Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1687605-Secrete
by hey
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1687605
hope people like it
I was sat reading in a hollow tree I read for ages in the woods until someone comes to find me. Nobody came it frightens me when no one comes and looks for me it make me feel like something’s gone wrong. I closed my book and came out from the tree i was sat in; it’s a fantastic hiding place you can escape from reality in your own world. I walked through the mysterious woods and out onto the road, i skipped and sang as i came down, my red curls floating around, i stopped when i saw my mum and dad carrying boxes “were not moving are we?” i asked myself i ran up to my she noticed i was confused “Lea would you mind carrying those boxes up to the Antony’s house, there are knew neighbroughs” she said with enthusiasm. I couldn’t carry the big boxes so i took the small ones i wonder in the cottage and stood there wondering where i should put them. A woman’s voice came from behind me “those ones go up stairs dear “she said with an Italian accent she had long brown hair it went well with the plain face she had i followed her upstairs and into a small room which was filled with boxes. I stood their examining the room it was small but seemed cosy and right for a child’s room.

I heard a thump behind me i twisted round to see a boy about 10 my age standing there he had bright turquoise eyes and brown hair like his mother “My Names Carlos Antony” he said with a grin on his face “Lea but most people call me lee” before i could blink me and Carlos were playing with his toys and talking like we’d known each other are whole lives.

A  of months past and Carlos and I grew closer and closer every day.

Something bad happened in November i remember going into the woods with my mother we were walking when i bent down to tie my shoe laces up as i got back up she was nowhere to be seen i heard a screeching scream come from deep within the woods  i followed it “Mommy” No reply

I shouted and shouted i carried on walking my foot stepped on something i looked down it was a hand i followed it i let out a quick gasp and ran back to the house “Daddy” i screamed he came running down my eyes where stinging from tears “Lee what is it where’s Cathy” “in the woods” “What do you mean?” “Her face, scream, no reapply” that’s all i could get out he shouted my Aunt and told her to call the police and stay here.

The police had come just before my dad had came back carrying my mum “ Get Lea Upstairs Now” he ordered my Aunt in a harsh tone my aunts eyes where fixed on the body but she managed to get up stairs she hugged me until I fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning thinking that last night was a nightmare but i soon remembered it was real,

I walked down stairs I heard arguing coming from the kitchen i avoided going in there and headed for the library i opened the door, and walked in slowly no one had touched or moved anything, it was all in the same place from yesterday papers scattered everywhere books turned over as if someone was looking for something.

A couple of months past, everyone seemed to have forgotten about my mother’s death it was in November when my dad finally snapped “ I can’t take this anymore” my Aunt and my cousin looked at him “What do you mean” Aunty Helen said “ Me and Lea Are moving NOW” he shouted and my Aunty as if it was her fault “ Let’s talk this over” “Daddy i don’t want to go” he ignored me and grabbed my arm we left my Aunt and her Daughter standing there staring at us. As my dad pulled out the house and pushed me in the car Carlos came out he was smiling at me thinking i was going out for the day but didn’t know i wasn’t coming back. My Dad ran into the house packed all my things and got in the car and we quickly drove away. We moved to England i made lots of friends but never forgot about my life in Hampton bays

