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by Ana Ng
Rated: E · Short Story · Dark · #1690205
Make a decision.
The blade was cold on my neck.
Why was it there? Who was behind me? Or…what was behind me? I couldn’t turn around to look. I couldn’t move at all. Not only paralyzed by fear.
I was standing at the edge. The edge of my life, the edge of the line, and the edge of a cliff.
The blade was moved closer to my throat.
I could hear whatever it was behind me breathing. I wanted to move or scream or do something, but I couldn’t. If I did it would all be gone in a flash of colour and a scream. But if I didn’t the same would happen. But in that situation, a scream and the feeling of blood dripping down my neck. The cold red liquid would run down my back and would send chills up my once less-tense spine.
Now all of my bones were rigid with fear.
The blade was bushed harder still into my neck. I stood still as a single drop of blood ran down my neck and chest.
I wanted to scream.
“Mmkay you, we’ve come to a decision.” said the person behind me with a shove. He laughed and continued. “you’ve got one hour to make a choice, alright? You can either jump, or….well,  when you decide…” he laughed again, and said nothing more.
The blade was held to my neck firmly yet again as I began to panic. What was I supposed to do? I had to think fast.
But why would I want to think fast if your thinking will lead to your demise?
I decided to break it down. Which would be more painful?
Well, the knife thing I would be conscious but jumping off of a cliff? They were both terrible. Too tough.
Which would be the quickest death?
Being cut and bled would take forever. I would be screaming and everything. But jumping off of a cliff? That would include falling and freaking out because I’m about to hit the bottom and screaming and crying out…
That question wasn’t helping either.
I wondered how much time had passed. I was guessing about 5 minutes but I knew I was way off. The person behind me hissed
“Twenty minutes.”
I cringed. What was I supposed to do?
Then I closed my eyes.
I opened them.
Looking down I saw the bottom. There were rocks. I remember lots and lots of rocks being at the bottom of the terrifying cliff. I had made a decision.
I was going to jump.
It took me 10 whole minutes to get me ready to jump. After those minutes…I was ready. I threw my captor’s arm from around my neck. The blade flew backwards as I stepped closer to the edge.
And then I threw myself off, waiting for the scream and the flash of colour like a knife to the neck…

The End
© Copyright 2010 Ana Ng (bellatrix2223 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690205-Like-a-Knife-to-the-Neck