Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1660068-My-man-real-love-me
by Me
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Relationship · #1660068
A Lady being used by her boyfriend
                                                            My Man real love me

Me.. I am so extremely happy

Me.. I just love life ( with a big smile on my face)

Me.. I cannot understant my freinds

Me.. So what if i have five cars ?

Me.... so what if i living in a three story house by myself ?

Me.. Really so what?

Me... hmmmm and you know their favourite colour is green

Me... hmmm.. Jealousy yes...

Me... They always telling me why i doh let my boyfriend live with me

Me... They claim they care about me

Me... If they had really care they would not have been telling me negative things about my man

Me.. My man is come by me this last Friday of every month

Me... He really love me yes

me.... He tell me that i is the best woman her ever had and he love me the most

me... He say that he would do anything for me because i am the woman of his dreams

me... So since he say that i have to do the same

me... After all a relationship is two right?

me.. I does give him anything he ask me for he deserve it because he real love me

me... The poor man never had he own car so he ask me for to buy him one and i do it

me.. cause my man real love me

me... He always telling me that he want to open a join account with me so he could take me out whenever he wants

me... And the last friday of every month he is take how much he want to spend it on me

me..Last week he took out $ 5000 and he took me to dinner

me... And my man no how to spend he money

me... He is take me to burger king and you know that is an American restarant in Trinidad

me.. So i real lucky to have a man who does spend our money on me

me... My man is so considerate, the rest of the change he get back from the nice resterant he does take me to every Friday to buy things for his wife and children.

me.. He getting a devorce from she to come and live with me but he say that he need more money from me first to mind he children and he wife so that they would be comfartable

me.. now where else you finding a man like he?

me... hmmmm i now understand why my friends jealous of my man cause they doh have on e like he

me...This year for my birthday he take out all the money in the bank account just to please me

me.... He take me to this place in Belmont where they is have a room with one bed, we own toilet and bath. If you see this place.

me... It have mirror on the roof and thing you know, my man spend real money on me for my birthday

me.. and to tell u how he nice we spend one night dey and then he left me to go home with his wife so she wouldnt feel left out.

me...hmmmm.. I find that so sweet eh.. Gosh i rea l loving myself right now..

me.. Anyways today is the last Friday of the month and he coming just now

me ..He tell me that i doh need to work anymore he go mind me so he take out all the money in the bank account and he say he going to surprise me today

me... But I find he taking real long to come by me

me... When you that that means the surprise real dread.

me.. He even tell me that today is the day when everything will end

me... I feeling sorry for he wife yes I do not know how she would handle that news, i mean he say that today everything will done

me... oh gosh that is why he is so late, he breaking the news to his wife

me.. poor woman, i should give him a call to find out how it going yes, because look at the timeand he aint reach yet

( She dials his number)

me.. But what is this, the phone saying that the number out of service

me.. When you see that it means that it having real confusion over dey

me... That is the phone i buy for he, so I sure the wife must be take it and spoil it for spite

me... hmmm. the things he is go through for me yes

me.. My man real love me

me... I wonder what this surprise is boyy how come he not here yet

me... He must be talking about money with she because he make me sell my five cars to help him mind his wife and kids so that when he leave them they would not hah no worries

me.. That man is the best yes

me.. I cannot wait to see him today

( she looks down at her watch and realize that it is extremely late)

me... But its is 1:00 in the morning and he not here yet

me.. I think i going in my bed yes

me... Wait, that is the dam surprise wee, he want meh to go in meh bed and go come and surprise me like the last time when he come and take meh T.V and meh fridge for he wife

me... And he so caring he did not want to wake meh so he wait till i was sleeping

me... Oh gosh let me change meh clothes and out on something sexy for when he reach yes

( she goes to bed and wakes up realizing that her boyfriend never came)

me.. It is morning and he never come

me... I wonder what really went on with he and he wife

me... Anyway maybe this is the surprise, he must be wanted to surprise me today instead

me.. He would come today because everything done yesterday ,so today our relationship would be for real this time

me.. Anyway let me go and wait on him again yes i want to be sitting right infront the living room door so he would be surprise too




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