach for your hand, gently squeezing it, then bring it up to kiss your fingers. My lips move to your palm, kissing with just a touch of my tongue... sliding up and moving my tongue between your fingers suggestively. I have your attention and we look deeply into each others eyes, exposing the feelings of desire we feel for each other. I bend down and we kiss – the warmth of our mouths kindling a heat and excitement in our kissing... our tongues and lips telling of that desire without words.

You push me back and roll over on top of me, your legs straddling my belly. You are the leader – I am the follower. Holding down my wrists, you start kissing me again, moving from my lips to my neck, nuzzling, licking, nibbling your way down to my chest. Your tongue finds one of my nipples, circles it, then flicks back and forth over it, before your lips close over it and start sucking on it. I can feel the electric thrill of the reversed roles as your mouth moves across to lavish attention on my other nipple. I scoot my body up so that you are now straddling my hips. You feel my response to your teasing, my growing erection pushing against your soft mound. As your lips work further down my torso, I move my hips, allowing my swelling manhood to lie erectly against my stomach and providing you with stimulation as you move up and down, rubbing your self against the growing hardness. You reach down and undo my belt, unzip my pants and I feel the heat of your hand pushing my pants down and the coolness of the air as it washes over my now exposed penis. Sliding out of your pants, you release my wrists so you can turn around, to lovingly lavish attention on my now fully erect penis. As your tongue is running over the tip, finding the first drops of my passion, I push you back – no longer content to be passive – and begin to lightly run my hands up your inner thighs. I find the soft velvet of your opening and, spreading your lips with my thumbs, I lower my hungry mouth to the waiting warmth. I hear your gasp as my tongue finds your already stimulated bud, and flicks over it, up and down. I feel you move and position yourself next to me – the softness of your hair tickles me and I feel you close your mouth over my shaft, your head bobbing up and down as you suck and lick me. You groan and tell me you are getting close, and as I fight for my control, you roll off me, and you position yourself above me. Once again in control, you reach down to guide me to your warm, wet, welcoming opening, and as I push myself inside you, we kiss deeply. Your hips are gyrating, meeting me thrust for thrust. Our tongues are thrusting, devouring each other. You feel a tightening in your belly, your moans coming louder now, as you start to climax. I feel the convulsions deep inside you, and start to convulse too, sending a flood deep into you. Spent, you drop onto me, me still inside you, and I can feel the after shocks of your orgasm rippling through you.

We roll over on our sides, arms locked around each other, our eyes telling each other how deeply we feel, how good it is to be together. As we lie there, our hands continue to move – lightly – lovingly – not wanting to break the spell of being together. Your smooth skin lies warm beneath my touch and I stroke you – finding a balance between comfort and arousal. Your head nestled on my shoulder, your warm body half turned to cover me with your thigh, we lay together enjoying the radiance of fulfillment and the pleasure of being together... (at least until half time is over!)

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything." – Anon

It is morning and we awake in each others arms... the dreams of the night before fade in the morning light and pleasure of reality. Holding each other, we feel the rush of desire generated by the warmth of our bodies pressed against each other.
I find the softness of your neck and begin to lightly nuzzle and kiss you. My mouth begins to rise, kissing your cheek, your eyes, the tip of your nose... Slowly I lower my mouth and find the welcoming response of your mouth... As our kiss ends and our mouths part, I feel you lower your warm mouth to my chest - taking pause to lightly bite and tease my nipples. I can feel the warmth and wetness of your mouth and I feel my erection grow and the heat of my passion begins to build. Your hand glides down my side and I feel you caress my hips and legs and warmly your hand surrounds me, pulling slightly as my cock strains forward. You continue the kisses down my chest and across my stomach... I feel your warm breath crossing my stomach and feel your hand move through the hair that surrounds my straining manhood. Your soft hand enfolds my penis and guides it toward a playful kiss... I feel your tongue swirling over the head... finding the tip, letting your tongue play with it, finding those first few drops of pre cum. You close your mouth over the head, and rub your lips up and down just over the edge.

I reach for you, my hand caressing your neck and my fingers sliding through your hair and urging you to continue. You slowly lower your mouth, as far as it will go, until I feel myself sliding and touching the back of your throat, and I feel your warm cheek brushing across my stomach and your hand warmly cupping me. All the way down, your tongue is flicking along the shaft. Then you rise again, just as slowly, sucking gently, until reaching the tip, where I feel the swirl of your tongue again. I reach under you and feel your breasts rubbing against my thigh.

I gently feel for you nipple and begin to rub it between my thumb and finger and you feel the sensation down your body, fanning the flames of your need. You repeat the process, each time a little faster, taking in the whole penis. Then you slow down again, and use your hand at the base, stroking and rubbing, while still sucking on the upper portion. Now I pull you over, reaching to find you wet and wanting my hands to move, to touch, to delve into the warmth of you. My fingers begin to move, stroking you in rhythm to the rise and fall of your head. My finger enters you and my thumb continues to excite until I feel your body shudder with release and I can feel the electric sensation which spurs me to warn you but your insistent mouth won't stop... I cannot hold back and with a moan I release in your mouth with a final thrust of my hips feeling the warmth of your mouth become hot with my passion.

But in spite of my protests, you continue - pulling each drop from me until I begin to soften - I reach down and lift your head, our lips touching and tongues meeting and I taste the mix of your sweetness and my saltiness... but only fleetingly as you push me back and then you again begin to lick my penis with big, broad strokes, using the flat of your tongue knowing that I am still sensitive and enjoying the moans that escape my throat as you drive me to a second erection...and the gleam in my eyes warn of the pleasure that is in store for you...

"It's the nature of hearts to break. It's in their job description. When a heart is doing what it's supposed to be doing, it holds nothing back. And sometimes it gets broken." – Geneen Roth

A day like today – blue skies, sunshine with a light warm breeze and the promise of spring in the air. It is a time of the year for renewal and awakening of spirits – a rebirth of hope. How long ago was that? It's been – what? – a year? The time seems to have flown by. We had planned on going away together... but. There's always a "but" it seems. I want what you can't give ... I want all your tomorrows and that's something you can't give me. We will meet one last time.

I see you first and wave. You smile, wanly. We sit and share a few final moments over a glass of wine. Finally, the words that once came so easily, desert up. It is a time to say good bye... the seconds ticking off the end of the day, the end of us. Each one departs and makes way for the promise of the new. With a warm embrace, cheek against warm cheek, pulling back feeling the softness of skin, our lips lightly brushing and then seeking to meet... the feel of warm breath... tongue lightly touching the soft roundness of another's lips first at the corner of the mouth and then following the warm meeting place of the mouth... feeling the welcoming parting and descending into the warmth... tongues playfully touching and then feeling the old rush of desire.

A good-bye kiss that takes our breath away and lingers into our dreams...
... the only place we exist now.

An entry for "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold [18+] as part of "UENG Biathlon (Winter Games) [18+]
Prompt: Romance is in the air.
Word Limit: 1000 - 4000
Word Count: 3031

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please, if you're going to rate this, leave a comment. Come to think of it - as long as you're here, leave a comment *Laugh*. Criticisms, thoughts, reactions, yes – even a kind word of encouragement – are all equally welcome *Smile*


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