Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1679180-Desperate
by Luv
Rated: · Prose · Emotional · #1679180
Strength is within us.

A desperate knocking wakes me from my dreams of this and that
Who could it be at this hour ranting so loudly
As I approach the door I am gripped by a feeling not unlike remorse
I find that my steps are slower now as the banging becomes violent against a door that threatens to splinter under the brutal assault that has befallen my doorstep
Before I reach the door a fierce wind forces it open with a shriek
Standing in the entrance to my house I see myself but not
The man before me stands taller stronger then I
He is not me but something more
I turn to run for fear that I had wronged this one
That he had come to take revenge upon me for some forgotten deed
As I look for an escape I realize it is not a house at all that I stand in but a box
Sure it holds the items and accessories that you would find in a home
Yet there are no windows no view to the world outside
I ponder this and realize that I cannot recall the last time I had been outside the shelter of this place
Yet more disheartening I cannot recount any outing at all
I look back and realize that the man is no longer at the door
In fact the door itself is no longer there
My gaze sweeps desperately looking for some sense in this madness
All the comforts of this place disappear before my eyes
Pictures of a past I never truly lived
Seating and bedding that never brought comfort
What is comfort? Had I ever met him? I think not
In the midst of confusion and chaos I feel a welling inside of me
Like a damn at the very edge of its limits pressure gathered
I was trapped I had always been trapped
I charge with all of my might toward the spot where the door had once been
As if possessed by someone other then myself I begin to pound on the wall with surprising strength
Surprising also and profound is the elation that seems to increase with every impact
I feel the wall begin to give under unrelenting attack not just this wall but all tremble under the assault
I gather my will and exert everything within for one last strike
But before the blow lands upon the cracked and weary wall it crumbles as if not by strength itself
As if the wall fell as a result of the awareness that the strength was there
I pause panting and laughing to look around at new and wondrous surroundings
To find a huge unweathered box behind me
Curious I approach and as I come close I see a door appear
Urged forward by unseen forces of some plea for help
I begin to knock and soon I am overcome by urgency and knocking turns to banging
And banging quickly becomes pounding
All of a sudden a fierce wind springs forth from within me from some hidden source
The door opens with a shriek
When I peer inward I almost faint with understanding
I see myself but not
The man before me stands slighter weaker than I
He is not me but something less.

© Copyright 2010 Luv (aluv316 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1679180-Desperate