Six Years later

My Aunt wrote to me saying that i should come for the summer  i asked and begged my dad to let me go “ You Might not be ready” “i am I’ve gotten over mum ” He brushed my long curly red hair back and let out a sigh i hugged him I knew a simple sigh was a yes. The next day i was on the plane heading for Hampton Bays i was so excited to see my aunt and cousin. The plane flight was only 9 hours. I got off the plane but before i didn’t tell me aunt to pick me up I said I’d walk. My suitcases where sent to the house  i carried on walked past the old sweet shop where i used to go  , i was admiring the view  when i heard some people laughing i turned around and pretended to look for something “ You all right?” one of them said it was a Guy his hair was brown the same colour as his milky tan “ I’m fine” he walked closer and closer i had to take a step back his eyes where turquoise he smiled at me “You look Lost” he had an American/Italian accent it sounded cute and he was to. His hair was shaggy and floated all over his face “ I’m not” “ you sure your wandering around like a lost dog” he said joking “ well I’m not the one with the hair” i said grinning “ouch that hurt” he was laughing but sounded serious i looked down at my watch 7:00pm “ you going somewhere?”He asked curiously “you don’t happen to now where the Cuthbert’s live?” “Actually i do down that road and it’s the house on the left” i turned my back and started walking when i got a few feet away “ DO I NOT GET A THANK YOU” he shouted back “IN YOUR DREAMS” i answered i walked down the road and turned to the left. I stopped at the drive way the house was exactly the same it had roses growing all over it  the small door opened and someone stepped out “Lee is that you” i walked forward quickly “ Aunt Helen?” she came running up to me and gave me a humongous hug  “ you look so different. Your hairs grown long a beautifully curly” i smiled at her someone else was at the door “lea?” “Sally” i gave her a hug and she led me inside and in the living room i sat down and started filling the in on what I’ve been doing. Sally was quite but she got excited when the door bell rang, she answered it and bought someone in the living room “Well hello their lost” I recognised the voice “Shaggy?” I replied I must off done something he stood there and stared at me “Lea” i looked up how did he know my name “It’s me Carlos”  i stood up and examined him i recognised the small round face and chubby little boy i used to no “you look wow” i said astonished  “ you look different” “good or bad?” “Good” his cheeks went red when he answered i looked back at sally her face was all screwed up. It went silent “Let’s let Lea and Carlos talks for a bit. Come on sally” they walked out the room “ do you want to go for a walk” i suggested he got up and we walked outside along the beach “ why did you leave” i bit my lip for a bit thinking what i should say “ my dad didn’t want to stay it reminded him to much of my mum” “ You could off called” “i no i was just to upset” we walked past the old pontoons i let out a little laugh “What” he said curiously “ when we had your birth day party on the pontoons” Carlos was born in august in the summer holidays “ Oh yeah i blew out my candles and got pushed in still haven’t forgiven you for that” “ what’s up with sally?” “What do you mean” “when we were speaking she screwed up her face like she did when she was jealous” “Oh yeah were dating” he said casually  i looked at the floor and started kicking the sand “ and you’re doing that thing when you are upset about something” I stopped what I was doing  “ LEA YOU NEED TO SLEEP” my Aunts voice echoed around the whole beach “ I better go” Carlos grabbed my arm and spun me round my red curls whacking him in the face he blinked  “I’ve not dated her for ages” he said in a soft tone i can’t be in a relationship yet i don’t want to it scares me i might muck it up. i ran up the hill and into the house “ your rooms where you used to sleep” i remember the last time i was in there it was the night it happened. All my clothes where in the wardrobe I heard muffled voices from down stairs i couldn’t tell what they’re saying. I tried to walk down stairs quietly “Lea. Is that you?” she shouted  “ yeah” i whispered, i walked into the room where sally and Aunt Helen “ Lea we were wondering if you’d go to Sally’s school prom” “i can’t it’s her prom” “ it’ll be fun” sally’s voice was a whisper and sarcastic “i don’t have a date” “that doesn’t matter” My aunt said “Fine” my aunt rushed over to a bag in the corner and got out a red dress and a blue one she handed the red one to me and gave the other to Sally “Well then the proms to night so go and get ready” “WHAT” she stared at me but said nothing  i walked up stairs with sally “Sally will you help me?” “Yeah get the dress on and I’ll help with everything else” we put are dresses on but Sally wouldn’t let me look in the mirror she forced me down on a chair in my room she started putting makeup on me, i wear it but i don’t put loads on, when she finished she showed me in the mirror “Wow” “You look like your mum” “Yeah” “Well not exactly like her” “So you are you going with?” “Oh Carlos” my heart sank deep into my body , we got up and walked down stairs i looked down at my knees i noticed the dress was quite short we walked into the living room to wait for Carlos to pick us up. I walked in behind Sally my Aunt gasped with surprise but didn’t say anything we waited 5minuets for Carlos to come “wow” a deep voice came from behind me i turned around Carlos was stood behind me he kept looking at my legs then my face i quickly tucked them under me.

