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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1667096
old works not getting reviewed
you are so buttiful said a knight to a queen
though he was way to far out of her leage to even see
what an insult complementing her could be
still he stayed up countless nights painting pictures of her in the sea
though when he was whit her he could never just be
a pittyfull heart thats all he could be

For a time the king was blind
blind to the outside
and when he finaly opend his eye's
he threatend to kill the knight
for loving his wife

so away he ran
contiuing the grate plane
leave and let love
a giant scam

the princess of angels

he calls you Angel
I call you princess
neather is qute right
whitout the rest
a princess of angel
thets what you are
a princess of angels by far
needless to say
your butti cant be swane
and im afraid you might find my quite lame
but to me youll alwas be the same
a princess of angel that will never change
i love you


sunrise paints a picture in the sky
reds and blues and pinks, oh my
the moon remains until dawn becomes day
yet as much as we wish it, the moon will not stay
maybe its afraid of what people will say
if only it knew the sun and the moon
would soon become one at noon
and yet again a beautiful picture will be present soon
the sun and the moon's embrace at noon
but goodnight is all the kind moon will say
because no matter how much we pray
the moon will always go away.

one percent

one percent
mostly hospitalizations
sixty percent
suffering hallucinations
eighty five percent
only controlled
ten percent
higher suicide toll
forty percent
long term
eighty percent
full life

whats ur name

I met her today
with the body of an angel
and the face to match
almost gave me a heart attack
like love saying ha ha take that
whoops opened up there goes my heart crap
I need that.
she didn't say a single word
yet her presence stole my hole world
she filled me up
but left me whit a frown
as I came crashing down
so far and so fast
I forgot to ask

what's your name...

My star

I lie on the ground at night
and hope whit all my might
that maybe you might
look at the same star tonight
then I'm amazed whit a short fright
of how many small light's
are out tonight
how could you pic my star out
so I sit and pout
until an idea comes out
I'll go grab some scissors and cut it out
now you can have my star to look at
even when the sun comes out


Sitting waiting for you to log on
I pick up my guitar and try to learn a song
eventually i will learn this song
and maybe one day you might sing along
or maybe your just too far gone
and I’ll be alone for very long
but I’m not afraid even I
hope and pray
even if it's not today
you'll be on another day
so I don't have even the slightest bit of dismay
because you'll log on someday

My dream

i went to a white house
sun bright, bird's chirping in delight
i walked to a door
and a family was there
I’d didn't know who this family was
but they welcomed me
my old sport teacher was there
i said hello before continuing
then you came out
wherein a shirt too big for you
so you whore it like a knightly
you looked so beautiful
you took me to a bedroom
and we both laid down
the room got dark and you asked me to hold you
and staring into each other’s eyes we were at peace
just lying there on top of the sheets together
i could hear people outside
"its ok that there cousins, they'll be fine."
"your right they look so good together."
"its cute really"

but then i had to go
and i was at school
walking to my seat people came up to me
and they were trying to talk to me
but i couldn't hear them
a wave of emotion came crashing over me
and before i knew it i was fighting 6 people
they couldn’t stop me
but one got up
Ben white he stood up and looked right at me
and sort of screamed and sobbed at the same time
it was you
talking to me
i knew it was you so i yelled back
and then i was down

when i came too
i was walking into a purple room
everyone was sleeping
but i could see my friends
where they were sleeping
i went over to join them
and i sat and waited
and then you where there but different
change not like you where in the first part
so we just talked
and i told you about the first part
but i wasn’t sure it was you
so i just said it was my cousin
and we talked and eventually went to sleep
© Copyright 2010 pittyfull heart (pitty.hearts at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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