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Rated: E · Poetry · LGBTQ+ · #1685114
A few poems I've written randomly at work, in a field, wherever inspiration strikes...

ink stains on my fingers
from trying to define you
with brushes not the right size
pens with no scrap paper
every mark permanent
hoping to figure you out
prying eyes trying to see you
see who you really are
know you, not just a shell
a shadow of your real self
I'll stain my fingers
write until my hands bleed
it gets me closer to you


I'm falling faster
is anyone gonna save me
does anyone know
does anyone care
did the blood ever show
or was I always just scars
bad memories
that wouldn't go away
break me
I've been broken before
only glue holding me together
push pins and razor blade scars
penetrate to my very soul
and hurt me
break me just a little more
I'll pick myself up
one more time
or that's what you think
to justify
the pain you're inflicting
break me
I can take the pain


smoke curls in front of my face
the hairnet makes my head itch
take another drag
watch the smoke cloud over the brilliant blue sky
red car, white car, my car, Renee's SUV
towering over the rest
an old red tractor sits next to the shed
I wonder what they use it for
the air conditioner hums next to me
drownig out the sounds of the birds
I imagine the sounds of the birds
I think would be chirping if the hum wasn't quite so loud
maybe there are no birds
maybe there would be only silence
and the occasional door slamming
as others escape the confines of the cheery building
for a smoke
I watch the smoke cover the blue sky
take another drag, feel the burning in my lungs
stub it out and return to the real world


Smells like flowers
Swirling around my car
Just before the rain
My clothes already soaked
From the water of the lake
The thunder sounds
Lightning crashes
In the distance
The rain starts pouring
To wash my world clean


Sometimes when it's dark
and the world is still
I wonder
I wonder if I'm still alive
If one of those near death experiences
Was much less near
And so much death
Am I breathing
there is no pain
You are receiving
I wonder if this is heaven
Or possibly


Moon to my right
Stars straight ahead
Planes streaking across the night sky
You in my mind
Lighting up the world
Moon to the right
The rest of the world left
Left us behind
To be here together
Just us and the night sky

summerteeth ♥

she wants to breathe this summer
air until her lungs
explode and pieces of her
fall near the girl she loves
washing over like an ash
on her face
and in
the lungs;
drawing circles
in the grey
that swirls over everything
her one light in this
grayscale world
beautiful like the sun
blinding light
burning retinas
scorching images
into minds
© Copyright 2010 Marginal Shakespeare (tierneyisrael at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1685114-spacemakesroomforyoutobreakmyheart