We arrived at prom Carlos and sally wondered of leaving me alone someone tapped my shoulder and grabbed my arm i turned my head to the side and a really tall guy was leading me inside. I was scared to shake him of in case he did anything. We walked in the middle of the dance floor right where Sally was stood she looked at me she must of seen my expression on my face, i was mortified, scared. I looked his up at him his long scary face was looking at me but his eyes were on the girl dancing next to us. He placed his hands on my hips and leaned in ready to kiss me i leaned back. My foot slipped i spun around my face smashed into the punch bowl as I stood up soaking wet i heard laughter behind me, i ran out of the hall  all the way outside. I walked home by myself Leaaaa i heard a whisper, the hair on my skin prickled i turned my head slightly to see a dark shadow following me  i started to run so did the shadow, i couldn’t see what i was doing or going but i tripped over a tree root, i quickly got up and ran into the woods  the shadow couldn’t see me in here, i still carried on running, i stopped when i recognised a signing on the tree Lea was here with sally  it’s the tree with the whole in it where i used to sit  i looked deep into the woods and remembered this was where my mother had died, a twig snapped some way of behind me , i had no choice but to had to squeeze myself into the hole the shadow got closer and closer, my Breathing got quicker and quicker the shadow was stood outside where i was hiding i saw its feet muddy but was wearing smart shoes the shadow bent down and looked straight at me. “Lea” it whispered, i didn’t say anything or move “it’s me Carlos” i let go off my breath, his hand came into view i held it and he pulled me out “someone was following me” he bit his lip and looked at the floor as if he was hiding something “it was me”  i took a step back suddenly scared of what he wanted “why?” “i can’t speak here  they’ll be listening” has he gone mad nobody has ever lived in the woods, but i have been gone for a long time “who?” “i can’t tell you now” he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the woods “Now can you please tell me why you where following me your starting to scare me” i looked in his eyes pain was written all over his face

“I’ll walk you home” his face was tense but frightened as well “I don’t need walking home” i said shoving him of me    but this hurt his feelings so he moved right in front of me so are faces where nearly touching “Things have changed Lee”  “LIKE WHAT” I shouted at him frustrated he turned his head to check if someone was here “People.Friends.Family they go into the woods and never come out they send their relatives crazy thinking that they’re still alive” i took a step back looking down at my feet “ That’s why i followed you” he bit his lip again lying “Lire tell me the truth” he let out a deep sigh “ ever since your mum died people have changed even I have” I took another step back “what do you mean?” my voice came out all shaky and scared “i shouldn’t be speaking to you when its dark they’ll here” “Carlos you’ve gone ma he interrupted me he came so close i couldn’t finish my sentence he kissed me softly i kissed him with all my life i loved him he kissed me harder like we had no time left. A twig snapped Carlos pulled me close to him as if he was protecting me from something or someone in his case; he started walking faster and faster.

He took me around sharp turns i didn’t know where i was going but he did “where you taking me?” “Back to your Aunts” “why?” he didn’t answer i got scared but i didn’t want to tell him we reached the end of my Aunts house “you don’t have to walk me to the door” he stopped and stared at my face “punch bowl?” he said jokingly “yeah” he touched my cheek but then he checked around him again and kissed me on the cheek turned and left me he walked of quickly into the darkness.

The door was unlocked but no one was in “Aunt Helen you there?” no answer i walked into the kitchen there was a note on the door I knew you’d come home and not go to any after parties I’ve popped out for a meal with some friends I’ll be back at 12:00 there’s some food in the fridge. i wasn’t that hungry all i could think about was what the hell Carlos was going on about who was he talking about and who where they, i picked up the phone which was on the kitchen table and rang his number no one answered, i brought it up to my room with me just in case anyone rang. 

I heard my aunt walk in and close the door, she quietly walked up the stairs and into her room.

I heard someone in my room i opened my eyes quickly, i looked around no one was there, my door was wide open, but i had closed it fully, someone was breathing down my neck i got up and ran down the stairs almost falling. I tripped and fell down them, i opened my eyes and looked up someone was stood in front of me. I fell unconscious. My eyes fluttered open, where am i? I whispered to myself, i couldn’t see, my head began to ace like I’d been hit on the head with a rock.

“Lea are you ok” i panicked and looked around my eyes slowly adjusted “who are you” I stuttered “what do you mean who am I it’s me sally” i let out a deep sigh “i found you at the bottom of the stairs unconscious” “I’m fine” I told her lying i very slowly got up and i sought of swayed to the side sally reached out and touched my shoulder.

