Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690337-The-River-Knows
Rated: E · Poetry · Death · #1690337
A poem in which death lurks... But is it murder?
The River Knows

As I wandered the river bank
Mud squished below and between each toe
It squelched and it sucked
Around my feet, reluctantly released
And water seeped slow.

The birds didn’t sing
Twas eerie and hushed where the river rushed
Something pale caught my eye
Caught at the edge amongst roots and sedge
Mangled and crushed.

I watched as it swirled
Bobbed and sank, bobbed and sank
In unrestrained torrents
Emotional, wet, angry, upset
Dingy and dank.

As I stepped near
There on the mud traces of blood
A memory half-surfaced
Familiar it fleeted but still uncompleted
Twas nipped in the bud.

I stood undecided
Feeling compelled and also repelled
Caught in the moment
Stuck between caring and not really daring
Ensnared and en-spelled.

The atmosphere darkened
The gathering gloom threatening doom
I crept from the place
Away from the sight steeped in twilight
The watery tomb...
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690337-The-River-Knows