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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Parenting · #1667053
Memo/Letter written to my adult children regarding Mother's Day.
My children are grown up now, with children of their own.  I raised them as a single parent and remember those days as a busy and turbulent time, yet the most wonderful days of my life.  I wrote this memo to them a couple of years ago, and I think, at least hope, that other moms, single or otherwise, can relate to my feelings and my plea to my children.


TO:  My Children

FROM: Your Mother

RE:  Mother's Day

Children, I cherish the thought that you are thinking of me on this day and I am touched in a wonderful way by any remembrance or show of appreciation, on your part, for my efforts and/or my genes.  However, please don’t give me a little glass plaque that says “Mother” or “Mom” or even “The Best Mom”.  I know that I am a mom; I know that you know that I am a mom and we are all aware that “Best Mom” may be a bit of an exaggeration.

Please, no cut flower arrangement either, rather a lovely living plant that I could nurture and enjoy and watch grow as I once did you.

The very best tribute to my motherhood would be a picture or a collage of pictures (preferably, nicely framed) of you, all grown up, with your spouses and your beautiful children, being together, hard at work or play.  I will be looking for and hoping to see a twinkle of enjoyment and love of life in the eyes of my offspring.  This is all I truly need to realize my hopes and dreams for you, my children, and make my life a success.

P.S.  A nice lavishly planned dinner with no dishes to do would be a suitable alternative to the “Mother” plaque.

Gratitude Forever,
Love Always, Mom

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