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Rated: E · Other · Teen · #1673887
Dear Felicity,
Why is it so hard? No one told me life would be easy but still. Is it really that hard? Or do we all just build ourselves up to watch ourselves fall? One thing is for sure, I miss it. I miss the feeling that somewhere out there someone cares. Someone out there thinks about me as much as I think about them. And yet did I actually think it would work? Or did I just know somewhere deep inside of me that it wasn’t possible? If I had heard that little voice would I have listened? Or would I have pushed it even deeper? These are the voices I keep bottle up. Locked with a key that I need to find. A key that will haunt me until the day I feel the cool metal in my hand. Is it a metal key? Or is it of a more valuable material? Of gold? Or maybe the key is made of pure fear. A type of fear that can’t be fixed with a warm blanket and a human’s embrace. Or perhaps it’s hurt. The sorrow of a broken heart. The type of hurt that can’t be fixed with a band aid. Or perhaps it memories that are too hard to face. The memories that leave us lying awake at the early hours in the morning. The things we push so far down into the oceans until were sure they can never re-surface.
Everyone has a story. Stories that they like to tell and the ones they wouldn’t dare to say. Do stories always end happy? Do the princes always rescue the princess? The answer is no. Happy endings are very rare. Life’s a struggle, but no one wants to die. Dying is like losing the battle of all battles. When you finally started to figure things out, your life ends. Whether it is in the blink of an eye or over a vast majority of time, everyone dies. You have to keep your head up, through the worries and the pain. We only get a few valuable years on this earth. Embrace it while you can. You will have your high highs and your lowest lows but everything will turn out fine. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Learn to trust, learn to forgive. Have faith in the people in your life. It may not seem like it at some times but they have feelings too. Do onto others and you would want done to yourself. Wonder where you’re going in life but never forget where you’ve been. There are the roots to who you are. The roots to your decisions. And sure you’re going to make mistakes, no one’s perfect but learn from them and be the best yourself you can be. It doesn’t matter what people do or say. Do what makes you happy. Be with the people who make you smile. Take risks, do the things that scare you. Face your fears and learn from the outcome. Life’s a wild ride. Break the rules. But never forget the people who matter most. And even though some people don’t stay in your life, remember the things they taught you, the influences they had on you. Live life to the fullest. If you don’t, who will?
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