Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1675127-No-Forgiveness
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1675127
A poem of forgiveness
No forgiveness for the wicked,
No hope for the sinned,
Damnation and Hell,
Await the sorry condemned!

Unreachable heathens,
The fallen from birth,
Once heavens brethren,
Now hell spawn of Earth!

Their unforgivable mistakes,
Denied a chance to repent,
Life allows them no retakes,
Their choices lost and spent!

Excuses refused,
Compassion denied,
Not love infused,
Shear hatred implied!

Yet forgiveness IS for the wicked,
And hope IS for the sinned,
The soul is only sickened,
And God is there ready to mend!

REACHABLE are the heathens,
Because of his sons birth,
Surrounded by Heavenly brethren,
He came to save the Earth!

The death of Jesus forgives mistakes,
When you take the chance to repent,
His life was sent for all our sakes,
To save you from sins decent!

With his love now infused,
Go forth with his spirit inside,
Love will never again be refused,
As his angels stand at your side!

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