She helped me walk into the kitchen and get something to eat she made me some pancakes “I’m so sorry about last night” “its fine” “I feel really guilty” “it’s fine i didn’t want to go anyway” “Not that” i looked at her confused “i no that Carlos really likes you and it was stupid of me to try and get him to like me again” “it’s ok i understand” she grinned back at me i never noticed but sally was beautiful her blonde hair was always straight it suited her whenever i straightened my hair it looked horrible.

“I can i ask you something” i said to her she looked up quickly “ Carlos said there’s something in the woods or someone” her face went pale her eyes darted everywhere like little flies  “Tell me the truth Sally is there someone in the woods?” “I can’t tell you” “why” i argued with her in a frustrated tone “Carlos will when he’s ready” her voice was shaking, five minutes had gone and she left me, i didn’t bother to tell her about the shadow in my room, she’ll deny it.

I decided to go for a walk i was outside the woods where Carlos had led me last night, i walked init i carried on walking until i got to the tree, i was astonished at the scratches i took a quick step back and decided to turn around, but i couldn’t or wouldn’t i wanted to further and further into the woods, tall trees gaped over my head, Birds? Where were they no birds singing nothing just silence, i hate silence it scares me like something’s going to happen “You shouldn’t be here” a deep and angry voice came from behind me i turned around “Carlos” I said surprised he wouldn’t let me see his face properly i looked down at his arms they were all bruised and scratched i took a step closer to him and lifted up his chin, so i could see his face properly , i gasped in shock someone had punched him “What happened why are you all scratched and bruised” “You need to go” “Why?” “It’s not safe for you” “why are you here then?” he looked at me this time properly “Your head” he stuttered “i fell”

He opened his mouth to speak but a different voice came out “Well what do we have here Carlos” it said mockingly he pushed me back so i was stood behind him Carlos said nothing he just stood there in front of me with his fists clenched, he quickly stepped forward to where the voice was coming from i heard mumbled voices, but Carlos didn’t come out someone else did, he walked slowly towards me Carlos followed behind, the man was stood in front of me his skin pale like snow, his eyes are redder than my hair, is hair colour was the same as a tree stump. He studied me with his eyes looking me up and down Carlos’s face was covered up by his shaggy hair I couldn’t see his expression, “Who are you” the man was shocked by my voice “Carlos didn’t mention me” he said jokingly “I’m his older brother Damien” “Brother?” i walked over to Carlos  he turned his head to the side trying not to meet my eyes “But your skin it’s so pale” he grinned at me taking a step closer to where i was stood “what are you?” i said curiously “well I’m glad you asked that I’m a vampire” I took a step away from him i was going to runaway but Carlos reached out for me his grip was tight i wined he quickly let go but Carlos is.. He interrupted me “he had a choice i didn’t but don’t worry we don’t drink humans” “We as in there’s more of you” I said feeling a little more comfortable “ten or twenty” “Carlos could you please tell her why you actually didn’t let her in the woods Damien he said that and started walking off “I don’t want you hear” Carlos was looking at me his face angry as if I’d done something wrong “Tell me the truth” “there’s someone else here looking for you he’s been tracking you and watching you where ever you go waiting for the right moment to attack” his eyes were staring at mine scared and confused “ the shadow in your room was him if sally hadn’t off been there you wouldn’t be here now” he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight “tell me what happened to my mum I know you know” he took a deep breath let go of me and looked at me “Your mum heard him in the woods following you so by protecting you she went to distract him, she had no idea what he was and capable of, he was blood thirsty and took your mum as an opportunity but what he wanted the most was you we’ve been protecting you ever since you left”. My hart heart from hearing what he’d told me, now this man was after me tears welled up in my eyes “Lea I’m so sorry” he hugged me again i could hear him breathing long deep breaths “You can’t go back to your Aunts you have to stay with Damien” “i don’t want to” “you have no choice” “Can’t you stay as well?” “I am but first we need to take you to where he is and the others” we walked deeper and deeper into the woods i soon got confused and didn’t know if Carlos actually knew where we’re going, it began to get dark as it did Carlos pulled me closer “how did Damien become a vampire?”I wanted full detail, but what i didn’t get was why Carlos didn’t tell me he had a brother. “He went out at night with me in Italy we thought this gang was like us but they weren’t we started annoying them and joking around they took it the wrong way and started attacking us before i could help Damien one had bitten him” i could see a tear pouring down his cheek, he noticed that i could see him crying and turned his head, so i could only see his neck, i examined it warily there were to pink scars i gasped and stopped walking “they bit you” i said scared stiff he pulled me so I’d start walking “i got away before they could do anything else but the venom still went in me” his mood had changed it was slightly happy and anxious “your part vampire?” “Yes” he said quickly.

