Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1675631-The-Two-Boats
by Mohit
Rated: E · Other · Philosophy · #1675631
Realization of two boats

The Two Boats

An insight into the two boats of life. The ‘Boat of Present’ and the ‘Boat of Desire’.

We, the animals of this material world, always long for more. We sit at one place and wish to be at another place. This is our nature. Our mind wanders, we wander.

Here comes the concept of two boats. Our life is like an ocean, spread across the vastness we cannot measure. What we see are only the relatively pleasurable things, than what we have. These are the ‘Boats of Desire’, uncontrollably moving over high tides. On the contrary, what we sit upon are the ‘Boats of Present’. Both are in the same ocean of life.

The need is to understand a simple thing, “We cannot jump into the Boat of Desire, unless we know to balance standing on the Boat of Present”.

Afterall, no one has learnt to leap before learning to walk.

So, Let us first learn to control and govern the boat we are sitting upon.

Let us learn to achieve the perfection to steer it at our wish.

Let us learn to stand upon it, Let us learn to dance upon it.

Only then we will be able to jump from it to the Boat of Desire.

Lost in the dreams of desire, we forget to appreciate what we have. We don’t understand, what we have is a dream for someone else. So why waste it ?

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