Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1658348-A-Mothers-Fantasy
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1658348
A Mother's sensual desires after a long day. A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!!!!!
A fantasy of mine, that has been running through my head of late.

The children are in bed, and the hour is growing late. I finally acknowledge the lust that has been running rampant in my mind all day. Each time I've looked at you, I've pictured your naked body laying next to mine. Everytime I've touched you, I remember how you feel in my arms. Each time I've thought of you, I've felt a dampness between my legs. And I think to myself that enough is enough, I need you now!

My hair is a mess, and my clothes do not speak of sexuality. But as I walk toward you, you must see the glint in my eye. It's either that, or you feel the lust that is eminating from every pore of my body just from looking at you.

As you look at me, I feel my nipples harden at the mere thought of your caress. I reach where you are sitting, and slowly lower myself to your lap. I can feel your scalding breath on my neck, as I tuck my head into the crook of your shoulder. One of my last coherent thoughts is that I wish I could be dressed sexily for you. But the course of my day just hasn't left me the time for such luxuries.

As you wrap your arms around me, I snuggle my body closer to yours, and can feel the heat of your excitement radiating from you. It sends shivers up and down my spine. While running my hands up and down your bare chest, I revel in the feel of your crisp chest hair as it brushes past my finger tips. The feel of your body under mine is turning me on to almost unendurable levels, and I can't help but let out a small moan of delight.

The feel of your lips and teeth on my neck is enough to almost drive me over the edge, and you haven't even touched any of my smoldering skin beyond that. The anticipation makes the entire experience so much more enticing. You whisper slowly and deeply, "who's in charge?" and I can't help but bonelessly answer, " You Papa, you are!" We both know I love it when you take control. You push me off of you, and onto the couch cushion. I feel instantly berieved, before you turn to kneel in front of me.

As I sit there trembling, waiting, you slowly draw my shirt up and over my head, leaving me there in one of the few sexy items I have on. A black Lace bra, that shows more than it hides. One of my very few consessions to the inner succubus that lives in my soul. Now, clad in my jeans, and bra, I feel your stare riveted to my breasts, and wait, rather impatiently, for you to finish the job of undressing me. You stand, and start to walk away, leaving my wimpering in dismay.

You just look at me, and I know you won't be gone for long. As you turn, I get a brief glimpse of the raging erection that you have, and I long to hold it, to feel it. I know the intense pleasure and delights that you will bring me before the night is over. As I impatiently wait for you to return, I fantasize about what you might be doing, what you might be bringing back to me. The longer I think about it, the more damp and clinging my black lacy little thong, and even my jeans, are becoming.

© Copyright 2010 MommaBear (sesqupedalian at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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