We stopped walking. It was very dark I couldn’t see anything in front of me , Carlos left my side i was stood there alone, thing started to move in the distance twigs snapped something was out there and it was after me. Carlos came back and touched my hand he held it tightly and walked me to this tree he knocked three times then it opened, he guided me in, we stopped and he switched some lights on, i blinked twice to make sure i wasn’t dreaming. I was in a cave it was magnificent  it had beautiful crystals in the walls, we walked further and further into the cave, i began to see other vampires glaring at me, how could i be safe here they’d kill me in one second.

Carlos greeted everyone he saw there must have been thousands of them. They all stared at me, pale faces everywhere with maroon eyes “don’t worry they won’t hurt you” I looked up at him he was smiling when ever Carlos smiles I do I can’t help it. We got to a door he pushed it open and there where mattresses on the floor, Damien was sat on one with holly? “Lea” she ran to me and gave me a hug “You know Damien?”She pulled me to the side “yeah” she blushed she likes him “you like him” “I do but” I interrupted her “so go and tell him” “I cant” “why?” “He’s a Vampire” “so is Carlos just tell him” she smiled at me and walked over to Damien he got up quickly looking in her eyes  her lips moved but he kissed her before she finished.

I heard footsteps getting faster and faster they reached are door a loud knocking came from it. Carlos opened it a small stocky looking vampire walked in with blonde hair his face was shocked, he saw me standing there and blinked twice then smiled he walked quickly up to Damien who was holding Sally’s hand “he’s in New York it will only take him 24 hours until he reaches us” “What time” Damien demanded “I don’t no maybe 2am” “that’s not enough time” Carlos’s voice came from behind Angrily, he put his arms around my waist “ where Vampires with all of us together we’ll win” Damien he said so confident that he could persuade anyone. “But i thought there was only one” i asked “he’s been assembling others calling great Vampires to help him” my skin prickled i shivered at the thought of seeing the man “what’s his name? I need to know just in case i hear him or see him like before” Damien answered again “his names Vixen. You’ve seen him when and where?” “in my room at night sometimes he’s just a shadow  i can hear him calling out my name” “ if he can access into your mind then he’s close very close if you ever see him you need to tell us” i nodded in agreement Carlos’s hands grew tighter around me “I’ll always be close to you” he whispered in a hushed tone then left to go and practice fighting.

Hours and hours past while Carlos Damien and the other vampires where out practicing me and sally stayed back at the cave we walked around checking everything, all the doors where open but one we walked towards it, Sally pushed it open, it creaked i walked in first but slowly making sure nothing was in here the lights flickered on sensing are movement, there were pictures everywhere, Sally stood still her hand over her mouth “what?” “My dad he was here in this cave” she touched the picture, a tear running down her cheek i hugged her tightly, her dad died in a car crash before she was born, my shirt was soaking by the time I let go “Lea look?” i looked up at the picture she was pointing to it was off me and my mum but when i was a baby “you look just like her” i didn’t cry i couldn’t i was happy to see a picture of my mum smiling “i think we’d better go” i said walking out of the room i saw Damien for the first time he wasn’t near anything dark he had golden hair which went well with his pale face and red eyes but somehow i knew he wasn’t quite related to Carlos but i didn’t want it to seem like i was nosey so i didn’t ask.

