Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1685954-A-Mistake
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1685954
A Mistake.
A Mistake

The man stood. Unchanging. Unmoving. Emotionless. His lawyer, Jacob Dalton, was a rookie in this proffession. His client, Lani Mirc, has been accused of stabbing four people, a mother, a father and their two children to death in cold blood in their own home. This was Jacob’s first case, as the other lawyers refused the case and although they urged Jacob to do the same, he ignored them. As he believed you couldn’t refuse a case just because of your feelings, he believed in dancing to a different beat. He also partially wanted to prove himself in the eyes of his boss, to show what a wondeful asset he is to the team. However, after only spending a week with this man, Jacob began to feel uncomfortable around him. His blank stares, his lack of emotion, basically his lack of everything made Jacob feel unnerved. He knew he couldn’t back out now, thinking of the shame he would bring on the company and how he, Jacob had failed on his first case.

Lani stood there motionless, as he had all day. Jacob knew what he had to say, he knew there were no cold hard facts to convict his client, he was only accused because of the circumstances he was in.

“Ladies and gentlemen, whilst we sit here waiting for the Court to decide whether my client here is guilty or not, the real criminal, the real killer is out there, planning his next move, or perhaps he has already struck and is now waiting for another innocent bystander to get accused”.

These lines, made the police officers shuffle nervously and fidget their caps and badges.

Now the trial was over. The jury have decided and were handing over the papers that determined Lani’s future. The courtroom went deathly quiet.

“We… the jury… find the defendant… not guilty”.

There was an uproar, families and friends of the victim started weeping, but his client strided out of the courtroom, emotionless as ever. Jacob, quickly pursued his client, but as he turned the corner, his client stopped. Lani then slowly  rotated his neck around to face him. With his white, almost pupiless eyes fixed on Jacob, the corners of his mouth began to rise, Jacob was soon face to face with a sinister and demonic grin. As Jacob watched the departing figure, he felt repulsed and with his skin crawling uncontrollably he felt weak at the knees, unable to comprehend what had just happened. A mistake that couldn’t be fixed.

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