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Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1657008
A boy called Kid Pix learns about bullying.
Kid Pix

The gang laughed, pushing the boy to and fro. He was surrounded.

His ginger hair was knotted, and sticky from the gum and spit that people threw at him.

“Hey Kid,” the leader called out, smiling widely. “Have you Pix up anything yet?” he taunted. The leader of the gang was called Tommy Long. “Stop shoving me!” Kid shouted. “Tommy Long, you should have been called ‘Tommy Round’.”

This would have been more appropriate. He in fact was short and round, and his hair was long and stringy.

Kid stood up, looking down at his bully. “’Kid Up’ would fit you, but maybe ‘Pix’ would be better. It IS your name. Kid Pix- a -fight!” the bully laughed, shoving the ginger boy on to the floor.

Kid was tall, slim and had ginger hair. Like most ginger haired boys, he had freckles. To make his school life worse, he even wore glasses. He was no doubt, the least popular boy in school.

On the way home, he came across a karate club advertising on a banner. He walked in, clutching his bag tightly to his chest.

A woman stood there, dressed in a black skirt and a black belt tied to her waist. It went nicely with her pastel pink, buttoned shirt.

“Excuse me.” Kid said politely, “How much are the lessons?”

The woman looked down at him with a frown. “Three Gils for beginners.” she told him. Kid nodded, pausing for thought.

“When does it start?” he asked finally.

The woman looked at her watch, and sighed. “In five minutes.” she answered impatiently.

Kid dug his hand in his pockets, clawing at his pocket money.

“Here.” he mumbled, “I really need this lesson. I don’t want to be beaten up by bullies no more.”

The woman took the money, and gestured toward the hall floor.

“You shall start now then. It lasts for one hour.”

Kid nodded, and took off his shoes.

Standing in the middle of the room, he waited as the other members of the group prepared for their lessons.


He took a break half an hour later, holding a glass of water in his shaking hand. He had done warm ups and stretches, and learnt how to punch harder and to block basic attacks.

He placed his empty cup in the bin and stood back in the middle of the hall. Others gradually joined him.

He threw punches at a punch bag, and kicked it a few times.

He felt his anger rise, making him punch harder and faster.

His heart pounded against his chest.

Finally, the lesson was over.


The next day, he arrived at his school smiling.

He wore his karate trousers and his white school shirt.

The summer heat continued to rise, as his breathing became gasps.

Tommy walked through the school gate, stopping by the entrance.

Tommy looked at him, smiling. Kid placed his school bag down on the floor by a wall.

“Hey Kid Pix - a - fight! I thought you would have stayed home.” he laughed. Kid glared at him, standing in the stance his constructor had taught him. “It’s Kid Pix!” he corrected, gritting his teeth.

Tommy walked up to him, his hand clenched tightly into a fist.

“You’ll regret correcting me!” Tommy howled.

Suddenly, a fist was rushing towards him. Kid stumbled out of the way, standing back into his fighting stance, ready to block any more blows. Sure enough, the other hand came rushing towards his face.

Kid thrusts his arm in the way, getting the blow across his arm.

Kid winced, standing his ground. Then, Kid threw his own fist forward, aiming for the jaw. Tommy staggered in surprise. Tommy doubled over, receiving another blow to his stomach.

A few minutes later, Tommy laid on the floor. His eyes widened as Kid stood over him. “No more!” he begged.

Kid laughed at him, shaking his head. “Doesn’t feel so great does it?” Kid told him, “Take some consolation in the fact that it was at least only me fighting you. I had all of your friends, including you, fighting me every day. Next time you bully me, it wont just be me.” Kid said.

Without a second glance at his defeated opponent and bully, Kid Pix walked away.

The End.

© Copyright 2010 M. V. Thorpe (amateur_writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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