They Carlos and Damien came back hair all swept back but they here smiling and joking around but when they looked at me smiles faded and Carlos’s protective face was on. I must of dosed of because i was in a strange place it was dark creepy the kind of place where nightmares came alive i heard a voice calling my name again like the one before i began to sweat with fear “I’m coming to get you Lea no one can stop me” it said over and over again mocking me. I jumped up coming out of my nightmare taking short breaths wheezing for air, Carlos’s face soon came into view he was worried scared “what what is it?” he ask anxiously  “i heard him i hear vixen he said nobody’s going to stop him” i managed to get it out  Damien was behind him taking in everything i said and then ran off “i don’t want you to go” “i have to protect you i have to go” his hands touched my fore head moving my hair from my face “you’ll get hurt” i said while sobbing i put my hand down realising i was on a mattress Carlos climbed on next to me I lay down  sleepily clutching his arms around my waste, he kissed my neck and I fell asleep again.

I woke up in a bizarre place it was gloomy no windows nothing just pure blackness not even sound i panicked wondering what’s going to happen to me. “Lea” a voice whispered through the darkness  eerily “who is this where am I” I stuttered “you don’t remember me I’m your nightmares” my nightmares “vixen” i whispered a loud laughter filled the room “What do you want” i said scared Vixen laughed again i curled up into a tight ball trying to be invisible, I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer i felt his hand run down my arm he was examining me, he breathed in air through his nose and groaned, “Pure blood” he said again and again. His hands wrapped around my neck forcing me to break out of my ball. I gasped for air wrapping my hands around his arms. His face i couldn’t see it. He brought me closer and closer to him. His eyes fully black even the bits that aren’t supposed to be, he has scratches all over his face, his lips where fully red.  He lifted me up his hands still around my neck. My feet scraped against the ground soon i couldn’t feel it under me. Vixen laughed again he pitted me and despised me. His arms came back. I felt his grip loosen around my neck. He threw me across the darkness, my back thudded against the rock I screamed as loud as i could. I struggled to stand up my limbs weren’t reacting. I couldn’t see him, i could only hear him breathing his feet shuffled across the floor but stopped.

“How did I get here” i managed to get out my throat hurt from the loud scream “i didn’t bring you here you did” his voice was sturdy and startling i didn’t say anything. “i sleep walked” i muttered. He laughed again but stopped and came closer to me this time his hand gripping my leg, his sharp fingernails dug deeper and deeper into my skin; i felt a razor-sharp pain ripping through my leg i let out a high pitch scream so anyone who was nearby should be able to hear. His hand came up, he put it over my mouth, i jumped feeling how cold he was.

I heard someone else’s feet behind him they pulled him back i heard him smash into the wall, the feet where getting near to me, they stopped and bent down they touched my leg and came across blood. They ran back to vixen i heard sounds someone was gasping for air i heard punching scratching and the most sickening sound ever a bone cracking. Someone screamed i heard other voices coming they where stood where the screaming came from. Someone ran toward me they bent down. There face right next to mine “Lee you’ve lost a lot of blood” “Sa...I fell into unconsciousness.

I woke up in my bedroom. Not in England but in my aunt’s house I was attached to a machine it was monitoring my heart rate. I scanned the room trying to find some questions to what happened last night, “LEA your awake” a excited voice came from the corner of my room my Aunt Helen ran up to me. I tried to sit up but the pain from my leg made me go stiff. Seeing me struggle my Aunt helped me “what happened?”i croaked out my voice was dry and brittle “you got up and started walking in the night we thought you might of gone to the toilet but you went for a while, so we started looking for you, when Carlos went missing we knew who had you, but by the time Damien and Sally had got there Vixen was already dead” “Carlos is he ok” I asked anxiously she turned her head over to a chair, he was sat there snoring like he’d never been asleep, i smiled gladly that he wasn’t hurt.

I slept for a little longer, when i woke up Carlos was sat next to me his hand stroking my face but he stopped and looked away, i sat up but couldn’t, I fell on my back Carlos’s hands quickly caught me he Wrapped around me he pulled me close to his chest. I lifted my hand up and stroked his bronzed face his turquoise eyes staring into mine “I’ll all ways be here for you not matter what or where you are” he kissed me but not like before more sensitive.

My father and i moved back to Hampton bays and we live in the cottage with my Aunt just like old times, I’m still in danger though because i no about vampires but i have Carlos Damien and holly and there other friends looking out for me i found out more about my family, apparently this secret has been going on for decades ever since my family moved here we’ve been keeping the public from what they think there nightmares are but could really be there closet’s friends.

© Copyright 2010 hey (07wardg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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